So, Corrin is simultaneously disappointing and amazing to me. What I knew would be strong, mostly is, but it's the other stuff. Corrin's mobility is bad, not to sugar coat it. Lack of a strong kill confirm is also fairly crippling. On the other hand, Corrin's mid percent combo game is pretty nuts, her damage per hit is very high, and she has very strong raw kill power.
Altogether, She's OK. I see this ending up 1 one of 2 ways:
Corrin's extremely strong spacing and edgeguarding game in addition to strong damage racking and kill power cements her a top 15 spot, and she becomes defined by solid, fundamentally based play. Not a disappointing result
Corrins spacing and edgeguarding game shape up to be far less impressive/important than I anticipated. Corrin is bad.
We will have to wait and see.