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Dehydrated Ichthyoid's Melee Extravaganza 2 Results


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lmao, at events if he wanted we could just use my laptop for TIO. I can still record while having TIO open.

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Also Shoutouts to Zach for telling me about matchups, never was aware of them lol

And shoutouts to Ali, your Puff is okay for 2 weeks, I mean, its 2 weeks, you'll have more time to get used to her and gg for pulling off the Wall Of Pain on me.

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So who here was hype about the Snapping we came up with during GF?
Scotch I never talked to you about matchups. You're thinking of someone else.

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You said something about how I needed to learn about matchups in order to become better, and you even explained to me how Luigi was a terrible matchup against your Marth (or anyone's Marth for that matter)

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Oh yeah I think I tossed that out there because I looked over at your setup.
Why the hell would you choose to play Luigi against Marth though? Someone played Marth on your setup and you changed from Falcon to Luigi. Falcon does fine against Marth, Luigi gets wrecked sooo easily.

Deleted member

I was thinking straight for one thing, and I never knew about matchups until you told me Zach lol

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Marth has a huge sword that eats the entire stage, and you're a floaty/easy to combo/kill character. Falcon is a faster, heavier character that can up throw marth at 40 and up air knee him. Super easy stuff.

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Luigi also has one of the worst SHFFL's in the game, too. I also don't know how to even counter attack Marth with Luigi since he can get combo'd, like for example (Chaingrab < Uair to L Cancel < Short Hop Dair L Cancel)

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What, If you tipper up aired luigi after a grab and you went to go dair him, at that point he could nair/fair/dair you.
You're thinking not very realistically. Something would be like F throw nair Fsmash if they have bad DI after the Nair or you pivot Fsmash

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What, If you tipper up aired luigi after a grab and you went to go dair him, at that point he could nair/fair/dair you.
You're thinking not very realistically. Something would be like F throw nair Fsmash if they have bad DI after the Nair or you pivot Fsmash
Ah I see.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2011
Plano, TX DFW
1: Dr. Drew- Grats on taking down both events. I envy your ability to keep calm during pressure situations in tournament. Hopefully next time we meet I'll do better against you. Still need to get friendlies in with you. GGs
2: MimicMew- Tai you are pretty much the man. I know you have it in you to win, and I hope you continue to try in tourneys like you did this time. It was awesome to see.
3: Thoraxe - Grats on the third place, you played really solidly and earned it.
5: Cpt Kush - super chill as always. thanks for post gaming with us at my place after the tourney
5: Denthorn - you're one of my favorite people in the smash scene. you have a lot of knowledge and your falco is pretty good. GGs, I've got mad respect for you.
7: Zachattax - i don't even understand how you've managed to get this good while having no one to practice with. grats on teams and stuff, and thanks a million for recording, it makes a huge difference for the tourney imo.
7: Penguin - learn falcon match up pls <3
9: Half Baked - i totally thought you played falcon for some reason lol, maybe it's cause there's so many falcons. but good stuff in the crew battle. i can tell you've improved a lot since the last time i played you
9: Jospeh- you and eric are both super chill and it's cool to see some older players coming back into the scene. i'm really glad you both enjoyed yourselves and i hope to see you guys in the future.
9: Rage - come out to more tourneys and start playing again. i saw your games and you still know what you're doing, you're just rusty at it.
9: Eric - what i said for joseph. come out to dime 3 for sure, you guys are awesome.
13: Gentle Breeze - man you are so chill. i hope you got some good games in during the tourney, and i had fun during our friendlies. dont worry about crews, puff is super weird.
13: Hamlin - dude cut the yoshi **** and play fox. and practice moar plox. you coulda done way better for sure.
13: Boom - keep working on the fundamentals like getting your movement and advanced techs down so you're making as few mistakes as possible. it's hard though, i still make tons of mistakes even.
13: Scotch - you're improving and you have a good mindset about it, even if the predictions you set for yourself are a bit unrealistic.
17: Aliami - i could tell from the crew battle you're improving. keep playing puff and you'll learn her pretty quick.

shout outs to the snapping. we have to keep that as a thing

Deleted member

I don't know how I got better either, I think I just practiced tech skill for 2 years on CPUs and got tons of advice from people like Sethlon and Denthorn.
Love you guys <3

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Snapping is now overrated.

We obviously need more Cowbell.


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Cowbells are too loud/annoying. Snapping is perfect and can never be outclassed.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 15, 2010
Plano, TX
Zaaaaaaaaach, I stayed up all night reading GoT waiting for these videos that are "rendering," and now the sun has risen and I am a disappointed and tired man.

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Zaaaaaaaaach, I stayed up all night reading GoT waiting for these videos that are "rendering," and now the sun has risen and I am a disappointed and tired man.
Glad to hear I'm not the only who one who stayed up. I eagerly refreshed the Texas Melee Youtube page hoping for the miracle that the videos would all be suddenly posted.

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I have strength and conditioning camp so I couldn't all nighter the videos like I usually did. I had to sleep at 3.
Anyways I just got home so its back to rendering. I think these will be up very late tonight or sometime tomorrow.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2011
Plano, TX DFW
guard your computer from your brother so that **** doesn't **** wit our videos, or we'll have to **** him up. real talk ***** what's good we ruthless. :happysheep:

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guard your computer from your brother so that **** doesn't **** wit our videos, or we'll have to **** him up. real talk ***** what's good we ruthless.

Just to restate, guard your computer with multiple forms of security and if he attempts to **** with our videos, tell him the entire Smash Bros. community will come to his bed in the middle off the night to rip out and feed him his own intestines because he's a selfish prick. :wario:

Deleted member

Just to restate, guard your computer with multiple forms of security and if he attempts to **** with our videos, tell him the entire Smash Bros. community will come to his bed in the middle off the night to rip out and feed him his own intestines because he's a selfish prick. :wario:
lewacky wario face le9gag

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Can't exactly mess with an 18 year old linebacker who was the captain for the varsity football team this year.
Oh and he kind of sort of squats like 415~ so I don't think I can go for the legs.

Deleted member

Can't exactly mess with an 18 year old linebacker who was the captain for the varsity football team this year.
Oh and he kind of sort of squats like 415~ so I don't think I can go for the legs.
go for the throat

Deleted member

That's what we talked about at the venue, but I'm not exactly sure if I want to kill him.
Just make him back off. (These uploads are actually really fast so this might not be a problem)

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I forgot to mention that the videos are up! The only problem is the crew battle one seems to never process. It's been like an hour and it still says it is... But everything else is up. I'm too lazy to make a playlist, so just go to the Texas Melee Channel. www.youtube.com/user/TexasMelee
Edit: The crew battle is fine, I'm dumb.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2011
Plano, TX DFW
thanks for the vids zach. i just watched out set, don't just do an aerial from the ledge every time. i did a lot of wavedash back>f smash during the set and it garnered me a lot of kills.

Deleted member

Yeah but I can't play with people. I have no way to go places besides that one venue though.
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