And then Circus finally put down his vanilla coke with a little umbrella in it and answered these ****ing questions...
What are you up to? How've you been? How's thug life?
I’m up to no good; been hustlin’. Thug life is obviously going swimmingly.
In all seriousness, I have no idea how or what I was doing back when you asked this question, but I’m doing well now. Neck deep in Washingtons and girl scout cookies. It's pretty real.
How do you feel your style has evolved over the years? Where did you start off? What have you improved? What are you still improving?
I think I’ve followed a pretty well-tread path. I started out pretty newby and naive and stupid, and now I’m still that, but I’m also a Jerk (callforward).
I do think I’ve generally gotten better at actually focusing on intent rather than initial perception, but I still tunnel hard, then question my reads when I shouldn’t. Basically, I still haven’t gotten the hang of when I’m onto something real that I should dig deeper into and when I should open up my options, and that usually causes me to do both, in the same game, at the wrong times.
Mafia arch-nemesis as town and why?
You. Obviously. If you have a sidekick in this scenario, it’s J. Which is part of what made the endgame of Pulp Fiction mafia
so freaking balls.
As scum and why?
Still you. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.
What are some of your favorite movies?
So I went to answer this question and ended up writing a short novel instead. Here’s a quick list of the films I touch on in the collapse tag below, as well as several others. Fair warning: don’t open the collapse tag unless you are interested in reading me ramble about random movies incoherently for several paragraphs.
Up, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Fight Club, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Terminator 1&2, Kung Fu Panda, Where The Wild Things Are, Alvin and The Chipmunks Meet The Wolfman (would not even know where to begin to explain this to you, so don’t ask), Edward Scissorhands
And then lots of more obvious ones that I feel like a tool for even mentioning: Harry Potter franchise, original Star Wars trilogy, the first Matrix, basically any movie I’ve seen from Christopher Nolan
I love watching more indie, character driven stuff too, but the stuff that ends up really sticking with me and becoming “favorites” often ends up being the bigger, cheesier, go-right-for-my-inner-child-or-bleeding-heart kind of stuff.
[COLLAPSE="The Rambling"]This will be difficult to keep concise. I like a lot of movies. SPOILER WARNING: I’m not going to censor myself in regards to plot points for any of the movies I mention in the next few paragraphs. TL;DR WARNING: This answer is too long; don’t read it.
To knock out a bunch, it’s easy to say that I love Disney and Pixar, and animated movies in general. If I were to list my top 5 favorites, depending on my mood at the time, it would be very easy for me to fill the list without mentioning a single movie with any actual humans physically being on screen in any of them.
Up is my favorite Pixar film, which I think might be an unusual opinion. It’s one of my absolute favorite movies, period. I don’t even need to talk about the growing up montage toward the beginning; everyone knows that’s perfect film making right there. But even at the end, everything wraps up really nicely without feeling forced or overly cheesy. Carl making piece with his promise to Ellie by letting go of the house (and it still makes it to Paradise Falls) is obviously done really elegantly, but I also really appreciated Russel’s story with his dad (or lack thereof). I’ll stop here to keep from rambling.
Would be way too difficult to pick a single classic Disney one, but Aladdin and Beauty and The Beast would be in top tier somewhere. I think it’s the music in those that sort of set them apart for me. The Jungle Book also used to be a big movie for me growing up, and The Fox and The Hound still makes me bawl like a baby. I also have kind of weird attachments to The Aristocats, The Rescuers movies, and The Great Mouse Detective. Must be my inner furry. Also, Kung Fu Panda.
The Nightmare Before Christmas is one of my all-time favorites. The aesthetic of that movie still informs a lot of my artistic preferences to this day, and the songs are great. And that movie made me a lifetime supporter of stop motion animation. The Jack and Sally relationship is pretty forced, which made all the emo-kid, Jack-and-Sally references pretty annoying growing up, but whatever. Also put Tim Burton on my radar, despite the fact that he didn’t actually direct that movie. I’m still a fan of most of his pre-new millennium movies: Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Ed Wood, Sleepy Hollow, etc. The general tone of a lot of those movies—the combination of the macabre or horrific with humor, is something that always really spoke to me for some reason.
And now for something completely different!
