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Social Corrin Social - Still Fire Emblem Social


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
You mean one less attack than the both of them? :p
If you get a +Speed one and she isn't -Attack, you hit the jackpot IMO. With +Speed, she is begging for the Flashing Blade Sacred Seal.

Yeah, that's the stat I meant. My bad.

In other news, looks like I finally had a solid start to the Legendary Hero banner for once, and I mean a really good start.

I ended up using nearly 60 orbs in my attempt to pull Legendary Ryoma and guess what?

He finally came home!

Legendary Ryoma was also fortunate enough to have a solid IV spread: +Atk -Def. He got one of his best boons, but he did get his super bane. However, the bane doesn't matter too much. I'm giving Legendary Ryoma a Firesweep Sword set (I still have that one bad IV 5-star Soleil I pulled from a while ago to give him the Firesweep Sword+), so he doesn't care about Defense all that much.

I'm glad I pulled my most wanted unit from this Legendary Hero banner, so I can take a break for now. I'll try pulling for Winter Lissa another time.


Finished building my Firesweep Sword+ build on my newly pulled Legendary Ryoma!

Look at the blistering high Attack and Speed! Yeah, this samurai really packs a punch!

His Defense and Resistance may be quite low because of Life and Death 3, but like I previously mentioned, neither stat matters since this Ryoma is optimized for the player phase.

I'd also give him Moonbow and Hone Fliers, but I don't have access to units that can fodder those skills at the moment.

I think now I know what I want to build next with my finished Legendary Ryoma: Myrrh! I was originally planning on using her in my Dragon Emblem, and while I still do want her for that, I think she would fit quite nicely on my Flier Emblem team too. With her strong tankyness and Iote's Shield, she makes a solid choice for my new tank on my Flier Emblem team (Michalis has and currently still fills that role, and while he still does a nice job, I think it's time for a change). Unfortunately, I do not have any Hectors or Hector Alts to fodder Distant Counter right now, so I have to wait on that. Guess I know what I'm pulling for in the next Legendary Hero banner!
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Pulling for Tana left my orb supply for this Legendary banner in a pretty sorry state, but I decided to throw what I could of my 39 orbs at it, in hopes of getting Lucina, one of my favorite characters from the franchise...


YES!!!! She came to me! And wait, what's that... she's +Atk/-Res? She actually has an ideal nature?! Oh, thank you! I was in dire need of some luck like this, after Tana left me so impoverished of hope.

She's an extremely strong unit, I like her a lot. Future Vision is a fun skill, at least when it's in my hands. I'm sure it'll be a nuisance on enemy Arena teams. And her bow? Pretty crazy, especially with the +Atk nature. That's a 59 Atk/46 Spd on initiation against melee units. I like it!

Oh, and a couple of pulls before her, I got a dupe Azura. Thankfully, that was just a fakeout, since Lucina came at the end. Azura also came with a +Atk/-Res nature, so that'll probably replace my neutral one.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
In these past few days playing Fire Emblem Heroes, I've shifted my focus from the Legendary Hero banner to the current Summer banner. My new goal is to pull Summer Camilla purely for her Hone Fliers skill so that I fodder her for my Legendary Ryoma, as she is currently the only unit on the given banners that has the skill.

While sniping for blue this morning, I got a 4-star Odin, so my Legendary Ryoma finally has Moonbow!

Later today, I continued trying to snipe for blue, but in one of the sessions, not one blue orb showed up, so I went for red and got pity-broken by my third Young Tiki (yes, the regular one, not the summer one). I merged her with my old Young Tiki, who has now reached 40+2.

After the Young Tiki disappointment, I continued to try sniping for blue. One of my sessions had three blue orbs, but I got nothing from them but another Odin and Robin for Moonbow and Bonfire fodder respectively. The last session I had didn't give me a single blue orb. I went for the silver orb that was available in the hopes that I could potentially get another Summer Takumi to merge with my current one, but I got this instead:


Well, isn't this surprising! I didn't think I'd pull Summer Linde at all, nor did I expect her to get a really good nature! She's +Atk -HP.

Looks like I have to keep for some kind of dagger use on a Horse Emblem team in the future.

If I can't pull Summer Camilla once the Summer banner ends, I'll at least have the Flier Buff banner to focus on where I'll try getting Hinoka for Hone Fliers fodder. Good thing I have about a week to prepare for that (though I also want to go for the Threaten Speed banner the day before just for more Takumi merges and Shanna, who I haven't pulled in MONTHS to the point I had to use all my Navarres as my Desperation fodder, so those two banners will probably run my orb count dry depending on my luck).
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Deleted member

I went on the Legendary banner and I summoned for Lucina. Although I don't care too much about the units on here (again, there are 3, maybe 4 that I care about), I still felt like trying for her.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
I did get her and she is +Def/-Res... actually, I managed to get two of her. This current one is my second one, my first one was -Attack and I gave her C skill to Ayra.
Oh, and I built up Walhart.

In these past few days playing Fire Emblem Heroes, I've shifted my focus from the Legendary Hero banner to the current Summer banner. My new goal is to pull Summer Camilla purely for her Hone Fliers skill so that I fodder her for my Legendary Ryoma, as she is currently the only unit on the given banners that has the skill.

While sniping for blue this morning, I got a 4-star Odin, so my Legendary Ryoma finally has Moonbow!

Later today, I continued trying to snipe for blue, but in one of the sessions, not one blue orb showed up, so I went for red and got pity-broken by my third Young Tiki (yes, the regular one, not the summer one). I merged her with my old Young Tiki, who has now reached 40+2.

