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The new Fire Emblem Heroes banner has been announced, and it's this year's Farfetched Heroes banner!

Loki, Kliff, and Owain are the featured units, as they were all some of the most prominent remaining characters of this year's CYL2 that weren't beastkin units.

Aversa is also confirmed to be the GHB for this banner.

This banner is a safe skip for me. Nothing interests me aside from Kliff, but that's mainly for his Chill Speed. I'm glad Aversa is finally getting a GHB though. Felt odd she didn't get a GHB back when the first Awakening banner came out earlier this year.
Well... time for me to summon the hero among heroes, the legendary legend known as Owain Dark!


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
Not even bothered I got screwed out of Owain twice. I finally got Morgan! Even Laevatain showed up.
Morgan +Spd/-Def
Laevatain +Atk/-HP

Deleted member

This banner seems to the the Arena scoring banner.
Loki has Dual Colorless Infantry... that is self-explanatory.
Kliff's A skill is just as expensive as Distant and Close Counter and Death Blow 4, meaning there is another alternative for high Arena scoring.
Owain has Blue Flame which, believe it or not, is inheritable and scores just as high as Aether and Galeforce.

I'm actually mad that Owain's special is inheritable because I got two of him. One was -Attack and the one I'm using is +Attack/-Def. I merged him thinking Blue Flame was like Ayra's Regnal Astra or Black Knight's Black Luna, a special that cannot be inherited... I was wrong. Off the top of my head though, the only units I have that I think could benefit from it are Nephenee and legendary Hector... still wish I knew this earlier.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
We've got a new Voting Gauntlet starting November 1st, and it will last until November 8! The theme is Clashing Thunders, and it features many of the most prominent blue mages in Fire Emblem:

Two banners have started running today featuring the participants.

Whose team will you be joining? It's either Team Reinhardt or Team Tailtiu for me.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I will likely be joining Team Reinhardt, as the man has been a pillar of strength in my army since I first got him. I'd consider joining someone on the right division, if any of them would grace me by joining my ranks. However, whether I do some pulling there, may depend on this upcoming Legendary Banner, and whether or not I want to try more on the New Heroes banner. For my free pull on the left division, I got another kinshi Hinoka, but this time with the reprehensible nature of +Def/-Spd. But I don't mind! She's got a great set of skills, so she's premium fodder.

Also, I'm excited that we finally got Aversa as a GHB! She finally fills that gap in my flying roster of a flying red mage, one that a certain summer unit absolutely refused to fill. I instantly promoted her to 5*. Her personal tome is an interesting one, although I may very well replace it with Rauorblade, depending on how it performs when she's the bonus hero.

Not even bothered I got screwed out of Owain twice. I finally got Morgan! Even Laevatain showed up.
Morgan +Spd/-Def
Laevatain +Atk/-HP
Nice pulls! Had I known you needed some M!Morgans, I would've sent some of mine your way. He's in the 4* pool, and he keeps showing up for me. At this rate, I can probably 4*+10 him.

This banner seems to the the Arena scoring banner.
Loki has Dual Colorless Infantry... that is self-explanatory.
Kliff's A skill is just as expensive as Distant and Close Counter and Death Blow 4, meaning there is another alternative for high Arena scoring.
Owain has Blue Flame which, believe it or not, is inheritable and scores just as high as Aether and Galeforce.

I'm actually mad that Owain's special is inheritable because I got two of him. One was -Attack and the one I'm using is +Attack/-Def. I merged him thinking Blue Flame was like Ayra's Regnal Astra or Black Knight's Black Luna, a special that cannot be inherited... I was wrong. Off the top of my head though, the only units I have that I think could benefit from it are Nephenee and legendary Hector... still wish I knew this earlier.
Fortress Def/Res actually looks like a decent skill too, much better than the previous iterations of the Fortress lines. It never seemed worth it to give up 3 Atk just for 5 points of Def or Res, not when you can just run Def+3 or a superior skill like Close Def (provided one has the fodder).


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Our newest Legendary Hero is here, and it turns out to be Hrid! I'm not surprised since he wields a sword and would be a fitting Water-type Leg-

-Wait, Hrid is not the new Legendary Hero? Then who is?

Oh, Legendary Eirika. Well, I guess her being a Legendary Hero makes sense since her brother got that treatment a few months ago, but, she's not what I expected.

She even seems to be similar to her brother's Legendary alt in regards to how he is used: a type of unit who is meant to charge into enemy line himself. She comes with the new Attack/Speed solo skill, which will be useful with her Storm Siegliende and can also make a nice skill to pass onto for skill inheritance.

