Mhmm, I think your idea of burden is different from mine. When I burden something I am being true to myself, and the face of reality. This is not a negative thing, it's a positive thing that takes more than just being positive to endure. Of course it can eat away at me, weigh me down, but I become stronger and versatile in the end. I am my own obstacle. Remember earlier I said I can adapt to anything? I am talking about when my parents die, we lose the house, being backstabbed from someone you knew for a very long time, etc. Even my dreams tell me that I am a very strong individual by making everything around me shake when I walk. I can take down 100's of people in my dream, and do one-handed pushups. Lol. I shoved my fist down a monsters mouth when their teeth were razor sharp. These are still a form of night terrors sadly, because there is a force that isn't fear, or evil.. It's something that I can't fight and I don't understand why. I also got to talk to my shadow. Interesting conversation we had. I've realized that being negative, and positive at the same time is the paramount of balance. The shadow doesn't know good, nor evil. Only a neutral watcher that knows when you are hiding something. A very interesting concept I must say.
Imperfection is the root of all perfections; thus, perfection is the real imperfection. Why is this?
Actually, you don't have to believe this yourself. I believe that dreams are full of symbolic messages about ourselves, and everything. I tested it on both sides. My side, and the person's side. Both came out positive. In fact, on Dec,22,2010 I interpreted 200+ dreams on a site just to see if it was real. Indeed, these people told me how accurate I was; telling me what went on in their life when their dreams is full of completely irrelevant symbols. It's simply fascinating. I got all of them accurate except one, which mind you was a dream that a teen girl couldn't write cohesively, so it really was hard to interpret let alone read. My dreams to this day still accurately answer things through it's symbols. I don't care what anyone says. Dreams definately are deeper than some images our brain makes by reflecting off everyday things. I call BS. The point here is night terrors is a form of a dream. Which means that even my night terrors is trying to say something.. Like when stuffed animals attack me it represents how I am being immature, childish. I digress.
I concur on being versatile in knowing things. Although my real passion is really just psychology, and philosophy. Which is probably the two things that revolve around practically the very reason why this world is rotten. I will share my personal perspectives though while on the subject:
Oceans reminds me of the subconscious, and how deep things can get. The deeper we go, the more monsterous, and mysterious inhabitants become. If we could conquer the deepest depths of an ocean, there will be nowhere left for the shadow to hide. As for the sand. ''Simplicity is mere complexity''.
Well, there is no way to explain morality, or anything that isn't a material really. Everyone sees things differently. Every answer is just another question. Living in the same world in a different mind.
Jaded sense of strength and power is why there are men killing animals just for fun. Not for survival, which is sick.
The soul, mhmm, I can't say anything about this one. There is no view on it. No one knows, nor will ever fathom these intricate mysteries. Although I am tired of the hoaxes out there.
I strangely believe the universe is somehow connected to us due to a few strange occurences, and how accurate astrology can be. I mean, how else would the Mayans know so much without any equipment. They must of knew something we didn't since they weren't distracted by technology and ''reality''.
I believe that humans have buried alot of instincts, and created new ''instincts'' that are artificial and aren't really a real instinct to begin with. It's hard to say what's a true instinct or not, since I've never once wanted to **** a little girl, and I have quite the hormone army. Lol.
Goodluck with the fanfiction. I'm tired. I was composing another song and it didn't work as planned so all the energy I built up to that very moment imploded so now I have to suffer for it. It sounded so professional too. Definately a mood killer.
Although, I am always happy to respond back to you.
You are a fine ponderer yourself.