Absolutely love Fight Club. Watched that movie for the first time years after it came out (obviously) and already knew the twist, but still adored it. It starts to fall apart a bit once it gets into Project Mayhem, but up until then it’s really interesting meditation on the average American (specifically, the average male American) adult’s existence, and what it should be, and what really matters in one’s life (punching other other men in the face, repeatedly, obviously). The cast is great, the cinematography is amazing, and it made me a lifelong David Fincher fan.
My god, I could go on, but I’ll spare everyone and just move on. Harry Potter franchise. Okay, now I’m done. Where The Wild Things Are. ****, I could go into such a dissection of that movie. NO, MOVING ON.
It’s a good thing Rockin didn’t have to deal with that question.[/COLLAPSE]
You're in a large game, as a townie, that is apparently going to be very difficult. What townies do you absolutely want on your side, and why?
Hard to say. There are people that are very good that I would like on my side, but if they are very good and I don’t
know they’re on my side, then I’ll probably get overly paranoid of them. Generally, speaking, I love having any kind of experienced player on my side just so I don’t have to entertain the dumb-or-scum scenario as much.
Same question, except for scum and scumbuddies.
Overswarm, because he’s the man with the plan and he’s good at manipulation. You [EE], because come on. And if I get another, either Nabe because we’ve already been successful together, or maybe J, because it would be so easy to distance him.
How do you approach the game, nowadays, as town or as scum? What's your M.O.?
My H.O.M.O. (Honest Official Main Objective) is to find the peg that’s sticking up and hammer it ‘til one of us is dead or a new peg catches my eye. Not always the best approach, I’ll admit.
Whom would you love to manipulate as scum? Whom would you never want to have to manipulate?
In regards to the former, this is a boring answer, but it’s the most accurate: Anyone I could. I don’t think manipulation is my strongest suit, so whoever would buy my bull**** is who I would sell to. It’s kind of like the “who would you like on your town team” question. I would love to manipulate newer players, but trying to manipulate experienced ones is always going to be an uphill battle. If I could, I’d love to get you or J though, just because of how sweet it would taste.
Apparently you were going to play X-Men as Gambit way back in the day. How were you gonna do that without AIM, you homo?
I would have made it work, you hetero. Er, mon ami.
Best personal play and/or game as town? As scum?
As town, I feel like I’m usually pretty consistent. I can sniff out one mafioso, and then I kind of fall apart. I guess maybe Majora’s Mask. I wasn’t great, but I feel like I at least played a pretty large role in getting Dastrn lynched D1, stayed active, and was able to keep my reads relatively accurate up until I died.
As scum, I think it’s gotta be Left 4 Scum, which was actually my first time playing as mafia. I managed to survive that game long enough to alpha with my teammates on D3, after getting somewhat hounded on earlier Days. That victory was really satisfying for me just because it was my first time trying out the alignment, along with the comeback element. Though it was also a strangely structured game, so I think that favored me even more. In terms of raw scum-playing ability and actually dealing with proper challenges, Super Heroes might actually be a better choice even though I did get lynched. And that was my second game as mafia.
Basically, I get worse at being scum as time goes on, is what I'm saying.
Best play and/or game you've ever witness from another town(ie) or scum(my)?
I don’t know if “best” is really the appropriate word, but Nabe’s play in Super Heroes is one that I'll always remember. He just played so fast and loose with his claim and he still won it at the end, without a killing ability, and with the other townies basically having every reason to lynch him.
Also, Xonar absolutely
owned town in Fire & Lightning Mafia. That was pretty impressive.
Why does Gheb smell like a poopy butt?
Make a joke about Rockin.
If the van’s a Rockin, don’t come-a knockin’... because there’s probably butt sex goin’ on in there!
Allow me to grade myself: Nice setup; fumbled the punchline. 3/5 Needs work.
Quick! You have James Bond captive and it is mandatory that you kill him in a drawn out and humiliating manner. How do you accomplish this and what do you say in your evil monologue?
Not being much of a sadist, this will be difficult for me. I’m thinking of something involving him being forced to sing in public, in the cold, naked. Because non-singers singing is humiliating, as are small penises, according to Humor Theory. And then when he hits the last note of the song, it triggers a collar on his neck to explode, because I’ve seen things like that happen in movies before.
What’s he singing, you ask? Probably
As for monologuing, are you kiddin’ me? Next you’ll be asking me
what kind of cape I would wear.
How and why did you find dGames, and what got you interested in Mafia?