After the Young Tiki disappointment, I continued to try sniping for blue. One of my sessions had three blue orbs, but I got nothing from them but another Odin and Robin for Moonbow and Bonfire fodder respectively. The last session I had didn't give me a single blue orb. I went for the silver orb that was available in the hopes that I could potentially get another Summer Takumi to merge with my current one, but I got this instead:


Well, isn't this surprising! I didn't think I'd pull Summer Linde at all, nor did I expect her to get a really good nature! She's +Atk -HP.

Looks like I have to keep for some kind of dagger use on a Horse Emblem team in the future.

If I can't pull Summer Camilla once the Summer banner ends, I'll at least have the Flier Buff banner to focus on where I'll try getting Hinoka for Hone Fliers fodder. Good thing I have about a week to prepare for that (though I also want to go for the Threaten Speed banner the day before just for more Takumi merges and Shanna, who I haven't pulled in MONTHS to the point I had to use all my Navarres as my Desperation fodder, so those two banners will probably run my orb count dry depending on my luck).
Congrats on getting Linde with a good IV spread!
My current one is +Speed/-Res. I know she doesn't want to lose that Res, but I am not complaining.

And yeah, if you want Hone Fliers and you don't get Camilla, then the Flier Boosts banner is still a good fallback option to have. Who knows? You might get a Camilla with good IVs that you rather use rather than fodder.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Today, I achieved a major accomplishment in Fire Emblem Heroes.

For the first time, I finally managed to beat a Legendary Hero Battle on Infernal difficulty with Legendary Lucina's battle! That's only part of the accomplishment. I achieved my first victory on this LHB using a solo unit run!

And which unit did I use for this solo run? My Summer Takumi of course!

Now that I finally have three fully trained dancers, I'd figure I can finally try doing a solo unit run on a GHB or LHB. I'd figure Summer Takumi would be my pick for something like this because not only is he my favorite unit right now, but he also Brave Bow equipped with an optimized stat spread that turns him into a hard-hitting glass cannon!

It took about two tries, but I eventually figured out the proper strategy to defeating the map with my Summer Takumi. On the first turn, I simply waited until the enemy units rushed in, then I proceeded to use Summer Takumi to land all the kills. The only times I didn't use Summer Takumi was when Normal Azura tanked and KOd the early sword cavalier and when PA!Azura tanked Legendary Lucina's first attack!

Man, solo-unit runs can be quite fun once you figure out the proper strategy. I definitely want to try it out more often, but the battle made me realize something: Flying Olivia could really benefit from Hone Fliers too! Still, I'm giving that skill priority for Legendary Ryoma first.
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Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Today, I achieved a major accomplishment in Fire Emblem Heroes.

For the first time, I finally managed to beat a Legendary Hero Battle on Infernal difficulty with Legendary Lucina's battle! That's only part of the accomplishment. I achieved my first victory on this LHB using a solo unit run!

And which unit did I use for this solo run? My Summer Takumi of course!

Now that I finally have three fully trained dancers, I'd figure I can finally try doing a solo unit run on a GHB or LHB. I'd figure Summer Takumi would be my pick for something like this because not only is he my favorite unit right now, but he also Brave Bow equipped with an optimized stat spread that turns him into a hard-hitting glass cannon!

It took about two tries, but I eventually figured out the proper strategy to defeating the map with my Summer Takumi. On the first turn, I simply waited until the enemy units rushed in, then I proceeded to use Summer Takumi to land all the kills. The only times I didn't use Summer Takumi was when Normal Azura tanked and KOd the early sword cavalier and when PA!Azura tanked Legendary Lucina's first attack!

Man, solo-unit runs can be quite fun once you figure out the proper strategy. I definitely want to try it out more often, but the battle made me realize something: Flying Olivia could really benefit from Hone Fliers too! Still, I'm giving that skill priority for Legendary Ryoma first.
Congrats! I usually find the Infernal difficulty to be the most fun, and it's usually where I start out when playing the new battles, actually. Occasionally I'll try to do the battles with self-imposed rules, such as a one unit clear, one turn clear, or using only free units. Now that you've cleared one, you should be on your way to clearing all of them!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Congrats! I usually find the Infernal difficulty to be the most fun, and it's usually where I start out when playing the new battles, actually. Occasionally I'll try to do the battles with self-imposed rules, such as a one unit clear, one turn clear, or using only free units. Now that you've cleared one, you should be on your way to clearing all of them!
Thanks! While this is my first LHB Infernal victory, I have beaten some of the Infernal GHBs before. My first Infernal GHB victory was Clarrise's when she appeared for those daily GHB re-runs. My NY!Takumi team carried me to victory in that battle. I also beat several other GHBs on Infernal: Linus, Lyon, Camus, Navarre, and Berkut come to mind, though I'm forgetting a few others. In those battles, I usually used either my Armor Emblem team, my Horse Emblem team, or my Legendary Ike/Reinhardt/Brave Lyn/PA!Azura team designed for most GHB battles. The only Infernal GHB victory so far where I got creative with my choice of units was the Berkut battle where I used Legendary Ike, PA!Azura, Fjorm, and Winter Chrom (the MVP for that battle because of his solid tankyness in both Defense and Resistance combined with Distant Counter) for the occasion.

Speaking of Infernal GHBs, I beat three more Infernal GHBs last night, and all three of them were utilized with a solo Summer Takumi run just like my Infernal Lucina LHB: Michalis, Valter, and Walhart.

The Infernal Michalis GHB proved to be quite easy this time around, as Summer Takumi was able to kill all of the enemy fliers. The only kill he didn't land was on the infantry sword user on the left, which my Normal Azura tanked and killed.

The Infernal Valter GHB took some trial and error, but I got it after a few tries. The winning strategy involved placing Summer Takumi on the farthest right at the start, followed by Flying Olivia next to him, then PA!Azura, and then Normal Azura on the farthest left. After waiting for the enemy unit to make their move, Summer Takumi proceeded to land the kills from there. The only kill he didn't land was on the enemy axe flier on the far, upper right corner that Flying Olivia took care of. He also had a close call with that one red mage cavalier towards the end, but he survived and KOd it back. He then proceeded to kill the remaining unit from there.