The other units in this banner are Flying Olivia, Summer Tana, Legendary Ephraim, Bridal Ninian, Sumia, Legendary Lyn, Bridal Sanaki, Grima, Legendary Robin, Innes, and Genny.

I'll be honest. These three images sum up my reaction to the new Legendary Hero:

Yes, I'm mad. Yes, I'm disappointed. Yes, I'm unhappy.

I saved up 134 ORBS in anticipation for Hrid. He's my favorite Heroes OC, and I want him to come to my army. Everything looked like the stars were aligning for him to be our Legendary Hero this month, but this? THIS?

Yet again, Hrid got shafted. Why does IS have to treat Hrid like this? Furthermore, the Legendary Hero we got is underwhelming.

I actually like Eirika as a character myself (she has grown on me overtime), and congrats to her fans that wanted her to get the LH treatment, but for a Legendary alt, she is looking to be pretty disappointing based on the skills she has so far. She's a Legendary Hero that just isn't worth pulling for me.

And to add more salt to the wound, none of the other characters she is coming with are units I want to pull for. Well, maybe Innes and Legendary Lyn (only for Speed Tactics), but even then, they aren't a priority for me. Honestly, this is the worst Legendary Hero banner we've had since the Legendary Lyn one.

Looks like best Heroes boy's only hope for being in Heroes is through some kind of banner featuring more OCs similar to the Muspell one we got a short while ago. Alas, I've now become more pessimistic about Hrid coming to Heroes.

Only thing worse that could happen for the FE characters that I want in Heroes is if Conrad isn't in the next SoV banner...


Also in FE:Heroes news, we've got some news regarding the upcoming banners:

Looks like an FE6 banner won't be happening until March, and we'll be getting a RD banner around the beginning of next year.

I guess this means the next New Heroes banner coming up next month will probably mark the debut of the beastkin units with the debut of Version 3.0 and Book III.
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Deleted member

I have to say, this Legendary Banner is the most unappealing one to me IMO. There are a lot of units that I don't want or don't care about... with the two major exceptions being Eirika and male Grima.
I will summon for Eirika because I do like Sacred Stones. This has been a horrible month in terms of summoning for me, so hopefully Eirika can fix that or give me sympathy. :(

Oh, and because I didn't mention it before, I will be on team Ophelia. If she loses... time to join Meme Man's, I mean Reinhardt's, team.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
man I.S. just let me know when you're gonna put Nah in the game, that's all I'm waiting for, I don't need to know when you're doing other banners

Eirika is one of the more expected characters to get a legendary alt. I don't think that I'll roll on this banner though. I don't really need another sword and while getting another FGrima would be nice, I'm not going back into colorless hell on a legendary banner again.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
The final Smash Ultimate Direct prior to the game's release will be airing this Thursday at 9:00 AM CST/10:00 AM EST! It'll be 40 minutes long, and there will also be a Nintendo Treehouse post-show following the Direct. For those excited for Smash Ultimate, get ready! It's going to be a wild ride!

In Fire Emblem Heroes news, I decided to use up roughly 60 of the 136 orbs I was saving up for Hrid on the two Halloween banners. Following my Hrid-isn't-the-next-Legendary-Hero salt, I'd figure it'd be worth giving another go at pulling Halloween Mia and/or another Halloween Nowi so that I could get Hone Fliers fodder. If silver or red orbs didn't show up in their respective banners, my second line of priorities are Halloween Myrrh, Halloween Sakura, or Halloween Jakob (the latter two would hopefully be better natures than the ones I currently have).

In my last session before wrapping up my summoning rounds, I got 3 red orbs, 1 silver orb, and 1 green orb in the Halloween banner from last year. Eager at the higher chance of pulling Halloween Nowi with all those red orbs, I decided to go for a full round summoning starting with the green orb, then the silver orb, and then the three red orbs. After getting a 3-star Bartre for the first summon, and I went for the silver orb. The poof sound effect happened, and I was blessed with...

My first Innes! FINALLY, he came home! He's one of my favorite Sacred Stones characters, so it was awesome to finally pull him! Talk about a great Halloween treat!

His nature ended up being +Atk -Spd. He got one of his best boons, but his bane was not desirable though.

Luckily, I found a way to work around the speed bane by giving him Fury and a Speed +3 Seal. This combination brought his speed up to 37, which is just like his boon speed.

