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CYGNUS Ohio Results thread


Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2012
Thank you everyone for coming. special thanks to get low for managing the bracket to the best of his abilities.


1st - R Q W ignite ( Vanz + flipx )
2nd - Swan Lake ( the lake + nakamaru )
3rd - lon John Silver ( silent swag + Lon )
4th - Team Thwomp ( Vudujin + Carroll )
5th - JBro + Green Ranger
5th - Jwnz + Get Low
7th - Aite+
7th - Aesir - Ralis
9th - NY2C
9th - Joe Paturnip + Mr. Sandbag
9th - Double Dragon
9th - Moses + Doublerocky
13th - c-stick


1st - Vanz
2nd - Vudujin
3rd - Buck Nasty <--- Taki
4th - Bugs Bunny <--- nakamaru
5th - Flip x
6th - Silent Swag
7th - Carroll
7th - DJ Talent <--- The Lake
9th - Green Ranger
9th - Jro
9th - Joe Paturnip
9th - Dempt
13th - S1
13th - Mr. Sandbag
13th - Waka
13th - Get Low
17th - Lon
17th - Jwnz
17th - Aesir
17th - Dees
17th - Zach
17th - Moses
17th - E925
17th - Double Rocky
25th - Ralis
25th - Hella Gabe
25th - Rus
25th - C-stick
25th - Bloodhawk
25th - Reed

Also, could I get some feedback on the venue for future reference? :]

Shutouts to my mom for bringing me food, because I was to lazy to drive/walk across the road.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
Aesir 2 gud.

GGs everybody ^^
I did so much better than I thought I would ^^

and you guys should all come to WTCA on April 28th.
/selfless plug.

Get Low

Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2011
Niles, Ohio
Thanks to everyone who came out to this amazing tourney. I'm happy to see that Ohio has so much up and coming talent. <3 my state. Shoutouts later.

Mr. Sandbag

Smash Cadet
Jan 18, 2012
NEOH 440
Great tournament.
Had a lot of fun.
Also, I was just sandbagging the whole time.
I could've won first.

Shots fired, Pittsburgh.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Ashtabula, OH
1st - Vanz: Fun young link ditto. You are too good.
2nd - Vudujin: I just doughnut matched you to experience your tryhard mode. Needless to say, it was ****.
3rd - Buck Nasty: Crazy DI *****
4th - Bugs Bunny: We did some falcon dittos. You are so damn smooth.
6th - Silent Swag: Lol crews
7th - Carroll: I only played you a couple of times. Lame.
7th - DJ Talent: You are so damn funny. Please come up to cleveland next month.
9th - Green Ranger: Your DK is amazing
9th - Joe Paturnip: Good **** getting 9th. Highest placing for ashtabula
13th - S1: lol aite+
13th - Mr. Sandbag: Good job on beating me
13th - Waka: WAKA
13th - Get Low: You're good. Ill have to work on the peach match up. Great tourney.
17th - Lon: We played some friendlies and sheit. You are fun to play.
17th - Jwnz: I <3 your g&w. Great tourney.
17th - Aesir: Nice to finally see you in person.

Get Low

Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2011
Niles, Ohio
Vanz - You should drop Peach and main Samus. Holy FoD recovery.
Vudujin - GGs in doubles and singles. Your low tiers are too good.
FlipX - Thanks for coming out man.
Silentswag - I should've just played you in the crew battle instead of letting you wipe out the entire Ohio crew. Xb
Carroll - I'm sorry if I've been seeming disrespectful towards you lately, even though I'm never really serious. You've improved a lot and I actually have a lot of respect for you. GGs in our money match. I'm sorry I Dsmash so much.
Green Ranger - Didn't play you, but I'm really impressed by your DK.
Jbro - GGs in friendlies, as always. You're improving a lot.
Joe Paturnip - Your Peach is solid, man. Dsmash all day er' day. Good **** getting 9th.
Dempt - You are a pain in the ***, but I love you anyway. GGs, my brudda. You're getting damn good at this game.
Get Low - You don't Dsmash enough.
Jwnz - We did hella good in doubles. Proud of you for how good you did with G&W. We are boss.
Aesir - GGs in friendlies, man. I like your playstyle with Pichu, and you definitely have a lot of potential.
Dees - GGs in bracket son. Your characters are solid. Keep it up with that Young Link and floaties won't stand a chance.
E925 - GGs in bracket. Sorry that no one wanted to use your tv, lol.
Ralis - Your playstyle with Falco is kind of goofy, but you're really good nonetheless.
Hari - I'm glad you could make it to the tourney, even if you were a tiny bit late. Good **** taking a stock off that Falco in the crew battle...WITH THE UPB THUNDER THING.