Walhart's Infernal GHB also involved some trial and error, especially when figuring out how to place my units in preparation for some of the reinforcements. This when felt so satisfying to beat that I wrote down a strat for how I accomplished this particular victory:

Team: Summer Takumi, Flying Olivia, PA!Azura, and Normal Azura

Starting position from left to right: PA!Azura, Summer Takumi, Normal Azura, and Flying Olivia.

Turn 1:
  1. Summer Takumi moves one space up to attack the Axe Knight.
  2. PA!Azura moves one space to the right to sing to Takumi.
  3. Summer Takumi moves one space right, then one space up to attack the Axe Knight.
  4. Normal Azura moves one space up to sing to Takumi.
  5. Summer Takumi moves one space down, then one space to the left to KO the Axe Knight.
  6. Flying Olivia stays in her starting position.
  7. The enemy Blue Mage will attack Takumi, but Takumi survives the hit!
Turn 2:
  1. Flying Olivia KOs the new Green Mage that appeared right next to her (she stays in her starting position for the KO)
  2. PA!Azura moves three spaces to the rights so that she is at the farthest bottom right corner of the map (Guidance makes this possible). This is to help give Summer Takumi the room necessary to attack the new Infantry Lancer that just showed up prior to the start of Turn 2.
  3. Summer Takumi moves one space down to attack the new Infantry Lancer.
  4. Normal Azura moves one space down to sing to Takumi.
  5. Summer Takumi KOs the Infantry Lancer from where he is at.
Turn 3:
  1. Summer Takumi moves one space to the left to KO the Firesweep Sword Cavalier.
  2. Normal Azura moves one space left to sing to Summer Takumi.
  3. Summer Takumi moves one space right, then one space up to KO the incoming Red Mage.
  4. Flying Olivia moves one space left, then one space up to sing to Takumi.
  5. Summer Takumi moves one space up to KO Walhart.
  6. PA!Azura moves two spaces to her left so that she is right beneath Flying Olivia.
Turn 4:
  1. PA!Azura moves two space to the right to KO the new Blue Mage that just appeared at the start of the turn.
  2. Summer Takumi moves one space right, then one space up to KO the incoming Thief.
  3. Flying Olivia moves one space up to sing to Takumi.
  4. Summer Takumi moves one space down, then one space left to KO the incoming Green Manakete.
  5. Normal Azura stays where she is so that she damages the Infantry Sword unit that attacks her from the left.
Turn 5:
  1. Normal Azura KOs the Infantry Sword unit from where she is currently at.
  2. Summer Takumi moves one space down, then one space right to stay out of the incoming Bow Knight's range.
  3. Flying Olivia moves one space right to stay out of the the incoming Bow Knight's range.
  4. PA!Azura stays where she is at.
Turn 6:
  1. The Bow Knight arrives! Flying Olivia moves two spaces to the left to attack the Bow Knight.
  2. Summer Takumi moves either to the left or up to KO the Bow Knight.

Deleted member

We got our first glimpse of the next seasonal banner. It seems to be yukata themed, which I did expect. Obviously the one on the left is Ryoma, but the one on the right is debated to be Shiro or Xander (probably Xander).

I need to see who is on this banner before deciding what to do with my Orbs. I did spend a few Orbs (and money) on the Life & Death and Fighter banners.
The L&D one... wasn't so kind. I can't get another Minerva it seems, but I did manage to get another Mia.
The Fighter banner is where I will dump all of my Orbs on if I don't like the next banner. I managed to get two Grimas so far (so he's at +2 now) and... I got a freaking Hector of all units. I think I will give DC to Reinhardt...
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Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
We got our first glimpse of the next seasonal banner. It seems to be yukata themed, which I did expect. Obviously the one on the left is Ryoma, but the one on the right is debated to be Shiro or Xander (probably Xander).

I need to see who is on this banner before deciding what to do with my Orbs. I did spend a few Orbs (and money) on the Life & Death and Fighter banners.
The L&D one... wasn't so kind. I can't get another Minerva it seems, but I did manage to get another Mia.
The Fighter banner is where I will dump all of my Orbs on if I don't like the next banner. I managed to get two Grimas so far (so he's at +2 now) and... I got a freaking Hector of all units. I think I will give DC to Reinhardt...
If the guy on the right is Shiro... welp, RIP all of my orbs. I can't ignore my favorite 2nd gen character from Fates.


My Summer Takumi has been on a role with those past GHBs. Over the past two days, he beat Xander's, Arvis's, and Narcian's Infernal GHBs.

Today, Summer Takumi had his proudest accomplishment... he defeated his evil counterpart in the Infested Takumi Infernal GHB!

Yep, Summer Takumi managed to beat what is arguably the hardest GHB in the game with the help of his usual dance support. I even used the same team to beat the GHB on Lunatic difficulty, which I failed to beat back when this GHB first showed up.

For such a major accomplishment, I wrote down my entire strat for how I won the Infested Takumi Infernal GHB using only my Summer Takumi. Fill free to read it if any of you are looking for a potential strategy to beat this difficult GHB.