When I got Broomed many, many moons ago, Tom (and others) pushed me to join a mafia game that was going to be running there soon (it was TMNT mafia, and I think they were in dire need of warm bodies to fill the roster). I did it, and I was terrible, but I had a lot of fun. Then I started visiting Dgames to get more mafia in my life, and here we are. Like the stain that will never quite wash off, I linger.
If you found $5 in your pocket what would you spend it on?
But for real-real, it would likely end up going toward food or a movie ticket. Those are basically the only things my cash ever gets spent on.
If I met you in real life, would you buy me a pizza?
If I’m buyin’ you dinner, I best be gettin’ something in return, namean?
Yeah, that’s right. Gratitude.
I think you may have something I don't. Tell me what that is. I have some cats here. Um. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to steal your cat if I stole your cat. Sorry.
What do you think of the nickname Circa Dur?
Terrible. But it’s better than Clown, and it makes me think of South Park, and that amuses me.
On this note, what do you think of this video:
If you could redo Hep Alien, what would you change with your approach?
I mean, if I were a perfect player, I would have made her quite a bit more active and assertive, but I flatout didn’t have the time and patience to do that with her. Would probably play her from more of an eager mafia enthusiast trying to prove herself to the group perspective rather than some timid background player. But that would have required a lot more effort from me.
Also wouldn’t have jumped on the Boba Fett thing so haphazardly.
Where did Jerkus come from?
This is actually kind of a fuzzy memory for me. When I got Broomed, I think someone made some joke along the lines of “Circus? More like
Jerkus, am I right?” I think maybe it also had something to do with the fact that my name, at the time, was actually “Nothing Rhymes with Circus” and someone may have been poking fun at that, as many seemed obliged to do at the time.
I’m sure I’ll regret saying this, but I think part of what helped it kind of stick was the fact that someone (in my head, it’s Virg) parlayed “Circus/Jerkus” into “Circle Jerkus.” The internet loves penis jokes.
Apparently Overswarm thinks he knows the answer to this question, so maybe he has a better idea.
From SOUP:
We should have a detroit meet-up sometime Jerkus, do you agree?
ps, it doesn't have to be Detroit though.
I guess I’d never say never. But I’m an eccentric, antisocial hermit of a thing, straight out of an episode of Scooby-Doo, so I’d probably be happier sittin’ on my rickety front porch, threatening passersby with my “boomstick.”
On a scale of 1-10, how fun was HP mafia?
SO fun. Except for that part where I died Night 1.
Reading it though was legitimately enjoyable though, at least at first. Then it got very sad. Maybe a 6 to a light 7 overall. Potential of 10.
What was your favorite part of HP mafia?
The part where I guessed the true theme on D1. Like a boss.
Just how oldschool are you?
Old school enough to remember when you didn’t need to get your setups reviewed by a mod to host a game. And to have played in a game with Eor.
Who's your favorite player to watch play (note that I'm not necessarily asking for the player that you think is the best, just the one that you think is the most entertaining)?
The players that I find most entertaining in mafia games are the same players I find most entertaining out of mafia games: EE, Nabe, Asdioh, J, Soup, Swiss, Gorf, plenty of others. Just anyone who can keep things fun.
What's your favorite setup that you've played in?
Honestly, my all-time favorite setup that I’ve played in is probably M3D’s TMNT mafia in the Broom. I’ve been in a lot of cool, innovative setups, but that one has a special place in my heart just because I got to do a lot of things in it, which was really cool for a first mafia experience. It gave me the bug, hard.
If you could of picked any role to have gotten in PF (besides the one that you got), what would it of been?
Would have loved to have gotten the Cop, just because I’ve never actually gotten to play a normal Cop before. I was a Comparison Cop in F&L Mafia, but that’s not quite the same thing, and I was
basically a Cop in HP Mafia, but I never got to use my ability.
Also would have loved to be Jules Winnfield, just so I could be Jules Winnfield.
Who would be your 5 Dgamers to hang out with IRL if you could?
EE, Nabe, Asdioh, Soup, and maybe J? I don’t know, people can be very different in meatspace as compared to the internet. I don’t know how well we’d get along. Those are basically just the top 5 people I find myself amused by who I feel appear frequently enough in Dgames to count. There are plenty of others that I could place at about the same level.
From NICHOLAS1024:
What was your reaction to my deadline wagon on you in Megaman X mafia?
Any idea why town just fell apart D2 onwards in that game?