I finished building my Innes shortly after, and this is the build I gave him:

A build that makes him fully optimized as an anti-mage unit! I wasn't sure what to give him for his C-skill, but I'd figure Atk Ploy was the way to go because of his high Res. That combined with the C-skill he got allowed him to be even more prepared to tank against mages.

I can see one of his teammates being the Eirika that I have, as her refined Sieglinde and Hone Speed gives Innes some nice stat boosts. One of the Eirikas I pulled from those summoning sessions today got a +Spd -HP nature, so I'm thinking about using that one as my new Eirika. I'll just need to upgrade her to 5-star once I have enough feathers, and then I'll just need to give her the right skills as a support unit. I also have a few other Eirika that I can use for merges.

Innes was one of the few characters that I was interested in pulling from the new LH banner, and now that I got him, that means there's only unit I want to pull for in that upcoming banner: Legendary Lyn. I want her purely for Speed Tactics to give her to my Eirika. She's not a priority though, so I'm not going to spend the rest of my orbs trying to pull her.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I was expecting Legendary Eirika to make an appearance sometime, so I have no issue with her making her appearance this banner. My main issue is that the art looks pretty similar to her other variations. Of course, it is still quite good! But I do like variety. Even with that, I'll do what pulling I can on the banner, since I had none of the reds when I started pulling.

In any case, remember how I said my allegiance in this upcoming voting gauntlet might change if I managed to pull someone from the banner? I actually ended up not waiting for the Legendary banner to drop, and ended up just going for some pulls on the Thunder banner anyway. After all, since all of the focus units are blue, you actually have a higher chance of pulling a 5* unit if you're pulling blue than you would for the Legendary banner. I had none of the focus units, which meant this was an ideal banner for me. I did a little bit of pulling, and summoned a...


Ishtar! Her nature is something of a mixed bag, but, overall, I think it's a pretty good one. She's +Atk/-Spd. +Atk, of course, is always a good boon, but she's a speedy mage, so -Spd isn't ideal. That said, it's not horrible, since, with the effect of her tome and Swift Sparrow and the spare Spd seal I gave her, she still hits 44 Spd when initiating combat. She's definitely a powerful mage!

Also, here's my fully built Aversa:


She's got quite an HP pool with this setup, especially for a mage, so her tome works quite well. That said, Raourblade still would be a stronger option, though I don't have much reason to give it to her at this point. She works fine in the Arena, but the main problem is the scoring range.

I've done some pulling for reds on the Legendary banner, which yielded me an Olivia. I'm pleased, since I didn't have her before, and she is one of the best dancers in the game. Of course, S. Tana still eludes me, and I expect that not to change. Still, with the good pulls I've had in other areas, I'm happy with what I've gotten.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
A new Feh Channel for Fire Emblem Heroes is airing tomorrow at 7:30 PT! It'll be 13 minutes long, and it will talk about the new update.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Thoughts/hopes on what will be talked about tomorrow?

I've been hearing some news that this will mainly talk about the new ver. 2.11 update, but it could end with a teaser for the ver. 3.0 update/Book III of story mode.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
A new Feh Channel for Fire Emblem Heroes is airing tomorrow at 7:30 PT! It'll be 13 minutes long, and it will talk about the new update.

There was a problem fetching the tweet

Thoughts/hopes on what will be talked about tomorrow?

I've been hearing some news that this will mainly talk about the new ver. 2.11 update, but it could end with a teaser for the ver. 3.0 update/Book III of story mode.
I hope they talk a bit about 3.0; after all they just can't have two Feh Channel too close unless these madmen are even madder.


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
So after the Fates banner back in September had no alts, IS decided to make up for it.

lol the video has more dislikes than likes

And Azura is a Tempest unit.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
So after the Fates banner back in September had no alts, IS decided to make up for it.

lol the video has more dislikes than likes
View attachment 176378

And Azura is a Tempest unit.
View attachment 176376
So this is the new banner we're getting for November, huh? Guess the beast units really won't be coming until some time later.

This banner is an easy skip for me. I'm interested in none of the units. Pretty disappointed they went for a fifth Camilla alt this soon when there were other choices they could've done for a fourth Fates character to fit the Valla theme. Since Mikoto got her time to shine in Heroes in this banner, I think Arete should've be part of that same banner since she's also Vallite AND Mikoto's sister (not to mention she'd be a fitting "Conquest" parallel to Mikoto since Arete was essentially queen of Nohr once she married Garon).

Thank god the banner is an easy skip too, because that means I can save orbs for Kaden's potential debut in Heroes when we get our first Beast unit banner!