Team: Summer Takumi, Flying Olivia, PA!Azura, and Normal Azura

Starting positions: Summer Takumi (top left), Flying Olivia (top right), Normal Azura (bottom left), and PA!Azura (bottom right)

Turn 1:
  1. Summer Takumi attacks the wall that is two spaces in front of him.
  2. Normal Azura stays where she is at to sing to Summer Takumi so that he can break that same wall down.
  3. Summer Takumi attacks the wall in front of him agin to destroy it.
  4. Flying Olivia moves two spaces left to sing to Takumi.
  5. Summer Takumi moves one space right to attack the next wall in front of him.
  6. PA!Azura attacks the wall in front of her from where she is at to destroy it.
Turn 2:
  1. Summer Takumi moves one space right, then one space down to KO the Blue Mage that just appeared at the beginning of the turn.
  2. PA!Azura sings to Takumi from where she is currently at.
  3. Summer Takumi moves one space down to KO the Bow Knight.
  4. Normal Azura moves one space down, then one space right to sing to Takumi.
  5. Summer Takumi moves two spaces left to KO the Infantry Sword unit that just appeared at the beginning of the turn.
  6. Flying Olivia moves one space right, then one space down to sing to Takumi.
  7. Summer Takumi moves one space left to KO the incoming Lance Cavalier.
  8. The Cleric on the left will attack Takumi, but he'll survive with 31 HP after the attack.
Turn 3:
  1. Summer Takumi moves one space left to KO the Thief that just appeared at the beginning of the turn.
  2. Flying Olivia moves one space left, then one space down to sing to Takumi.
  3. Summer Takumi moves two spaces right. He shouldn't attack the two Clerics right away because that will put him in range of the two Infested Takumis, so it's better to deal with the enemy units on the right for this turn.
  4. Normal Azura moves one space up, then one space left to sing to Takumi.
  5. Summer Takumi moves one space right to the KO the Sword Wyvern Knight.
  6. PA!Azura sings to Takumi from where she is currently at.
  7. Summer Takumi moves one space right, then one space down to KO the Green Mage that just appeared at the beginning of the turn.
  8. Skadi activates and attacks everyone. One Cleric will attack Takumi, but he survives with 5 HP remaining. Another Cleric attacks Flying Olivia, and she survives with 4 HP remaining.
Turn 4:
  1. Summer Takumi moves one space up, then one space left to KO the nearest Cleric.
  2. PA!Azura sings to Takumi from where she is currently at.
  3. Summer Takumi moves one space left, then one space down to KO the last Cleric.
  4. At this point, it is important to keep all units out of the enemy's range during the enemy phase. Thus, Normal Azura moves one space down to sing to Takumi.
  5. Summer Takumi moves one space up, then one space right to stay out of enemy range for the enemy phase, but close enough so that he can perform a kill on the approaching Axe Cavalier after it moves.
  6. Flying Olivia moves one space up to stay out of enemy range.
Turn 5:
  1. Summer Takumi moves two spaces left to KO the incoming Axe Cavalier.
  2. Flying Olivia sings to Takumi from where she is currently at.
  3. Summer Takumi moves one space up, then one space left to stay out of enemy range.
  4. Normal Azura moves two spaces up to stay out of enemy range.
  5. PA!Azura moves one space up to stay out of enemy range.
Turn 6:
  1. If Summer Takumi tries to attack the nearest Infested Takumi right away, he will be KOd because Summer Takumi won't deal enough damage to him without the Luna. At this point in the turn, Summer Takumi's cool down until his next Luna proc is 2, so one of the Dancers needs to soften the closest Infested Takumi so that Summer Takumi can safely kill him. For this case, PA!Azura moves one space down, then one space right to attack the Infested Takumi closest to her (the one on top of the the other Infested Takumi).
  2. PA!Azura's attack will put that Infested Takumi's HP in the right range for Summer Takumi to safely land the kill without Luna. Thus, Summer Takumi moves one space right to KO the Infested Takumi that was just damaged.
  3. Normal Azura moves one space right to sing to Takumi.
  4. Summer Takumi moves one space down to KO the other Infested Takumi (by this point, Summer Takumi will have the Luna proc ready, so he is completely safe).
  5. Flying Olivia moves two spaces right to sing to Takumi.
  6. Summer Takumi moves either one space down or one space right to KO the Red Mage Cavalier that is remaining.
Congratulations! The Happy Pineapple has successfully prevailed over the Edgy, Evil Pineapple!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
The new Fire Emblem Heroes banner has been revealed. The focus for this Seasonal is the Japanese Summer Festival (or in Fire Emblem's case, the Hoshidan Summer Festival), and it features Ryoma (no surprise), Xander (no surprise), Elincia, and Micaiah! All four of them are infantry dancers.

I also just realized something: this banner marks the debut of colored daggers! Elincia and Ryoma are our first colored dagger units, being green dagger and blue dagger respectively.

Loki also randomly shows up in one of the maps for this paralogue. What the heck is Loki doing in a seasonal paralogue?

Not too interested in this banner personally, though I absolutely love Ryoma's look here. It reminds me of his clothing in that one chapter of the Crown of Nibelung, and Ryoma looks a lot better without the helmet IMO. I might pull for him, but not immediately since I have other banners I'm interested in these next few days.

Also, Xander's dance looks hilarious!


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
The new Fire Emblem Heroes banner has been revealed. The focus for this Seasonal is the Japanese Summer Festival (or in Fire Emblem's case, the Hoshidan Summer Festival), and it features Ryoma (no surprise), Xander (no surprise), Elincia, and Micaiah! All four of them are infantry dancers.

I also just realized something: this banner marks the debut of colored daggers! Elincia and Ryoma are our first colored dagger units, being green dagger and blue dagger respectively.

Loki also randomly shows up in one of the maps for this paralogue. What the heck is Loki doing in a seasonal paralogue?

Not too interested in this banner personally, though I absolutely love Ryoma's look here. It reminds me of his clothing in that one chapter of the Crown of Nibelung, and Ryoma looks a lot better without the helmet IMO. I might pull for him, but not immediately since I have other banners I'm interested in these next few days.

