(Keep in mind, the top left person has gun boots. boots that shot guns.)
I decided to split up the fights, because if it was all of them at once, no way could we win.
1. I don't think Welltaro (top left) could climb up to Godzilla to use his gun boots. And the 3rd person on my team's a fish, so it's just up to Beat. He does have a Diamond Pickaxe, and a ***** can, with fast speed... but Godzilla is Godzilla, so I think we take the L.
2. Zero Suit Samus. She is an expert in combat, but so is Welltaro. ZSS could still beat him by himself, but then we have a speedy fast boi with a Diamond Pickaxe, so in most outcomes, we win, but ZSS can still win sometimes.
3. yea, I'ma just take the L now, chief.
4. Yea, I think ya might as well take the L here, chief.
EDIT: Ummmm...
@MarioRayFalcon you were supposed to fight me, not
@JDCabrera , don't know why you're fighting him, when the rules state to fight the above user's, not the avatar above the above user.
(also, the top left person is Welltaro from Downwell who's now in the mafia, he's not a business man, and he has gunboots)