Smash Ace
Decided to try my hand at a boot strap since most so far have been pretty lame, and figured I'd make a Brawl+ themed one.
I would show you screenshots, but my capture card died recently (For the better really) and so, I provide near-perfect mockups of what it looks like on the console. I put them together with my materials I used, so it's quite close. However, the third shot is completely fudged in terms of font/size, because it was plaintext I edited and not a picture. Also, see if you can spot the reference in the last pictures quote
Enjoy and tell me what you think!
Installation: Place in "\private\wii\app\RSBE\pf\menu\strap"
I would show you screenshots, but my capture card died recently (For the better really) and so, I provide near-perfect mockups of what it looks like on the console. I put them together with my materials I used, so it's quite close. However, the third shot is completely fudged in terms of font/size, because it was plaintext I edited and not a picture. Also, see if you can spot the reference in the last pictures quote
Enjoy and tell me what you think!

Installation: Place in "\private\wii\app\RSBE\pf\menu\strap"