Also, Xander's dance looks hilarious!
A dancer banner? Huh... I guess we could see Performing Arts makes its rerun around this time. Which means October will get a proper Halloween banner for the month.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Oh, a dancer banner... with an alt for Micaiah! She was due for one, and I know someone who will be happy at that news... Troykv Troykv ! Also, an alt for Elincia too! I like both, but I think I'm going to aim primarily for Micaiah. With Lucina's banner having been kind to me, I have a decent number of orbs on hand. Here's to hoping it will be enough!


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2015
Oh, a dancer banner... with an alt for Micaiah! She was due for one, and I know someone who will be happy at that news... Troykv Troykv ! Also, an alt for Elincia too! I like both, but I think I'm going to aim primarily for Micaiah. With Lucina's banner having been kind to me, I have a decent number of orbs on hand. Here's to hoping it will be enough!
Micaiah looks so pretty!

I want her so much! (I need to post this in the other thread)

Deleted member

Honestly this banner doesn't interest me. Micaiah is cute and all, but I don't really need her.
So instead, I decided to use all of my Orbs on the Fighter banner to get more Grimes.
I managed to get two more of him, a +Speed/-Def Rhajat, and another Amelia for me to merge. However, I summoned two 5 star Effies... which sounds bad on paper yeah, but this actually saves me 40k feathers.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
So, I now have my 7th +10 5 star unit with Effie. She was at +8, so I decided to just finish the job and promote two more for the +10.
Oh right, I also managed to get a +HP/-Speed Luke, AKA one of the rarest units in Heroes... for some reason.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Gotta say, I've seen the Smash Ultimate Direct, and I was quite satisfied! Simon Belmont looks interesting (along with Richter as an Echo and Dracula's Castle being a pretty cool-looking stage), the K. Rool fans finally got their wish after so many years, good ol' Classic Mode is back, Dark Samus is an Echo Fighter, and of course, Chrom finally got his chance in Smash! What's even more surprising is that instead of being an Echo of Ike, he's an Echo of Roy, yet he has Ike's Up special.

Chrom was my second most wanted in the Smash 4 days, whose deconfirmation in Robin's trailer back there stung really bad for a Chrom fan like myself, so I'm quite happy to see he's in Smash. Looks like I know who will be my newcomer main this time around (though of course, I'm not abandoning Greninja anytime soon).

On a different note, the new Fire Emblem Heroes update is out, and with that, the stats for the new Seasonal Heroes have been leaked for those that are interested:



Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Well, the Micaiah banner is here, and I quickly threw some orbs at it! I had a bit over 100 orbs going in, since Lucina came mercifully early on the Legendary Banner and because I skipped both the flying Olivia and second summer banners (though I was quite tempted to pull for Camilla). So, in my second summoning session, I went in and got...


Elincia! While I intended to pull primarily for Micaiah, I decided I'd give green a go in the second session, since I wanted her quite a bit as well. She's even +Atk/-Def, which is definitely a great boon/bane combo. Her attack is pretty low, so she definitely appreciates what help she can get there, while defense is probably her best bane.

In any case, I kept pulling, since I still wanted Micaiah. After pulling quite a bit, I was down to 13 orbs, after running a bit of the paralogue. I went into a summoning session, and there were 3 red orbs...

And Micaiah showed up on the first one in that session! Furthermore, she is +Atk/-HP! That boon is ideal, and the bane is acceptable. With the abundance of HP seals, she could probably be the permanent recipient of one of them.

So I'm quite pleased with these pulls! It feels nice to have some good luck after getting 8 pity-breakers on Tana. Lucina, Elincia, and Micaiah have certainly helped me recover after that episode.

In any case, there's also a new Event Schedule:


So, what do you guys think? I'm guessing that the banner on 8/21 is CYL 2. It's an especially long banner (3 weeks), and comes at approximately the same time as CYL did last year (it started 8/31 last year, at the tail end of the PA banner).

I'm guessing that the TT will be Fates themed, since this is a purportedly Hoshidan festival, and my guess is that the Legendary Hero for this month will be Corrin.

Honestly this banner doesn't interest me. Micaiah is cute and all, but I don't really need her.
So instead, I decided to use all of my Orbs on the Fighter banner to get more Grimes.
I managed to get two more of him, a +Speed/-Def Rhajat, and another Amelia for me to merge. However, I summoned two 5 star Effies... which sounds bad on paper yeah, but this actually saves me 40k feathers.
There was a problem fetching the tweet
So, I now have my 7th +10 5 star unit with Effie. She was at +8, so I decided to just finish the job and promote two more for the +10.
Oh right, I also managed to get a +HP/-Speed Luke, AKA one of the rarest units in Heroes... for some reason.
Congrats on another 5*+10 unit! Effie should be useful for Arena/AA scoring purposes, should you want her for that.

And congrats (of sorts) on getting Luke, one of the rare units. I got pity-broken by a Saber awhile back, who is also extremely rare. Who knows why these units are so rare, but they are!


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
Chrom finally got his chance in Smash! What's even more surprising is that instead of being an Echo of Ike, he's an Echo of Roy, yet he has Ike's Up special.
It does look like Chrom is also an Echo of Lucina in the way that his power is throughout the whole blade instead of just being strong in a specific point. So Chrom has a mostly Roy moveset with Ike Up-B and Lucina's power.

Though that does mean that Chrom's recovery options are really bad. Hopefully he has at least a high jump height to compensate.

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
So, what do you guys think? I'm guessing that the banner on 8/21 is CYL 2. It's an especially long banner (3 weeks), and comes at approximately the same time as CYL did last year (it started 8/31 last year, at the tail end of the PA banner).

I'm guessing that the TT will be Fates themed, since this is a purportedly Hoshidan festival, and my guess is that the Legendary Hero for this month will be Corrin.
I'm not certain, but I'm thinking the 8/21 banner is CYL. It's unusually long, followed by a voting gauntlet (something they'd absolutely want to do for CYL), and even has a Forging Bonds event to go with it (why wouldn't they take this opportunity for players to get more dialogue of their favorite heroes?).