I had a good team for the situation that my death left the town in. JTB was able to stay off of people’s radar for a while, and Inferno was newbie enough for no one to really pay attention to him until much, much later in the game, when he was able to claim Doc and no one gave him a second look after that. So the town basically just limited themselves to a lynchpool composed entirely of themselves.
Also, Gheb/Adum tunneled Ryker due to my interactions with him much more intensely than I had anticipated, which inhibited town’s progress quite a bit. Despite getting lynched D1 completely unintentionally and sort of randomly, I think my flip ultimately had a pretty positive effect for my side.
Where have you been between Wonderland Mafia and Megaman X Mafia? I haven't seen you around too much.
For a large amount of time, I was just on hiatus from smashboards and kind of the internet in general. Just needed a kind of personal timeout. But then I came back and played in, like, 3 games before I signed up for Megaman X, so I don’t know where you were for that, heh.
Speaking of Wonderland mafia, and nostalgic memories from that game? Personally, I'll never forget Riddle getting nailed in RVS or Xiivi's messages...
Very much enjoyed that game, but I tend to think more about some of the stupid mistakes I made while making and hosting it than anything else. You guys (the mafia) didn’t have as fun a time with that one, and I’m to blame for part of that.
But yeah, I do remember Riddle getting burned over basically nothing, and Xiivi being a boss with the messages, as well as Chaco’s doc Night Action confusion. Good times.
Do any of the people I just named in that last sentence even come to Dgames anymore? Holy ****, we’re old.
Have you been in any adventure games? If so, any details you'd care to share (best/worst moments, etc.)? If not, would you be interested in doing one?
Never been in one. I’ve thought about trying it, but it never really seemed like my thing. Feels too freeform and involving for me. I did almost play in an X-Men game that Tom hosted (or did he flake on that? I can’t remember...), but then I gave my spot to someone else who wanted it more than I did.
What are some players you really don't want to see as a certain alignment?
As town, really just anyone who’s good at keeping an air of superiority or leadership about them. Overswarm, Evil Eye, any of the ancients like Tom or Kevin or Marshy. Not just because they can be difficult to read, but because even if I feel like I’m getting an inkling that they might be scum, I don’t even want to attack them on it because I feel like they’ll successfully be able to fend me off most of the time. I remember Kirby King absolutely leading me around by the nose through Spider-Manfia, and I basically didn’t question him at all (I was still pretty newbie then, but even so).
And if I’m scum, forget about it. Those same guys will sniff me out in a heartbeat. Or
you will.
I'm not sure if I answered your question correctly, but I'm moving on.
Are there any tells in particular you look for in general? How about from specific players?
Certain things will just stick out to me sometimes; I can’t say that I really look for any specific things in every game. Sometimes it’s conversations occurring between players that just feel too forced or explanations for reads that don’t seem sincere or don’t seem to have any logical town intent put behind them, or sometimes it’s just players getting too self-involved. Dastrn in Majora’s Mask Mafia was a good example of the last one.
Brawl or Melee? Which character do you play?
I honestly haven’t played a Super Smash Brothers game in months and months. Maybe more than a year now. I guess Brawl—I like the extra characters and stage selections and I never got so advanced with Melee that the technical changes really effected me much. But I’ll basically play whatever’s available/whatever other people want to play. I’ve always been a fan of the space animals and the psychic kids in both games, but I’m also the kind of player that would play with pretty much every character on the roster at some point just to try out different things.
I’m what you might politely call a “casual player.” When Brawl was first announced, I was more concerned with whether or not Sonic was going to be in the game than whether or not wavedashing would still be possible.
From NABE:
Your top 3 all-around favourite mafia games? (Maybe even ones you weren't in!)
TMNT Mafia, Super Heroes Mafia, Left 4 Scum. All games I’ve been in because games that I’m not in I usually don’t pay a ton of attention to, even if they’re awesome.
I will say that I wish I had been in Inception Mafia. If I had known it was what it was at the time, I would have /in’d, though that would have obviously defeated the purpose. Time Travelers Mafia also seemed really interesting, but I don’t really know how well that worked in practice.
HP Mafia also might have made it into my top 3, had I actually gotten to play it a little more.
Which do you like more, the Zelda series or the Metroid series?
Zelda, by a mile. Never got into the Metroid series at all. Aliens and shooters and all that stuff has never really been my thing. But I’ll chop grass for rupees all day long.
