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Dehydrated Ichthyoid's Melee Extravaganza 2 Results


Deleted member

Oh yeah and oracle, low tiers got outvoted lol. Everyone said **** it lets do crews.
http://t.co/bJ2Kka5Yx2 Can anyone explain this?
I'm not completely sure, but to me it looks like Marth and Fox's move hit the Falco on the same frame (or Marth's had a 1 frame delay).
As far as I know, both moves have different knockbacks, and if I know Nintendo for anything, they like to stack numerical values in ASM which can be ****ed up.
Since both of Marth and Fox's moves hit on similar frames, both knockbacks numerical values were presented. Since both hit boxes hit on or near the same frame, the second knockback was carried over until the first one had finished.

Think of the 'Wrong Warp' glitch in OoT, just with some error handling. The NGC stores the values instead of adding them.

Think of it sorta like this:
if 1+1 = 3 and not 2, (where the extra 1 would be from another hit) store 1 (second), apply 1 (first), load 1 (second), apply 1 (second).

Deleted member

I'm not completely sure, but to me it looks like Marth and Fox's move hit the Falco on the same frame (or Marth's had a 1 frame delay).
As far as I know, both moves have different knockbacks, and if I know Nintendo for anything, they like to stack numerical values in ASM which can be ****ed up.
Since both of Marth and Fox's moves hit on similar frames, both knockbacks numerical values were presented. Since both hit boxes hit on or near the same frame, the second knockback was carried over until the first one had finished.

Think of the 'Wrong Warp' glitch in OoT, just with some error handling. The NGC stores the values instead of adding them.

Think of it sorta like this:
if 1+1 = 3 and not 2, (where the extra 1 would be from another hit) store 1 (second), apply 1 (first), load 1 (second), apply 1 (second).
I made a short video explaining this:

Deleted member

Ali, thats obviously wrong because I never hit him and thats not how melee works. I was in shield stun and theres no move that comes out of marths sheild frame 1 that would cause that effect. Maybe you should look into the game a bit more, since you've only played for like 2 months and this isn't like your silly steam games.

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
And here I thought last time there were too many Falcos...

1: Dr. Drew: Your Sheik is terrible around the ledge, HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? Better practice up, the kids are gaining on you. And stop rolling up from the ledge it's embarrassing.
2: MimicMew: Work on those nerves a bit and you'll be winning these things easy.
3: Thoraxe: We never got to really play but just from watching you looked a lot more confident in your tech skill and your reads, congrats on 3rd.
4: WaterlessFishie: If you want to beat Sheik you've gotta punish her recovery better. Watch how Tai punishes my up b's vs. how you do. If you give her a 2nd chance at life she'll make you pay.
5: Cpt Kush: So much tech skill, so much more recklessness. Also wtf random Falco.
5: Denthorn: Wtf another random Falco. Cool seeing you again. Keep flexing that knowledge, you're a much better teacher than I am for all the kids lol.
7: Zachattax: wtf ANOTHER random Falco. Sucks you had to lose like that, but if you let that salt fuel your competitive fire you'll come back even stronger.
7: Penguin: OK I at least expected you to play falco. That hour of friendlies was so goofy and then Zach didn't upload them :(
9: Rage: Blast from the past!
13: Hamlin: Silly characters are silly, but I'll admit your Mewtwo was doing some work in that teams game.

Guy who kept asking me for friendlies: sorry we never played friendlies and sorry I never learned your name :(

Deleted member

I didn't want those friendlies on the main texas channel, so I put them on my own. Kind of wanted to seperate bracket and friendlies.
Also drew OFCOURSE I PLAYED FALCO, What did you want me to do against a sheik? I won my first set's 2nd and 3rd game because laser spam into dair

Dr Drew the Dragon

Sep 11, 2003
I totes should've, hindsight and all that though.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ILZamOQGIw I thought he didn't upload them either but I stumbled onto his personal channel :)


Also drew OFCOURSE I PLAYED FALCO, What did you want me to do against a sheik? I won my first set's 2nd and 3rd game because laser spam into dair

It's not that you did something wrong, it's just that all these Falcos scare me as a Sheik/Fox player lol. DFW is like a hornet's nest of Falcos.

Deleted member

The day I take a game off of you drew, is the day I will get 3rd and win money in singles
(Everyone keep playing falco please)

Deleted member

Yeah but if you leave at like 5 or 6 like you always do then you're probably not gonna play because it's always after GF, and Drew likes to take it to set 2 every damn time :smirk:


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2011
Plano, TX DFW
So I hate to say this but it looks like somone may have stolen my copy of melee right out of my gamecube on Sunday. The more I think about this the more it's starting to piss me off because I didn't think anyone in this scene would do something like that. If this is a misunderstanding, I won't be mad. But right now I can't find my disc and I always transport it inside of my gamecube. Especially with the level of trust I put into all of you guys to not be scumbags. Like I said before, if this is a misunderstanding and someone magically has my melee disc I won't be upset, but it's looking unlikely someone would just take a disc out of a gamecube that isn't theirs and not realize they stole my copy of melee. I won't continue to do these if my belongings are going to be stolen from me.

Deleted member

Gabe, I can USB load Melee. If by the time we meet again you don't have Melee, I'll offer you my copy because I still have a way to play it.
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