The one thing that makes me think it may be the subsequent banner is that random GHB shortly after the 8/21 banner, which is kind of weird since the nature of CYL doesn't lend itself to an accompanying GHB hero (unless it's Marth or something). Either way, I'm expecting we'll see CYL pretty soon.

As for the Legendary Hero, depends on what this upcoming banner is. If it's not CYL, there's a decent chance the Legendary Hero will be based on that banner (i.e. if we got a Binding Blade banner, hello Legendary Roy). If it is CYL, it's up in the air (although Legendary Marth would be well timed).


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
In any case, there's also a new Event Schedule:

View attachment 156929

So, what do you guys think? I'm guessing that the banner on 8/21 is CYL 2. It's an especially long banner (3 weeks), and comes at approximately the same time as CYL did last year (it started 8/31 last year, at the tail end of the PA banner).

I'm guessing that the TT will be Fates themed, since this is a purportedly Hoshidan festival, and my guess is that the Legendary Hero for this month will be Corrin.
I'm pretty sure the Chaos Named Tempest Trials is themed after this Seasonal banner, as it's confirmed that Dancer Micaiah is the boss for the TT. It's also the same TT that will allow you to pull additional copies of some of the previous TT award units like Tobin, Clive, Black Knight, and Joshua.

What interests me the most about this schedule is that there will be a new GHB starting on September 4 until September 11. The closest banner that could be associated with it starts on September 7, and that's three days after this new GHB starts. I find it odd they would have a new GHB start a few days earlier than the game it's banner is associated with, so it makes me curious what exactly is IS planning. Perhaps it could be a GHB associated with the CYL2 banner (yeah, I too think that new Heroes summoning starting on August 21 is CYL2 judging by the lengthy time frame and the fact it'll be about a year since the original CYL units were released) where it could be a GHB for Veronica, but I doubt they'd hold off on a special CYL2 GHB until the near end of that very banner.


In other news, yesterday was the last day of the Summer banner. I decided to give it my all in an attempt to pull Summer Camila for Hone Fliers or another Summer Takumi to boost my current Takumi's stats. Earlier yesterday, I went for a full summoning session for once, and this was what I got out of it:

After what happened that one time when normal Young Tiki showed up again when I tried from this banner, I now got her summer counterpart! She has a completely neutral nature, and knowing how good she is, I decided I'll keep her. I don't know if I'll add her to my Flier Emblem team at the moment, but I might consider her for Dragon Emblem... once I can get some units necessary to pass down some needed skills to my desired dragons before I can proceed.

I went for another full summoning session during the final hour of the banner. I had no luck pulling either Summer Camilla or another Summer Takumi yet again, but I did get my first normal Linde!

The Summer banner finally came to a close last night. On its final hour, I tried to pull for Summer Camilla for the Hone Fliers and/or another Summer Takumi to boost my current one's stats, but I had no luck with either of them. Instead, I got my first normal Linde!

But sadly, Linde got an awful nature: +Def -Spd. Shame that she had to get her worst bane and a not-so-ideal boon. Definitely not a Linde I want to use.

On the bright side, I finally got my first Shanna in literally forever! Technically, it's been months since I last had Shanna, but you get the point. The months-long Shanna drought forced me to use all my Navarres as Desperation fodder when I needed the skill.

Now that I finally have a Shanna of my own, I was able to finally complete a build for a character that I've been holding on reserve for months:

Thanks to Shanna, Spring Kagero finally got the Desperation she has long been searching for! No doubt she'll make a very effective unit now that she has Fury+Desperation combination, as well as a perfect nature of +Atk -Def.

She has Brash Assault seal equipped to deal with the Distant Counter like units that are normally troublesome for her, but she can also use Defense Ploy seal to make good use of her high Resistance to deliver a bigger dent on some foes.

It would've been nice to pull another Summer Takumi or two to give a bigger boost to my current Summer Takumi, but alas, it looks like I'll have to wait until his appearance on a future Legendary Hero banner to achieve that. As for Summer Camilla, it's a good thing the Hinoka banner is coming up this weekend. That'll be my second chance in getting Hone Fliers fodder. Luckily, the new banner and the paralogue associated with it will replenish my orbs, so I'll at least come in prepared.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
The one thing that makes me think it may be the subsequent banner is that random GHB shortly after the 8/21 banner, which is kind of weird since the nature of CYL doesn't lend itself to an accompanying GHB hero (unless it's Marth or something). Either way, I'm expecting we'll see CYL pretty soon.
What interests me the most about this schedule is that there will be a new GHB starting on September 4 until September 11. The closest banner that could be associated with it starts on September 7, and that's three days after this new GHB starts. I find it odd they would have a new GHB start a few days earlier than the game it's banner is associated with, so it makes me curious what exactly is IS planning. Perhaps it could be a GHB associated with the CYL2 banner (yeah, I too think that new Heroes summoning starting on August 21 is CYL2 judging by the lengthy time frame and the fact it'll be about a year since the original CYL units were released) where it could be a GHB for Veronica, but I doubt they'd hold off on a special CYL2 GHB until the near end of that very banner.
I agree that the new GHB is an item of interest. I don't think that a GHB associated with a CYL banner is out of the question, since it could have a Marth, or it could be a Heroes character like Zacharias. While it could be Veronica, I seriously doubt that they would double up on Veronica like that. I am looking forward to finding out! I think that we're approaching the end of Book II, so I feel like there are lots of possibilities.