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I actually really like the art for this banner. Too bad all my orbs went into the Legendary Banner, which left with an 10.5% pity rate, going on 11%, and still no S. Tana or L. Eirika. I did pull an Olivia relatively early on, I should've just stopped at that point.

The game did relent some though, bestowing me with a Quan on my free pull for the Drive Atk banner. That was pretty nice.

Male Corrin cosplaying as Azura looks kinda funny. I thought it was just a fan rendition when I first saw a pic, until I saw the video!

But, with the video for the banner already dropped, I think that frees up room for the Feh Channel to cover Book III. I rather expect that's what it will focus on this time, which could mean some big stuff!

null follow up sounds kinda gross
It does sound gross. While I do think they needed to address the problem of Fighter skills being so busted, I don't think they needed to come up with a blanket skill that presumably also counters -breaker skills, Quick Riposte, and Brash Assault. This just pushes the speed meta, and will make the Arena and AA more annoying than they currently are.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
It does sound gross. While I do think they needed to address the problem of Fighter skills being so busted, I don't think they needed to come up with a blanket skill that presumably also counters -breaker skills, Quick Riposte, and Brash Assault. This just pushes the speed meta, and will make the Arena and AA more annoying than they currently are.
Yeah that's what I was thinking too. They probably put in the skill to try and address the Fighter skills, but I would've preferred it if the skill more specifically targeted those skills rather than also hamper non-problematic ones like Quick Riposte and stuff. I would hope that it'll be an non-inheritable skill, but given that Blue Flame is inheritable, anything could happen.

Have to wonder if it affects brave weapons or not though.

sometimes I think it'd be nice if unit trading could be a thing....the banner gave me 3 Summer Tanas (and a couple of other things), and I'd be down to give you one, but it (unit trading) will never happen lol
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Looks like the big reveal for the Feh Channel was the new Aether Raids mode, which seems quite reminiscent of My Castle for Fates. Thoughts on the new mode? I think it looks interesting, and I had been wanting a mode where you could design your own maps. This lets you do that to a degree -- we'll see how it turns out soon!

Also, we'll finally be able to get more copies of the limited characters! That's pretty exciting, since now you can +10 GHB units if you'd like, or else use them for some of the premium fodder they have. I know I want to +10 Masked Marth, so I think that may be my next merge focus.

And the Feh Channel finished with a teaser for Book III coming in December. That's something to look forward to!

Yeah that's what I was thinking too. They probably put in the skill to try and address the Fighter skills, but I would've preferred it if the skill more specifically targeted those skills rather than also hamper non-problematic ones like Quick Riposte and stuff. I would hope that it'll be an non-inheritable skill, but given that Blue Flame is inheritable, anything could happen.

Have to wonder if it affects brave weapons or not though.

sometimes I think it'd be nice if unit trading could be a thing....the banner gave me 3 Summer Tanas (and a couple of other things), and I'd be down to give you one, but it (unit trading) will never happen lol
I definitely expect it to be inheritable, since there's nothing to suggest that it's not. Thus far, all passives that have levels (e.g., Death Blow 1, 2, 3, & 4) can be inherited, so I'd expect it to continue as such. But it's also definitely not going to effect how Brave weapons operate, they treat the Brave effect differently from passive abilities.

I've sometimes thought trading might be fun, if difficult for them to implement in a way not susceptible to abuse. It would make it easier to obtain one's favorite characters without so much of the gambling aspect. But so it goes! At least S. Tana has some good fodder on her for you!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Glad to see that we finally have a good way of acquiring more GHB and Tempest Trial units now. I'm definitely aiming to get more Lyon and Joshua merges from them, and the other GHBs I'll get from them will probably for skill fodder.

Aether Raids looks like a mix of Arena and My Castle modes. Can't comment about how fun they'd turn out to be (I barely play on Arena mode these days) but hey, at least they give you those Hero Grails.

Also, am I the only that got Fate series vibes when they revealed the Hero Grails? Like, they are Holy Grails that grant people wishes by allowing them to summon the hero of their choosing? That's the impression I got from them.

And that Book III teaser.

Yeah, I had a feeling we'd get a teaser the moment static showed up. I wonder why was Sharena crying.


The new update is out and the stats have been datamined:

Female Corrin nearly outclasses Male Corrin in stats except for HP and Attack. Either way, both have pretty high BST!

Camilla will hit pretty hard too with that 37 Attack!

