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Critique my Ice Climbers please


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Poughkeepsie, NY
the fact the you could hear your controller during this actually helps this a lot

the first thing i noticed (and liked) was that you were trying to desynch to help keep his ike away but it took a while to work. so the first thing would be to be more consistent with those. my largest concern for you is that you were making A LOT of grab attempts when it woudl have been better to just do another attack or something. other than that, less forward air and you be pretty solid


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
amazing SoPo. you seemed a little sloppy at the beginning, but you got better pretty quickly (1:50 approx.)

i liked the blizzard wall, but felt it didn't really put enough pressure on him. though i'm not well known here so i'll probably be ignored....

but once again, amazing SoPo.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
the fact the you could hear your controller during this actually helps this a lot

the first thing i noticed (and liked) was that you were trying to desynch to help keep his ike away but it took a while to work. so the first thing would be to be more consistent with those. my largest concern for you is that you were making A LOT of grab attempts when it woudl have been better to just do another attack or something. other than that, less forward air and you be pretty solid
Yeah... I was trying to do an Ice Block desync but I gave up on that after the third try and instead did the early A while pivot desyncing (my pseudo version of the SND desync where Popo is doing all the F-Smash charging and Nana is doing all the dash attacks and stuff...).

I can't chain heavy weights for some reason which worries me when I verse my friend's ROB, that's why I was making so many attempts at least getting one chain down...

Thanks for the critique

amazing SoPo. you seemed a little sloppy at the beginning, but you got better pretty quickly (1:50 approx.)

i liked the blizzard wall, but felt it didn't really put enough pressure on him. though i'm not well known here so i'll probably be ignored....

but once again, amazing SoPo.
I see you a lot in the forums. Don't worry.

Thanks about my SoPo. I was kind of freaking out that I let the AI die twice...

I guess I should work on my blizzard wall. It always seemed to be really slow at getting to a person... (I jumped like 8 to get him into the range of my blizzard wall. If only I didn't mess up that last jump with a solo squall hammer...)


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Im going to be completely honest and I don't mean to come across as rude.
It was horrible.
It was good that you could Desync, but you didn't put it to any use. And you messed up 5 times in a row at the beginning and continued to do so.
I didn't see you CG once, and I saw that you messed up the Downthrow > Fair, which is their easiest thing to do. Nana kept dying so fast, and your SoPo was pretty bad.
And your fighting ability without Desyncs was also really bad.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Im going to be completely honest and I don't mean to come across as rude.
It was horrible.
It was good that you could Desync, but you didn't put it to any use. And you messed up 5 times in a row at the beginning and continued to do so.
I didn't see you CG once, and I saw that you messed up the Downthrow > Fair, which is their easiest thing to do. Nana kept dying so fast, and your SoPo was pretty bad.
And your fighting ability without Desyncs was also really bad.
I'm sorry to hear that... I was using this as a warm-up match against my friend but ok...

Desyncs, I admit, were bad at the beginning... I don't really know much about what to do in a desync but make walls of blizzards and squalls...

Again, I don't know the timing to chain grabbing heavy weights... I was doing those attempts to experiment with different timings... (first time tapping back and then grabbing, second and third time lightly tilting and timing the grab). Same problem occured when I tried Down Throw to Fair because of the grabbing animation being slower, I couldn't time the meteor.

Yeah, I know Nana was dying a lot and this usually doesn't happen to me but it did... Both times I assumed Nana would float back and grab the edge...

How could I improve my SoPo?


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
Man, lol at that Ike suiciding at the end, he had you :laugh:.

On Topic:

You should really have a purpose with desynching, none of your attempts worked at all. Also, work on your chaingrabs. More importantly work on your non-grab game alot more, it gets really predictable and gets you in trouble if you go for grabs all the time. You got alot of work to do after seeing your partner getting killed so early.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Just spend a couple hours in training getting the timing right for your desynch and chaingrabs on different weights of characters. After just a couple days of practice you could probably double your IC skill by just getting those consistently.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Just spend a couple hours in training getting the timing right for your desynch and chaingrabs on different weights of characters. After just a couple days of practice you could probably double your IC skill by just getting those consistently.
Its going to take longer then that moron.

38 characters. 3 Chaingrabs. 114 CGs all with different timing.

I love how people walk in here and think they know everything.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Its going to take longer then that moron.

38 characters. 3 Chaingrabs. 114 CGs all with different timing.

I love how people walk in here and think they know everything.

Jesus, what the hell is wrong with you? Did I say he'd be perfect in a couple of hours? No, said it would help him get the timing. With your attitude I'm surprised you aren't on the GameFAQs boards where you belong.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
Just spend a couple hours in training getting the timing right for your desynch and chaingrabs on different weights of characters. After just a couple days of practice you could probably double your IC skill by just getting those consistently.
You specifically stated that he could spend a couple hours in training mode for both desyncs and chaingrabs. Sure in a couple of days he'd get better at it. But its not as easy as you think it to be. Maybe you should actually try to do it and see how difficult it really is?

