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Critique my Link playing?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
Since my last matches were told to be very, very boring sandbags, I decided to record some more fights. These fights contain a lot less sandbagging. My last post about these videos was a few weeks ago. The reason I went into hiding was because I heard about the return of this Aurashade fellow, the troll who cleans the Link boards by flaming all the morons.

I was a bit afraid if I posted something questionable about him, he was going to break both my legs and burn my house down.
Nah, just kidding.
Sort of.

Anywho, here's the fights:

Link vs DK:

Link vs Wario (I lost...):

Link vs Captain Falcon:

Yeah, I tend to pull out bombs at the wrong time in the Captain Falcon match.

Anywho, I'd love to hear advice and suggestions.

Deleted member

-Don't be so greedy for the dair kill
- to nair edgeguard you jump, nair and jump out of the nair, this allows you to get back to the stage easier. you did this wrong a lot when trying to edge guard
- zair more against dk, bowser and d3
- EDGE GUARD. learn to hug and zair edge guard
- Learn to DI
- tilt more
- jab more
- learn to ledge hop and short hop
- link's main kill moves are ftilt, fsmash, dsmash, up b, dair, second hit of fair

keep practicing


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Learn the AT for Link and use them until they become second nature...Im not going to lie you've got work to do but if you play more and incorporate the AT in ur game you'll be owning even harder.


Smash Rookie
Jun 9, 2008
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
well your not bad but it seems like every time you do an attack it is always at the wrong time. you must remember that when your opponent dies they have invincibility for a few seconds you seem to forget that. and you have to be careful about leaving the stage to attack because Link's recovery isn't very good. your NOT edgegaurding, you need to work on that, it helps. you could work on spacing also, using zair helps keep people away and gives you an opportunity to use projectiles (Link shines in this category). don't rely on just smash attacks, build up damage using simple attacks like jabs and then move on tilts, once they get a high percentage use smashes to send them away.


Heaven Piercer
May 4, 2008
Westwood, NJ
Less Smash attacks, more Zair. Your smash attacks will ware out, leaving you unable to finish them off. And short hop the bombs when you take them out. Also, Fair. You need more of that. And use the Nair a bit more. Dair edgeguard is good. Use it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 3, 2008
Bellevue, Washington
-Don't be so greedy for the dair kill
- to nair edgeguard you jump, nair and jump out of the nair, this allows you to get back to the stage easier. you did this wrong a lot when trying to edge guard
- zair more against dk, bowser and d3
- EDGE GUARD. learn to hug and zair edge guard
- Learn to DI
- tilt more
- jab more
- learn to ledge hop and short hop
- link's main kill moves are ftilt, fsmash, dsmash, up b, dair, second hit of fair

keep practicing
*Writes it all down* Got it, and thanks. I guess I should practice edgeguarding, because right now I end up suiciding a lot...

Learn the AT for Link and use them until they become second nature...Im not going to lie you've got work to do but if you play more and incorporate the AT in ur game you'll be owning even harder.
AT? Like DAC, ZAC and stuff? I know them, I didn't utilize them a whole lot in the videos though... But I'll be sure to use them more in the future.

well your not bad but it seems like every time you do an attack it is always at the wrong time. you must remember that when your opponent dies they have invincibility for a few seconds you seem to forget that. and you have to be careful about leaving the stage to attack because Link's recovery isn't very good. your NOT edgegaurding, you need to work on that, it helps. you could work on spacing also, using zair helps keep people away and gives you an opportunity to use projectiles (Link shines in this category). don't rely on just smash attacks, build up damage using simple attacks like jabs and then move on tilts, once they get a high percentage use smashes to send them away.
Yeah, my edgeguarding game is weak, but at least now I have something to work on. Thanks for the advice.

Less Smash attacks, more Zair. Your smash attacks will ware out, leaving you unable to finish them off. And short hop the bombs when you take them out. Also, Fair. You need more of that. And use the Nair a bit more. Dair edgeguard is good. Use it.
Sooo... more air attacks. I need to remember fastfall Nair, I love that move... Also, I know about the bomb + Dair edgeguard, for some reason I didn't use them.

Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll take what you said, practice and post videos sometime in the next.... 2 months?
If I ever get good enough to join a tourney, I just may post that too.

*Looks around*
....Looks like Aurashade hasn't noticed me...
*Slinks away*


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
I'm surprised nobody has said anything about your lack of the use of the boomerang. Despite what the majority of Link users say on this board, your boomerang at certain times may be more important than your bombs. You had a big advantage over the CF, but you didn't utilize Link's range to its full potential. Most of your attacks were very obvious and you did little to use mind games. Try to alternate between your boomerang, bombs, and sometimes arrows. You could even look up some videos on youtube on Aniki's Link (melee) to learn how to use your range weapons to your full advantage. Also, when pulling out a bomb or throwing a boomerang while close to your opponent, try short hopping away from them and then throw it.


Smash Ace
May 23, 2008
Get better so the people around you are forced to improve. Some of those matches were so unbelievably stale. It reminded me of my old Wifi matches as Ike. *shudders* Anyhell just a few things I saw on the simpler side of gameplay.

1. Arrow canceling is better when you combine it with things. You know... like rum. You had at least 10 times in the match against DK where you could have arrow canceled after a bomb toss.

2. Be much more aware of your Gale. It's very useful in throwing your opponent off, the main thing you should get used to doing to your opponents is making them CHOOSE what they get hit by. Not them choosing to dodge. Make it so either they get Galeranged or they get hit with a Zair/Bomb/Arrow.

3. Link's projectile spam is only crappy if you toss them out very slowly the way you did. I think I saw at least two of those times where the arrow cancel probably would have stopped a Donkey Punch charge-up.

4. Down taunt looks better.

5. Jab-canceling is also something you can work on. Characters which react faster can get out of them but characters like DK are too slow to get out of it. You could pull off a Jab+Jab-->Fsmash (since I know you love that move so much), or Galerang returning Jab+Jab-->Double Hit Dsmash.
At 1:22.

6. Watch all of Izaw's and ArkiveZero's videos. They both have different playstyles but they're both very good at what they do. They meld the basic knowledge of Link's capabilities almost seamlessly with the Advanced Techs that make Link fun to play. ArkiveZero is quite amazing when it comes to his recovery and Izaw is just a Combo-Making, Tech-Chasing, Swedish God of a player.


Smash Ace
Mar 12, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
I only watched the DK video, but here's my input:

1. Using Utilt more and Usmash less might be in your best interest. I saw some extra punishment befall you because of that. -.-

2. Learn more ATs, especially DAC, Zair (if that counts), Zair with a bomb, etc.

3. Don't just wait for people to let their sheilds down, especially if you're playing offensively. On numerous occasions, I saw you simply stare at DKs sheild instead of either: 1. Retreat or get a Bomb, 2. Grab, 3. Pressure his sheild with Fsmash

4. Jump when using the Gale Boomerang and angle it downwards. It eliminates lag and throws many opponents off balance.

Keep working on it, and you'll be a good player in no time.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 16, 2008
Santa Barbara
Alright, for the DK match, I noticed that a lot of the time, you would just wait and let him finish charging his punch. A few times, you would try to run over there, but for the most part, you just stood there. Since you're Link, you have a good amount of projectiles at your fingertips. Use them to stop him from setting up an attack on you.

In general, try approaching with more than just bombs. It is useful, but after you've done it the whole match it becomes predictable. Boomerang angled down while you're jumping and arrow cancelling both are decent approaches and of course, the zair, especially on big guys like DK.
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