Erureido Erureido Glad your Shanna drought came to an end! I've had a Cherche drought for awhile now, I just need to pull 2 more of her get my Cherche to 5*+10... and it's been several months since I've pulled one. In the intervening period, my Fir went from 5*+0 to 5*+10, and I've gotten at least another additional 150k feathers. But, while I haven't been able to pull Cherche, at least my fodder pool has been pretty good. And I suppose those final two merges aren't that important.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Sadly, I failed to pull Hinoka from the Flier Buff banner yesterday, so it looks I'll still have to wait on giving my Legendary Ryoma the Hone Fliers he wants.

Today, the Death Blow banner was released, and I got my first Elincia as my free summon:

Her IVs are +HP -Res. Meh, nothing really special.

Man, if only I had this kind of luck with free summoning when I pulled from Hinoka's banner yesterday, that would've been nice. Alas, all my 5-star free summons this past week were units that I wasn't interested in (getting a 5-star Effie on the Fighter skilll banner, a 5-star Raven on the Threaten Def banner, and a 5-star Klein on the Quick Riposte banner).

False Sense

Ad Astra Per Aspera
Jan 17, 2014
Sadly, I failed to pull Hinoka from the Flier Buff banner yesterday, so it looks I'll still have to wait on giving my Legendary Ryoma the Hone Fliers he wants.

Today, the Death Blow banner was released, and I got my first Elincia as my free summon:

Her IVs are +HP -Res. Meh, nothing really special.

Man, if only I had this kind of luck with free summoning when I pulled from Hinoka's banner yesterday, that would've been nice. Alas, all my 5-star free summons this past week were units that I wasn't interested in (getting a 5-star Effie on the Fighter skilll banner, a 5-star Raven on the Threaten Def banner, and a 5-star Klein on the Quick Riposte banner).
Lucky. My only Elincia is -Atk. :urg:


Luminary Uppercut!
Mar 8, 2014
With the power of Rival Domains, I have successfully +10 my second 5★ unit. MAE

This Bundle of Nuclear Energy is at the top of her game!


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
There's a new Feh Channel airing tonight at 8:30 PT/10:30 CT, and it will be eight minutes long. This Feh Channel will discuss Choose Your Legends 2018! The link below will take you to the stream when it airs.

We know Hector, Ephraim, Celica, and Veronica will be the featured units. What class will they be? We'll see!

Another reminder that the new CYL banner comes out tomorrow, so have those orbs ready (Well, for me, I'm currently saving for the Legendary Hero banner, so I don't think I'll prioritize pulling from the new CYL banner until after the LH banner ends).


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
I just hope that the banner is available at a reasonable time tomorrow and is not like "tomorrow at 11PM PST" tomorrow


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016

Oh look at that. Death Blow 4 is inheritable. Lv.4 Skills incoming. This isn't power-creep, this is power-rush.

I'm going with Veronica though because she's the only Veronica that's available in the game.

I like that they went with Classic Celica and they even got Hidari to do the artwork for her.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
My thoughts on the Feh Channel:
  • Veronica may very well be the new best healer in the game. She has a weapon that can hit just as hard Loki's, and she even comes prepared with Wrathful Staff! Yikes! Her special is pretty broken for healing too.
  • Not surprised with Axe Ephraim being the CYL variant for Ephraim. He looks pretty solid, but I'm not that interested in pulling him.
  • Nice to see Hidari finally drew something for Heroes, and it was interesting to see OG Celica being used for Brave Celica. I can already imagine Alm's votes will sky rocket next year just so fans can see OG Alm as Brave Alm.
  • I can't believe it. They powercrept Death Blow with Death Blow 4! Alright, that's just plain crazy. Reinhardt just became even more broken than he already is. I can already tell this will pave the way for 4th level Blow skills like Darting Blow 4.
  • Also surprised to see Celica stole Alm's skill lol.
  • I'm glad we don't have another Axe Armor Hector, and the choice of Lance Hector isn't too suprising.
  • I can't believe Brave Hector's A-skill is a Power Crept Distant Counter! It's got a built in Sturdy Stance. That's crazy!
  • Though Brave Hector's A-skill is exclusive to him, he is at least fodder for Bold Fighter.
  • Hold up, they didn't talk about that GHB that suspiciously starts at the tail end of the CYL 2 banner yet the New Heroes banner starts a few days after that GHB goes live? OK, what exactly is IS planning if this GHB is apparently not CYL 2 related?
  • Out of all the new CYL 2 units, it'll be tough pick between Celica, Hector, and Veronica for me. For Celica, I only want her Death Blow 4. The other two just because they both look really good from their default skill sets alone. The datamine stats will probably be the final deciding factor for me regarding which one I'll pick.


These are the leaked stats for the new Brave Heroes!

Celica can achieve an Attack stat as high as 49 on default or 52 with an Attack boon, and her speed can reach as high as 42 with a boon. She may just be the new broken infantry sword user on the block along with Ayra and Karla.

Ephraim achieves the highest Attack out of all the new Brave Heroes with an Attack Boon, and he's a solid unit for the defensive play too.

Hector's stats are as strong as his other variants. His Attack stat isn't as high as his Legendary variant, but it's more comparable to his Valentine alt.

Veronica achieves a pretty high Attack for a healer, capping as high as 46 with her weapon equipped. She even has a decent speed to back her up as a strong, damaging healer. No doubt she'll dethrone Elise and Maribelle for the title of new best healer.

Yep, looks like my free summon will be Brave Veronica!



The datamine also leaked who will be featured in that new GHB that starts at the tail end of the GHB banner but a few days before the New Heroes banner starts in early September, and it gives us a huge clue regarding the near future in Fire Emblem Heroes:

It's Jamke from Genealogy of the Holy War!

Looks like the New Heroes banner starting in early September will be Gen 1 Genealogy focused!

Still, it's quite odd that they have the GHB for a New Heroes banner before said banner comes live. What was IS planning with this? I haven't played Geneaology, so I'm not familiar with its story aside from the main plot points, but is Jamke an enemy unit turned playable character? Could that be why he got some special GHB treatment like this?

