Smash Hero
crew battles should be constructed & played out as if they were old school pokemon battles
'i choose you! Axe!'
'okay then, go! mew2king!'
then you like, throw their controller near the TV, and watch eagerly as they plug in
should probably proceed to like call out attacks and **** too
'axe! use your upsmash technique!'
then if it lands, well i mean you know what to say and where this is going
also i say oldschool cause i didn't keep up w/ the tv series or new games and **** all i know is that it played out like this when it was ash brock & misty
'i choose you! Axe!'
'okay then, go! mew2king!'
then you like, throw their controller near the TV, and watch eagerly as they plug in
should probably proceed to like call out attacks and **** too
'axe! use your upsmash technique!'
then if it lands, well i mean you know what to say and where this is going
also i say oldschool cause i didn't keep up w/ the tv series or new games and **** all i know is that it played out like this when it was ash brock & misty