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Delzethin Remakes Peach's Smash Moveset


Right at the end of September, Delzethin created his latest entry in the Remake It! series. His challenger this time was Princess Peach, a Smash mainstay ever since she first took the stage in Super Smash Bros. Melee. This archetypal damsel in distress has landed more prominent roles in recent years, which is the basis for this remake video.

The moveset itself takes inspiration from both Princess Peach: Showtime and the Super Mario RPG remake, two of her most recent playable outings. The idea is to update Peach in appropriate ways before her moveset begins to feel dated in a bad way. References are used in moderation, only using costumes from Showtime for a select few attacks. If you’d like to see the rest for yourself, check out the full video down below.

Author’s Note: I’m pleasantly surprised at how restrained the use of Showtime is for this remake. What do you guys think of it? As always, let us know in the comments below!

Writing: Perkilator Perkilator
Editing: @Zerp
Nicholas “Perkilator” Perkins


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