Are you a pre-Cera or a post-Cera fan, and what did you think of the movie in general?
I take issue with this wording! Technically, I didn’t get into the series until after the movie, but I consider the casting of Michael Cera to be the biggest mistake the movie makes. Not that I have anything against the guy, but he’s one of those people that I have trouble perceiving as a character, rather than the actor. He doesn’t ruin the movie, but, especially after reading the books, he’s really not very believable as Scott to me.
I love the movie (callback), but the books are definitely better. *adjusts hipster glasses*
On a scale of 1-10, let's ****? (And send me yo digits)
What would your top 3 favorite roles for Overswarm All-Stars Mafia be?
Would love to see Two-Face in there, but the way that role works would probably make execution difficult. Spider-man/Venom Spider-man would also be cool even though he’s from the same game, especially since he didn’t really get to see his full potential in Super Heroes. And then maybe one of the time travelers from Time Travelers, like John Conner.
Of course, Kefka’s a given.
Do you like puppies?
Yes. Less than kittens, but more than Nazis. Like
a lot more than Nazis. Nazis don’t even come close.
What was it like playing as Hep Alien and yourself in Super Heroes Mafia?
Challenging, but fun. I think it would have been better if I’d had a little more experience as mafia before attempting a role in which I would end up being 2/3 of a mafia team, but it worked out well enough. Playing on an account with a clean slate was really interesting, and I would do it again if I could. It was kind of like being an inverted hydra. Pretty neat.
What do you consider your playstyle?
I call it Jerk-fu. It’s extremely ineffective, but, in the right hands, can be highly erotic.
What would you consider is a weakness of yours? Have you tried improving on it?
I get obsessed over little things early on, and they end up sticking with me for a long time throughout a game, many times to the point where much of what I thought I had solved gets proven false near endgame and I’m stuck with no clear paths to follow. It’s something I’m aware of, so I do try to take a step back multiple times during a game to reread and reevaluate things, but I find myself drawn to the same conclusions I initially drew, a lot of the time. When I see something that triggers me, I feel the need to jump on it and keep the pressure on for longer than I probably should. Almost as if I’m a lawyer and if I don’t prove my point with the evidence that I’m seeing
when I see it, then it’s going to get thrown out and the defendant’s gonna go free. Then I won’t be able to use that evidence later because it’s already been conceded or perceived to be defeated somehow. Basically, I’m overeager to pin people early on, so I act like I’m capable of pinning someone based on very little in the beginning, in hopes that the exchange that occurs as a result of that will actually reveal things that will screw people over. Like I said, I have tried to rectify this, but it’s proving to be a tough habit to break.
Also, despite the fact that my only MVP plays have been as mafia, I’m really not very good at acting like my town self when I’m mafia. I post pretty fearlessly when I’m town, especially if I’m vanilla, and when I’m scum, I can’t seem to help but be a lot more cautious. And people catch that.
What would you consider is a strength of yours?
Tenacity? Even when I feel like I’m ****ed, I’ll usually keep fighting to the last breath. In Cowboy Bebop Mafia (Broom game), I got Cop’d as mafia and still fought it off until I got lynched. Managed to survive for a Day with a guilty claim on me just by belligerently denying it.
Do you like Town, Scum, or Indy more? Why?
Town. Mafia’s fun too, but I do find it more stressful. I feel like it requires me to play less casually, and it usually causes me to actually
want to play
more casually. I find I’m less interested in manipulating people and more interested in solving mysteries, so town just feels more like home.
Although I’d love to try Indy. I’ve yet to receive an Indy role, ever.
Do you like Power roles, or vanilla roles? Why?
Generally speaking, I like vanilla (also my answer to questions regarding preferences of ice cream). Like I mentioned before, I enjoy power roles and would love to properly try my hand at being Cop or some other unique role that I’ve never had before, but ultimately, I think I’m better with vanilla because it makes me feel freer to say and do whatever I want.
Tips for Ranmaru? ;o (Yes Ranmaru is a tip *****)
I am not good enough to be giving tips in general, really. Plus, I don’t think I’ve actually seen you play recently, so I don’t have an accurate understanding of your current style to really be any kind of judge anyway.
I should have just skipped this answer to make a penis joke. Is it too late to turn this into a penis joke? Okay, here.
Rockin’s got a
tip for ya. He says he'll give it to ya in his van tonight.
Boom. Nailed it. 5/5 Perfect finish.