Turns out the new Azura alt we got is lolli Azura. She's slow for a Dancer but has competent Attack. Her weapon is called "Book of Shadows," and its effect is that if she is adjacent to an ally, she'll deliver a -4 debuff to all the foe's stats during combat.
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Deleted member

That was a kinda... meh Feh Channel. I am really excited to eventually have a +10 Black Knight. I need to see Aether Raids in action before coming up with a conclusion towards my feelings, but I will admit that Feh was pretty annoying during the presentation. I was focusing more on that voice work than the actual mode.
As for Book 3, I am extremely happy that people are making the appropriate jokes for it.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
In fact, during it I told my friend that Alfonse got Thanos'd.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Heroic Grails sounds really nice. Hopefully getting grails will be less of a pain in the ass than divine dew is.

Speaking of consumable resources though....would love it if IS would give us something else to do with arena medals. I'm drowning in the things and I doubt I'm the only one


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
This got relegated to a mere line in the news, but the Relay Defense mode has been shelved for the time being! Thank Naga! I hated that mode. I much prefer Rival Domains, which is a mode that I find pretty enjoyable. I hope Relay Defense takes an unceremonious leave and just vanishes forever.

This also got little notice, but there's been a possible new level of powercreep that snuck in with the new batch of weapon upgrades. Saber's new weapon, Golden Dagger, has an upgrade that grants a conditional DC. If his skill is ready, he can DC. He has two other effects on his weapon as well. This marks the first time IS has added something beyond simple DC to a non-breath weapon.

I wonder why was Sharena crying.
Because the stream was over without more of Book III shown! But, more seriously, I do hope they actually put some more effort into the story this time around. Book I was a joke, Book II was better, but still not so good. Perhaps with Book III they'll realize they can do a serious story line?

That was a kinda... meh Feh Channel. I am really excited to eventually have a +10 Black Knight. I need to see Aether Raids in action before coming up with a conclusion towards my feelings, but I will admit that Feh was pretty annoying during the presentation. I was focusing more on that voice work than the actual mode.
Honestly, I thought this was one of the better Feh Channels. There's a new mode that looks like it could be fun, I consider that a positive. But we also now have a store for skill fodder, which, in my opinion, is a quality of life improvement on par with the announcement of Combat Manuals. Fury 3 is on sale with Fallen Takumi (at 4*!), so you don't need to worry about pulling Hinatas? That's awesome! Close Def and Steady Stance are now easily accessible (still cost 20k feathers to get the top versions!). Panic Ploy? Yep. Other ploys? Yep. Live to Serve 3? Yep. Lots of other skills? Yep!

But yeah, I agree on the point that Feh is annoying during the presentation. I don't really like watching Feh Channels as they happen, I usually watch them after they're done, at 1.5x speed or so.

Heroic Grails sounds really nice. Hopefully getting grails will be less of a pain in the *** than divine dew is.

Speaking of consumable resources though....would love it if IS would give us something else to do with arena medals. I'm drowning in the things and I doubt I'm the only one
They do look easier, but they do scale it. 500 Grails will likely be hard to get, but 100 Grails will be easy. And, yeah, I think we're all drowning in Arena medals.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Looks like IS is really trying to put up a bunch of filler until Book III comes out, because the next new banner is just more Heroes OCs, specifically Ylgr and Surtr.

Yep, our first two unit banner.

And my reaction to it: No Hrid? Why IS?

This is probably what made me the maddest about this banner: for a banner that includes the rest of the Book II OCs, they left him out! As a Hrid fan, this stings!

I have a hard time imagining him as the GHB since he is never fought as an enemy unit. I can see him being a Legendary Hero though, but this month's? I don't know we just had a red Legendary Hero, unless Hrid turns out to be a completely different color, or he ends up being another red dagger/our first red archer (which the more I look into it, the more it seems like a nice possibility).

On the bright side of this banner, at least we finally have another unit that can fodder off Speed Tactic that isn't Legendary Lyn. The Eirika I'm currently building would really like that skill!

And Steady Stance 4 is absolutely PERFECT for my Shiro with its +8 Def boost and built in Guard! In fact, I think I'll start by sniping green on the banner!

Deleted member

I will summon on this banner a bit for a chance to get Alolan Ganondorf. He's my favorite Book 2 character because he's so one-dimensional that it's funny. He wanted to burn the world because yes. :p
If I feel like it, I might try for Ylgr because she's precious.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
A two unit banner is certainly unusual. As is Steady Stance 4 being more than just Steady Stance 3 with more defense.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
This month has been pretty meh for FEH. A 2 unit banner with OCs already in the game just continues that blandness. I'm hoping that, with the amount this month has been phoned in by, that Book III will be profoundly great.