Ohh and about my attitude, its because people like you think they know what their talking about.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
The guy I train against who mains Ice Climbers got his grabs down in less than a week. I haven't tried it yet because I never play them, but if he can get it down that fast it's obviously possible.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
The guy I train against who mains Ice Climbers got his grabs down in less than a week. I haven't tried it yet because I never play them, but if he can get it down that fast it's obviously possible.
So you obviously have no clue what your talking about. If your going to give people advice, atleast know what their asking for.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
No, I know exactly what I'm talking about. I've personally witnessed someone master the Ice Climber grabs in less than a week. By your logic, I shouldn't tell someone how to drive unless I know how a car works. Your needless aggression is annoying. Unless you have something to contribute, shut up.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2006
Niagara Canada
No, I know exactly what I'm talking about. I've personally witnessed someone master the Ice Climber grabs in less than a week. By your logic, I shouldn't tell someone how to drive unless I know how a car works. Your needless aggression is annoying. Unless you have something to contribute, shut up.
Learn your place. Not one person has mastered CGs. Yes, that means the "all mighty" Hylian aswell. By saying that someone mastered the CGs in less then a week already shows me that you have no ****ing clue what your talking about. Even continuing this conversation with someone as misinformed as you is a waste of my time.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
Wow... This thread found the loophole in my "don't flame me..." I should have just said no flaming period... Anyways, I'll post a better video of myself next week after some CG practice and see how you guys take it...

Its going to take longer then that moron.

38 characters. 3 Chaingrabs. 114 CGs all with different timing.

I love how people walk in here and think they know everything.
I thought that if the characters were in the same weight categories such as lightest, medium, and heavy, the throw timings in these categories would be similar with the characters.

Well, I can chain grab most of the medium and light weights... Just not heavy...

Man, lol at that Ike suiciding at the end, he had you :laugh:.

On Topic:

You should really have a purpose with desynching, none of your attempts worked at all. Also, work on your chaingrabs. More importantly work on your non-grab game alot more, it gets really predictable and gets you in trouble if you go for grabs all the time. You got alot of work to do after seeing your partner getting killed so early.

K, I'll try to work on this. Thanks for critique. Much obliged.

Just spend a couple hours in training getting the timing right for your desynch and chaingrabs on different weights of characters. After just a couple days of practice you could probably double your IC skill by just getting those consistently.
Thanks for the tip. I think I might have to practice CG's out of training rooms using a P2 controller and just CG characters in the real match mode cause I heard the training room matches messes up knock-back compared to the real matches. Before, I used to practice in training room but after hearing about this, I think that training in real mode would be more help than in the training room...

P a i n

Smash Cadet
Jul 28, 2008
Peterborough, UK
I enjoyed watched your consistent desynch blizzard wall, but I have to agree it served no purpose.
I hate to sound like I'm showing off, but although I'm not as good as you with Desynchs, I feel my just general IC play is slightly better than yours; Though that could be down to the couple of hundred grab attempts :p
All in all it wasn't bad, and like you said, probably not your best, so good luck and keep practicing!


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
You know you can um...hit people with Squall right? o.O

But uh..you just need to work on actually doing something with your desynchs, and chaingrabbing. I barely saw any of the basic things an Ice Climber mainer needs to know.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
Well, I'd love to continue this delightful conversation, but I'm going to respect the TC's wishes and keep the flaming out.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2008
Dance to express, not impress!
Less arguing, more improvement of Demon's game please. Also, DT, Ike is pretty easy to FThrow chain. Maybe you could try that.

I also noticed that you usually try to Squall hammer -> Fsmash, which I've never gotten to work, ever. I think Squall ->Uair would be a better choice.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
you seem to try and go for the grab too much. plus at the end you cut off the ice block chain too early and he was able to recover. next time keep it going until they are dead and it says GAME. i don't know if it would have made that big of a difference, but i doubt that it would of hurt.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
you seem to try and go for the grab too much. plus at the end you cut off the ice block chain too early and he was able to recover. next time keep it going until they are dead and it says GAME. i don't know if it would have made that big of a difference, but i doubt that it would of hurt.
K, I saw that he was below the lip so I knew that Ice Blocks wouldn't hit him from there since he would have sweet-spotted the ledge from there with his Up-B...



Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
no problem. personally i would have kept it up just to gimp his recovery back onto the satge, you're probably right that it wouldn't have killed him.

oh, and i've added you to the IC Finder. you can tell me if you want anything changed/ updated.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
I laughed at your nana being left alone, him trying to beat her up and your hitting him from beyond the grave second stock.

Just saying.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 9, 2008
Round Rock, TX
I loved the Block Lock, well done. Desync'd blocks in general were very nice. While a chain grab was overdue, I say as everyone's been saying, the predictable grabs are only hindering you. Also,

I laughed at your nana being left alone, him trying to beat her up and your hitting him from beyond the grave second stock.
I agree with rehab, I thought that was funny. I love when nana does stuff on her own (besides get KO'd).


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
no problem. personally i would have kept it up just to gimp his recovery back onto the satge, you're probably right that it wouldn't have killed him.

oh, and i've added you to the IC Finder. you can tell me if you want anything changed/ updated.
Thanks, I didn't know there was a finder on this forum...

I laughed at your nana being left alone, him trying to beat her up and your hitting him from beyond the grave second stock.

Just saying.
When I saw Nana comming back down, I was wondering what was going to happen...
That made my day when I saw Nana have her revenge on Fox. ^_^

Don't put too much of your heart into Millar's responses.
He tends to be rather insensitive.
I guess I"ll keep this in mind...

I loved the Block Lock, well done. Desync'd blocks in general were very nice. While a chain grab was overdue, I say as everyone's been saying, the predictable grabs are only hindering you. Also,

I agree with rehab, I thought that was funny. I love when nana does stuff on her own (besides get KO'd).
Thanks! I'll try to improve my grabs so that they aren't so inaccurate.

I always found Nana after death to be a mystery...
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