Shoutouts to everyone else that I played whom I missed. I met so many new smashers today that I'm having trouble remembering who's who. But good **** to the Cleveland, Ashtabula, and Pittsburgh crews for showing up and making this tourney epic.


Smash Journeyman
May 1, 2011
Ashtabula, OH
About the venue, I really liked it for a local tourney. It was a good size and could hold a bunch of set ups. Also it was pretty close to food. Overall good venue.


Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
ok, shoutouts time:

1st - Vanz - you ran away before we got a chance to play .-.
don't worry, I know it was just because you were scared of my Pichu :p

2nd - Vudujin - thanks for playing a bunch of friendlies with me, you helped me a lot with the luigi matchup.

3rd - Taki - thanks for playing for cleveland crew, and I wish we could have done more friendlies.

4th - nakamaru - you are a lot of fun to play against. I really like your falcon, but falcon pichu is hard...
thanks for doing friendlies with me and stuff ^^
I'm also happy that you didn't 4 stock me in bracket :3

5th - Flip x - we never played xP, maybe next time.

6th - Silent Swag - I almost took that stock off of you >_<, I'm a little mad that you had to leave before I could do some friendlies with you :(
maybe some other time.

7th - Carroll - we didn't get to play as much as I would have liked to :(

7th - The Lake - thanks a lot for playing friendlies with me, you are a lot of fun to play against ^^
and an awesome person, unlike carroll, who is lame.

9th - Green Ranger - I love your DK. Low tiers are the best tiers. Those were some fun friendlies, I wish we could have done more.

9th - Joe Paturnip - ...why am i the only person in cleveland who can take stocks off of peach <_<

9th - Dempt - you ran away you douche.

13th - S1 - nice job in crews, had fun in friendlies.

13th - Mr. Sandbag - you gay :p

13th - Get Low - good games, I like your peach ^^

17th - Lon - good games, had fun playing you ^^

17th - Jwnz - nice G&W

17th - Aesir - you're the best.

17th - Dees - nice meeting you, sorry we didn't play.

25th - Ralis - scrub.

everybody else, ggs if we played ^^
twas a fun tourney.

and for the bracket pics, just screenshot it.

S1 The God

Feeding the streets since 1885
Dec 14, 2011

Carroll - fox dittos were fun as hell, and I will be taking my money back, believe that

Taki/Buck Nasty - lol... Fox dittos...
Crazy DI *****

Ralis - Good set and good friendlies, we need to play more cause I really hate the falco matchup. Not sure how I beat you, but I plan on doing it again in Cleveland. >:)

Lon - really good falco, and we had a good set in bracket. Sorry you got hit with so much bull**** during our games, I got a lot of help from random stuff and that's probably what made me win. I definitely want to play with you more, if you don't get bored of the game again. :p

Swag - **** your sheik, you're banned from crew battles

Green Ranger - holy sheeiiit that DK.

Get Low - you did a great ****ing job, and you stayed by us scrubby Ohio guys throughout that abomination of a crew battle. Big ups

Jwnz - yours and GR's set was ****ing intense, I love your g&w. Good job on this whole thing.

DEES/Joe Paturnip/Sandbag/Waka/Foltz - Love you guys, Ashtabula is the future of NEOH and well gotta keep improving.

Cleveland heights - you *****s is cool. Though, you couldn't handle me and paturnips TWENTY ONE STOCK RAMPAGE in the crew battle, and you had to call in the buck nasty. Good games, guys.

Pittsburgh - you guys are all mad cool and hilarious, even though you're all free

And finally, shouts to the preacher who killed the hype.

Good tourney d00dz


Mr. Sandbag

Smash Cadet
Jan 18, 2012
NEOH 440
Vanz - Good stuff. Really enjoyed watching you play. Wanted to play you before you left; maybe in Cleveland next month.

Vudujin - Always fun watching you play. I wanna take a crack at your Luigi some day. I need some practice in that match up.

