I noticed something very crucial on the last video. I don't know how deep you guys are into your technical skill (you both seem technical enough to me) but you are both doing some things that you might only do against a computer. This applies to both fox and falco... you guys use a lot of uairs when a bair would be a much better choice. This is a stronger point for the falco since his uair isn't exactly his best move except for finishing some shine combos which you use it very well for. However sometimes you use it at very high percentages. What you SHOULD be doing is focusing on getting your opponent off the stage to setup for kills.
The reason I notice this is because its a problem I had with my game as well, which probably developed from practicing technical skill against a CP so much, all I did were these extended flashy looking combos. When a real game came around though I wasn't finishing my opponents quickly enough, which doesn't win matches. Basically there is some unecessary flash that needs to be cut out of your games.... more bairs ledgehoggging, simplifying to do things that get you kills. The good news is you both appear to have a good grasp of all the technical stuff (though I saw a lot of random fullhopped double shines with the falco... where you going for double jc shines on the ground or what? If you can't do them don't... they aren't that important)..... now you can work on mindgames, being more tactical etc...without having to worry about tech skill. This is something I myself still have a lot of trouble with and it takes me a while to warm up when I play before I start really THINKING in my game, you don't want to be on autopilot too much.
I guess I give you guys a 7/10 or something? Though I don't get how rating works because it really depends on who I'm comparing you to, you shouldn't really ask for ratings since they are subjective and not good measurements... if I compare you to other people who ask for help and post videos maybe a 7/10 is fitting but if I compare you to pros then a 4/10 is more accurate, at least thats probably what I would give myself if I watched one of my own videos and then watched a match of PC Chris and KoreanDJ playing or something.