That said, what about the close of Book II? Well, I think it's going out with a whimper. I can say I had high hopes for Aether Raid, but it just hasn't lived up to it. I thought it had the potential to be an improvement as good as Combat Manuals! I thought this might actually serve as a store for skills...! But the costs are so prohibitive... good luck with that. And, to top it off, I don't even find the mode fun to play. Ugh. It needs work.

However, there is something that I've been working on that I would like to share:


Thus, I have 2/3 Whitewings at +10 and with a max level set. I just need to pull one more Catria! Then all three will be at 5*+10!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
So we now know who that unknown GHB is...


It's Gharnef! And he got some awesome Heroes art too!

His tome Imhullu, works similar to the Skadi in Heroes, only its special effect is that it deals five damage and inflicts the "no counterattack" on foes.

Surprising we got Gharneff as the GHB in a time where we don't have another Shadow Dragon banner! I wonder what's left to represent Shadow Dragon for future GHBs...

As for some other noteworthy things to talk about, Surtr has 179 BST with with super boons in both Attack and Defense! Pretty OP...

Datamine information has also revealed of a future BHB featuring Ylgr and Helbindi.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Going to make a double post, so my apologies in advance, but I've got a lot to share about regarding to what happened to me with Fire Emblem Heroes last night, as well as some major new information found in the recent datamine.

My main goal going into the new banner was to pull Surtr purely for his Steady Stance 4 skill. I'm not a fan of Surtr's character at all, so I wasn't planning on using him despite his stats turning out to be super good. If I couldn't get Surtr from green orbs, I wanted to snipe for blue orbs as well to get Ylgr for her Speed Tactics skill.

I went into the banner with 160 orbs. I ended up getting pity-broken by my second Dorcas during it. He is +Def -HP, which isn't a bad nature (the first Dorcas I got a while back was completely neutral). I haven't decided whether I'll use him for merging or skill fodder. If it's the latter, it'll probably be for either Quick Riposte or Infantry Pulse (more so the former since I don't have anyone that needs the latter skill).

After 100 orbs, I got my most wanted unit: Alolan Garon himself!

His nature also turned out to be +Def -HP, which is arguably best for him. However, like I said, I had no plans on using Surtr, so I just foddered him away for that Steady Stance 4, and let me tell you, this was a decision I'm glad I made.

Guess who got the Steady Stance 4? Best Fates child Shiro of course!

Say hello to my new, improved, and updated Shiro build!

I honestly think Steady Stance 4 Shiro's new best A-skill. Not only does it give him a whooping +8 Defense boost that turns him into a bigger and more impenetrable wall on the enemy phase than he already is, the skill also comes in with a built-in Guard! Guard is arguably Shiro's best B-skill because it improves his survivability even further by lowering enemys' special frequency, but Steady Stance 4 makes this Guard skill more accessible to him by not putting the 80% or higher HP threshold on him to activate it (only requirement for it activate is that it needs to be done on the enemy phase, but that's how I always used my Shiro). Putting Guard into an A-skill also gives him more B-skill and Seal flexibility, so I'm able to still retain the Defense +3 Seal (Squad Ace B is that same Seal but with a fancier name) and Quick Riposte on him.

I also changed his C-skill from Threaten Def to Spd Smoke 3. This will ensure he will be less likely to be doubled. He also has Atk Smoke 3 on him, but I don't plan on having him use the skill yet considering how incredibly sturdy he is with his current build. The change from Ignis to Bonfire is to help him activate his skill more frequently (he is on a team with Infantry users, with one of them having Infantry Pulse to lower his cool down charge).

I can't wait to use Shiro frequently again! He's always been one of my best walls, and with Steady Stance 4, I'd say he may just be my best physical tank in Heroes! My Innes that I recently built will work pretty well with him too as another anti-mage unit to counter Shiro's weakness to mages.


In Fire Emblem Heroes regarding some things that'll come up in the future, the recent datamine also found voice clips for Hrid, complete with dialogue when checking his stats page and his battle quotes.

I guess this means we'll be getting Hrid in Heroes soon! I'd say the next Legendary Hero banner looks likely for that (especially when supposedly this month's Hero is Water again, and that element fits him well), but we'll see.