Tak - Holy ****. Thanks for ****ing me over in the 'Bula v. Cleveland Crew Battle. Had fun playing you in friendlies. It helped me out. You're also ****ing hilarious.

Nakamaru - Second tournament in a row you've been the one to knock me out. I at least know I did better this time than I did in Youngstown. Looking forward for a rematch at the next tournament.

SilentSwag - I wish my Sheik was half as good as yours. Nice job in that Ohio/PA Crew.

Carroll - You were my first friendly match at that tournament. You're fun to play with. Also, I plan on moneymatching you next tourney.

The Lake - Played with you a few times. We had a really ****ing close match on Yoshi's. I plan on winning next time.

Green Ranger - I really underestimated your DK. You're mad good with a low tier.

Joe Paturnip - My doubles partner. We did pretty bad yesterday, but we can only go up from here. Haha. Nice job making it the farthest from Ashtabula.

S1 - Moneymatch me.


Get Low - Fantastic tournament. Great venue. Everything was geographically ideal for the venue. Looking forward to future events that you should definitely have.

Lon - Played you a few times. Had fun. Looking forward to playing more sometime.

Jwnz - My God is your G&W good. That was one of the closest matches I've ever had. Can't wait to play you again. Also, good **** setting everything up.

Aesir - No. YOU'RE gay.

Dees - Good game, Marc. It sucked we had to play eachother, but I think we both benefited from it. I also do not consider myself the BMP.

Double Rocky - Although I didn't play you, you were pretty hilarious.

Ralis - You are definitely the best person from Cleveland I played. I'm not even sure I won once. I'll be changing that come April.

C-Stick - You don't even own the game, and you still came with us. Loved having you go.


Smash Journeyman
May 17, 2011
I wasn't even in the tournament itself. ;-; Waah. Oh well.

Vudujin - Yoyo Glitch is terrifying in action. I gotta learn to get the timing right on it... Good job winning that donut, ha.
Carroll - 'Grats on leading the PA crew to victory.
Get Low - Great tourney. Sorry I couldn't come sooner! D: You're welcome to come to the Hubbard library any Wednesday, ha. :p Provided we didn't scare you off yet.
Jwnz - Again, awesome tourney. Thanks for running it.
Aesir - Five cent money match got cut short. :< But it was fun while it lasted, and it was great to see a Pichu main. :3
Hari - Lern 2 Melee, scrub.
Various people I do not know the name of - Nice friendlies.
Guy with Fluttershy shirt - You are awesome.

Overall, nice venue. Nice amount of space and such. Though the venue fee is a bit high, that's the only downside.


Smash Ace
Jul 5, 2011
Pittsburgh, PA
super fun tourney, thank you guys.
shoutouts to my name being spelled wrong in the results. <3

1st - Vanz - good work, dude.
2nd - Vudujin - well, you said you were gonna win and didn't. but all your matches were hype as ever. way to dominate taki.
3rd - Buck Nasty <--- Taki - BUCK NASTY aka benstiller******69 good ****.
4th - Bugs Bunny <--- nakamaru - i hate you for this sneaky name change, lol. and i was SO CLOSE to taking a game off you. my day will come, nemesis.
6th - Silent Swag - so hype in the crew battle. swag vs. the universe
7th - Carroll - you touch peepees. real talk though teaming next tourney, we goin hard.
7th - DJ Talent <--- The Lake - i know you've been playing mostly marth and other high tiers lately, but hot damn i love watching your zelda. good ****.
9th - Green Ranger - welcome to the crew, bro. sooooo much fun teaming with you. keep up the good work.
9th - Jro - MY NAME IS JBRO
9th - Joe Paturnip - best tag, keep dsmashing all the things
13th - Get Low - always fun, man. real good friendlies. thanks for the good words.
17th - Lon - lonnie d, get back in the game, your falco's legit.
17th - Jwnz - awesome tourney, dude.
17th - Aesir - i got mad respect for a dude that mains a low tier and takes it seriously. keep it up.
17th - E925 - gg in brackets, dude. use grabs more and firefox less and you'll be a legit threat.

shoutouts to anyone i didn't mention, i just didn't get a chance to talk to you or i did and i didn't know your tag, my b.
the all-ohio crew battle was funny as ****. too hype.
PA > OH, as much as i love you guys. <3
thanks for having us, i know i'll be back next time you guys host one.



bair-condtioned nightmare
Aug 21, 2011
Cleveland Heights, Ohio
I wasn't even in the tournament itself. ;-; Waah. Oh well.

