Okay peoples, after talking to my partner JM and with a lot of other people, I'm making this decision on my own. I am going to host a tourny this Saturday AND On February 10th.
JM is my one and only partner. I would feel awful if I hosted a huge tourny without him. So this Saturday, I will be setting up at the location the Smash Alot tourny was held out, but I will take no credit whatsoever. I do this because I feel that if this isn't done, then a lot of people who have already requested off for this weekend and don't feel like driving down to San Jose will have wasted a Saturday for no good reason. I feel that you guys don't deserve to sit at home and not enjoy yourselves (Well, Smash wise...>.>) after dedicating a Saturday out of your schedule just for JM and I.
So for the people who can't make it Feb. 10th but were planning on going to this one, there will be a tourny for you guys! Chances are, it won't be as huge as expected, but for the people who definitely can't make it to Feb. 10th, I at least open up this opportunity for you.
Keep in mind though, on Feb. 10th, there will be a huge arrangement of games. The two sub rooms allow us more control of more tournies. As it looks now, Feb. 10th will have Smash, GNT4, Tekken 5, and Gears of War. Note that I am cutting out Guilty Gear!
Please take this as a type of apology. I feel awful for the mass confusion set on the boards, and would like to give this tourny as a "I still care about the smash community...even though I'm not a smasher" type of thing. See you guys later!