Looks like I'll need to work on replenishing my orbs for this next week since the new banner drained a hefty chunk of orbs that I was saving these last few weeks. I only have about 50 orbs at the moment, and I'll need some more if I really want to up my chances at pulling Hrid, assuming he's on the next Legendary Hero banner. If Kaden is released next month with Book III and the beast units debut, that'll be even more rough orb-count wise!
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Deleted member

The Fire and Ice banner was... kind of oddly kind to me.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
I did have to summon three other Alolan Ganondorfs before I could one that wasn't -Attack, but not a lot of Orbs were spent to get him to that point. So I have Steady Stance 4 fodder ready and waiting to be used... I think I will use one of them on Lukas.
I also got a Ylgr, with her best boon and second best bane.

Now I will wait for the Legendary Banner and hopefully get the Legendary Hero quickly. I am keeping a lot of Orbs and cash to finish +10ing my Legendary Hector.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Been finishing some builds on some of my units in Fire Emblem Heroes:

Starting from left to right, I finally finished my new and improved Eirika. This new Eirika has a +Spd -HP nature, one of her best IV spreads as a matter of fact. I went with Fury to boost her stats even further, and I used my old Eirika to merge her with new one. I have 3 more Eirikas as merge fodder at the moment, and I definitely want to build a +10 Eirika sometime in the future.

I also finally finished my Athena. I pulled a 5-star Athena a long while ago, and she got a +Spd -Res nature, which is perfect for her. She uses the classic Fury+Desperation combo, and with the help of her refined weapon and a Atk +3 Seal, she turns into a pretty swift and strong sword unit!

In addition to those two, my Rauthblade build on my Summer Tana is finally finished! Pretty happy to have finally completed it! The Rauthblade build optimizes her sweeping potential, though I'll still use her Fruit of Iounn build from time to time.
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Sorry for the double post again, but I just wanted to drop in the news that we got a new FE: Heroes trailer. Hrid is finally going to be playable in Heroes, and he's our next Legendary Hero!

He is a red cavalier (I had a feeling he'd be a sword user, but I didn't expect he'd be a cavalier). He is also our first non-Hector character to have Distant Counter! He comes in with a pretty beastly default skill-set too, with his weapon granting him automatic follow-up and negating the foe's chances of doing so if said foe has some negative skill like a Ploy or Threaten, his B-skill inflicting a -6 Atk/Spd debuff on the foe with the lowest Res, and Attack Smoke 3.

The other featured units in this banner are Legendary Ryoma, Laevatain, Legendary Lucina, Brave Hector, Summer Cordelia, Gunthra, female Kana, Summer Innes, Legendary Robin, Nina, and Summer Noire!

I'm really happy that Hrid is finally coming to Fire Emblem Heroes! He is my favorite Heroes OC alongside Laegjarn, and I've been wanting him to be playable for quite some time. There were numerous Legendary Hero banners that seemed like Hrid would get his playable chance, but then it turned out he didn't show up in them. I practically lost all remaining hope in his chances when Legendary Eirika showed up last month. Now, here we are! I'm glad that recent datamine highlighting Hrid's voiced lines weren't for nothing.

With his beastly default skill set, he will be quite a nice addition to my Horse Emblem team! I'm hoping I'll pull a good natured Hrid, but if I don't, he'll at least make good DC fodder. Red is looking to be the color I'll be sniping for not just for Hrid, but also for the possibility of more Legendary Ryoma merges and Laevatain for her C-skill. Blue is next in line in my priority list mainly for Brave Hector, who I'm hoping to pull a better-natured one or as Bold Fighter fodder.

I've got 65 orbs at the moment. I'll have to work on accumulating some last minute orbs these net few days just to ensure my chances of pulling Hrid will go up!
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Deleted member

I will be skipping out on this banner. I don't really care about Hrid and Fjorm will be a bonus unit in the next Arena season, so I don't have to worry about bonus units.
The blue batch seems to be pretty decent though. I wouldn't mind getting Brave Hector, but my hopes are incredibly low after the Brave Heroes banner.

I still have to wait and save for one more month to finish up making a +10 Hector.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Dumped all my orbs in the hopes of pulling Hrid, but sadly, I didn't get him at all.

I did, however, get another Legendary Ryoma and Brave Hector, the other unit I was hoping to pull, in one summoning session during the summoning grind. I merged the new Legendary Ryoma with my old one for those merge benefits.

As for Brave Hector? The new Brave Hector turned out to be much better than the last one I pulled a couple of months ago. In fact, this new Brave Hector got one of his best natures! He is +Def -Spd!

So after pulling him, I worked on grinding him, and I finished his build!

I plan on using him as my new blue unit on my Armor Emblem team, hence why I gave him Armor March 3 (I foddered my horrid-nature'd Brave Ephraim I pulled a few months back to give Hector this skill). He can also switch into Swap or Even Res Wave for his other skills, the latter I will consider if I want to use him in a mixed team.