Vudujin - Yoyo Glitch is terrifying in action. I gotta learn to get the timing right on it... Good job winning that donut, ha.
Carroll - 'Grats on leading the PA crew to victory.
Get Low - Great tourney. Sorry I couldn't come sooner! D: You're welcome to come to the Hubbard library any Wednesday, ha. :p Provided we didn't scare you off yet.
Jwnz - Again, awesome tourney. Thanks for running it.
Aesir - Five cent money match got cut short. :< But it was fun while it lasted, and it was great to see a Pichu main. :3
Hari - Lern 2 Melee, scrub.
Various people I do not know the name of - Nice friendlies.
Guy with Fluttershy shirt - You are awesome.

Overall, nice venue. Nice amount of space and such. Though the venue fee is a bit high, that's the only downside.
Flutterguy is Double Rock btw. I wish could have attended and shown that Cleveland Heights isn't hella scrubs with my Puff! Hope to see all of y'all at WTCA!

EDIT: Flutterguy was Bloodhawk. Forgot Wyatt wears that shirt every sinngle day.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
Had fun meeting so many new ppl. Sorry I left so abruptly. Flip was adamant about getting home at a reasonable time.

GGs all.



Fresh ******
Mar 31, 2011
Cleveland, OH
sweet i think me and TheLake did friendlies on your recording setup (i have no idea wether or not it was actually recording though)
if those were recorded, please upload them ^^

S1 The God

Feeding the streets since 1885
Dec 14, 2011
sweet i think me and TheLake did friendlies on your recording setup (i have no idea wether or not it was actually recording though)
if those were recorded, please upload them ^^
lol, it's like a 3% chance it was recording

imma let him use my laptop at WTCA so we don't have to deal with that **** netbook


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2008
The 216
i am ralis

Cleveland for the ride and being buddies
The Lake for the encouraging words
Vanz for taking time to play friendlies with me and winning
Get Low and Jwnz for hosting this
Pittsburgh for coming here
Ashtabula except S1: awesome to meet you, esp. dylan
s1 you suck
anyone else i played friendlies with: :)

crews were fun, ashtabula has no idea whats coming when WTCA happens
got **** on in brackets
it was fun and hype overall, hope to see you all again

Mr. Sandbag

Smash Cadet
Jan 18, 2012
NEOH 440
sweet i think me and TheLake did friendlies on your recording setup (i have no idea wether or not it was actually recording though)
if those were recorded, please upload them ^^
I have like,

half your match. I can send it to you, or upload it to your page from Windows Movie Maker if you want.

S1 The God

Feeding the streets since 1885
Dec 14, 2011

Cleveland for the ride and being buddies
The Lake for the encouraging words
Vanz for taking time to play friendlies with me and winning
Get Low and Jwnz for hosting this
Pittsburgh for coming here
Ashtabula except S1: awesome to meet you, esp. dylan
s1 you suck
anyone else i played friendlies with: :)

crews were fun, ashtabula has no idea whats coming when WTCA happens
got **** on in brackets
it was fun and hype overall, hope to see you all again

ooooooooh shots fired


wait... ralis?

Mr. Sandbag

Smash Cadet
Jan 18, 2012
NEOH 440
Lady comes in to kill the hype during OH vs. PA Crew Battle.

Her: "Can you guys please keep it down? We're having a meeting in the next room."
Carroll: "Yo, lady, check this out. This match is so hype."

I lol'd.

PGH Carroll

Smash Master
Feb 6, 2010
Pittsburgh, PA aka #TipperCity
windows movie maker is where its at.

shout outs to pittsburgh for being BASED AS ***kkkkkkkkk

shout outs to GL and Jwnz for hosting. ive already went into detail about the venue. i think its dumb the church MAKES you donate that money. 10 for venue is alot actually.

shout outs to new school Ohio making this big. you guys are word. and actually good. like, S1s fox is like kinda technical and good. and dees falcon isnt too bad either. you guys keep it up. you guys really remind me of myself and how i got into smash.

shout outs to vanz for a lolzy set. not the first time ive lost to someones bowser in a random tourny set. (lake.... i was pika. lol)

shout outs to everone i played. and errbody in the crew battle

shout out to me. kinda played ****ttty earlier in the day. till that BK break. lol

see you guys in april
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