Pulling this perfect Brave Hector definitely made up for not pulling Hrid with all my orbs that I saved up, but I'm still hoping I'll pull Hrid before the Legendary Hero banner ends. I've seen his stats, and no doubt he'll make a fantastic addition to my Horse Emblem team (not to mention I could use him and Legendary Ephraim as bonus units for the next Aether Raids). I'll work on accumulating some more orbs these next few days and see how it goes.
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Deleted member

I spent some Orbs on the Legendary Banner not for Hrid, but for Brave Hector.
And I managed to get one! He is +HP/-Res, which is honestly better than my +HP/-Def one. Hopefully I will get something like +Attack or +Def/-HP or -Speed, but I'm glad to get something a bit more tolerable.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
New monthly quests started today in Fire Emblem Heroes, and with that, it means a time to replenish free orbs.

After doing all the new monthly quests that give free orbs, I went sniping for more red orbs in the hopes of pulling best Heroes boy. And what you know it:


His nature ended up being +Res -HP though. Not a bad nature by any means, but HP is one of his superbness alongside Speed and Res. On the other hand, with that boosted Res, he will slightly tank better against mages compared to one with a neutral bane.

Still, I'm thinking about using him for now in spite of his so-so nature. My current plan is to give him Attack Smoke 3 and the HP +5 seal to get around his HP bane and still maintain his physical tankiness, though I also heard the Heavy Blade seal is better suited for him. Not sure what to go with right now.

I also pulled this:

My first Legendary Lucina! She has a completely neutral nature.

Not sure if I want to use her though. On the one hand, her nature is passable. On the other hand, I have no plans on using her, and Swift Sparrow is a really valuable skill to pass on, so... decisions decisions.



Finished my Hrid!

He's just using his default skill set, but it works pretty well. Atk Smoke helps maintain his tankiness, and the HP+5 combats his HP bane. Heavy Blade might be the better seal though (especially when he'll receive Fortify Cavalry buffs from my other cavalry teammates), but we'll see if it's really necessary. I also gave him Fortify Cavalry for the Horse Emblem buffs.

It's also good that this isn't a high investment set. Should I pull another Hrid with a better nature, I can easily build a second one and use my first one as DC fodder. The only thing I'll need is another Reposition fodder, as I'm currently out of them.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Ah, I love how sometimes the forums decide to stop with notifications randomly! But it seems things have been pretty quiet around here lately. Perhaps not as much has been happening in Heroes lately. While they did add the new mode, I haven't been doing a ton in the game, mostly just having casual fun doing the daily & weekly modes and quests. I did the Abyssal modes for Lucina & Ryoma, but I haven't gotten around to really giving a good go on Hrid, so that one will have to wait until his next rotation. I found Hrid's Infernal actually to be pretty challenging, so it was pretty fun just to do it on that difficulty!

What does everyone think of the Aether Raids, by the way? I like the concept, but my feelings are pretty mixed on the implementation. There are, of course, cancer teams which can be annoying, but I also don't like how limited our ability to play the mode is. We can't explore the mode and see a bunch of different teams & setups; instead, we're limited to pretty much 2 matches a day, both of which have a score pressure. I think that it would be more fun if we had the option to play the mode indefinitely (or with Stamina) for no points (but you could still earn HM).

As for pulls, I managed to get a Laevateinn from the Abridged banner! Now I have both the Muspell sisters! Here she is:


She's quite a powerhouse, with enormous attack when fully buffed! Her speed is pretty good too. I like running her with Ishtar, so they both get the Atk/Spd Wave buffs at the same time.

I also got that Golden Dagger all nice and finished on my Saber:


I actually really like the effect, and it works quite well with his native Aegis+Shield Pulse. This setup pretty much keeps his skill up all the time, which means that his DC is also active most of the time. I might eventually swap out HP/Spd 2 for something else, but it's his native skill and it's serviceable enough.

And, last but not least, I finally got around to making both Maria and Michalis 5* units. Here's my House Macedon:

House Macedon.jpg

I hadn't promoted Maria for the longest time (though she saw heavy use!) since she was great at running the Pain+/Savage Blow setup just as a 4*, and she didn't actually need any of her 5* skills. But I decided it was time to make her a 5*, so there she is! She'll be better at healing because of it, and she has a couple of healing options now as well. And House Macedon is complete!

Now I just have to wait until Minerva drops in rarity, and then I can proceed to merge her to +10....
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