Well, that aside, I'm interested in seeing what this new Genealogy banner has in store. I have a bad feeling some fans won't be happy about it though considering Genealogy already got a banner this year.
Last edited:


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
First, I managed this:
Great Summoner 1.jpg

I'm a bit surprised to have been able to make into the new tier in the first batch, but I succeeded! Lucina definitely played a crucial role, since she was strong and mobile enough to garner most of the kills. Thanks Lucina!

Now, onto CYL! Definitely was looking forward to this. Out of all the units, Veronica is the one I want the most. If I don't get her via summoning, I'll use my free pick on her. She comes with some great support skills, and, of course, the razzle-dazzle combo. She'll easily take the spot as the best healer in the game.

I definitely like the other units too, and I'll be doing some full summoning sessions, since I'd like to get any of them. I must say, though, I'm disappointed in Celica's art. She looks like she hasn't been promoted yet, so she seems under-dressed for the occasion. But her skills look great. And Death Blow 4? Goodness, here comes the powercreep...!

I'm glad they finally gave Hector another weapon! While they didn't change his class, I could definitely use an extremely powerful lance knight with DC.

So, who is everyone else's top picks?

With the power of Rival Domains, I have successfully +10 my second 5★ unit. MAE

This Bundle of Nuclear Energy is at the top of her game!
Congrats on finishing Mae! She looks great. It always feels nice to finish a long project like that, doesn't it?


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
First, I managed this:
View attachment 158935

I'm a bit surprised to have been able to make into the new tier in the first batch, but I succeeded! Lucina definitely played a crucial role, since she was strong and mobile enough to garner most of the kills. Thanks Lucina!

Now, onto CYL! Definitely was looking forward to this. Out of all the units, Veronica is the one I want the most. If I don't get her via summoning, I'll use my free pick on her. She comes with some great support skills, and, of course, the razzle-dazzle combo. She'll easily take the spot as the best healer in the game.

I definitely like the other units too, and I'll be doing some full summoning sessions, since I'd like to get any of them. I must say, though, I'm disappointed in Celica's art. She looks like she hasn't been promoted yet, so she seems under-dressed for the occasion. But her skills look great. And Death Blow 4? Goodness, here comes the powercreep...!

I'm glad they finally gave Hector another weapon! While they didn't change his class, I could definitely use an extremely powerful lance knight with DC.

So, who is everyone else's top picks?

Congrats on finishing Mae! She looks great. It always feels nice to finish a long project like that, doesn't it?
Congrats on achieving that Arena tier! That's a major accomplishment!

As for my CYL 2 pick, after learning about the stats of the New Heroes from the Datamine, I'm going with Veronica as my free summon. I need a healer that can really pack a punch and can heal well, and with those solid stats and those default skills to back her up, Veronica will be my pick. I was tempted to go for Hector too, but I think I'll wait on him for the time being.

Also, I know you, False Sense, and I previously noted the suspicious timing of that new GHB. The datamine also revealed who is featured in that new GHB: I talk about it in the spoiler tag in my prior post here if you're interested in finding out (I updated my post with the details about the datamined stats of the Brave Heroes and the new GHB right at the same time you made your previous comment; funny timing!).

Deleted member

I had the worst luck today.
First off, Eldigan to me is like that guy that you don't want to come to your party but comes anyway. I mean, I was at 3%... but I still don't want the guy.
Then I went to 4.5% only to be pity broken by Leo. I mean, I guess that's a free QR3 for Myrrh, but I wanted Celica or Hector, not either of these two.

After all of that, I decided that my free summon was going to be Celica. I do like Celica, I have a +10 of her original version, and I do like how Alm plays in Heroes. So... it was kinda obvious to me who to choose. Still, Hector was a close second and I hope I can get him.


Smash Hero
Sep 4, 2014
Switch FC
Did my free summon when the banner began.

I went with Veronica! I needed a healer who can both pack a punch and heal/support the allies well, and since I have no Elise and Maribelle, I figured Veronica would fill that role.

I was about 500 crystals from grinding her from just crystals, so when she was level 39, I grinded her up in the 10th level Training Map. It was there I got to experience Veronica's usefulness first hand, and boy, is she really good! That staff hits quite hard, and combined with the stat boosts it provides after using it, she can hit even harder! Her exclusive special is also really good too!

Most of her skill set is already there. The only thing she needs is Atk/Spd Push 3, which is really good. Well, looks like I now know what I'm pulling from the Hoshidan Festival now: Dancing Elincia! She has that very skill after all. For now, my A-skill of choice will be either Attack +3 or Speed +3.

I also went for one full round of summoning after clearing all the paralogue chapters on normal to see if I could get anymore of the new Brave Heroes. Sadly, I didn't get any more from it, but I did get my first Ares.

I've decided not to spend my orbs on the CYL 2 banner for the time being. I want to save up for Legendary Hero banner in the hopes of pulling VA!Hector for Distant Counter and Hrid to add to my team. I'll focus on pulling from CYL 2 once the Legendary Hero banner ends, or I get all the the characters I want from the coming LH banner.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
I haven't pulled my free summon yet, since I wanted to wait until I did some pulling on the banner first. Unlike last year, where my clear favorite was Lucina and I knew I had to have her, my pick from the CYL of this year isn't so obvious. While I wanted Veronica the most, I'd be happy with any of them, so waiting on my free pick to see what I got from pulling seemed pretty reasonable. It's a good thing I did that too, because this was my free pull from the orb banner:


Yes, Veronica! She was the one I most wanted from the banner, and there she was. Neutral nature too, which is good, since it means no hideous banes in Spd or Atk.

Since that was my free pull, I decided to keep going. And then, about 100 orbs in, it finally happened....


A WILD LUCINA APPEARED! Finally! After a year and half, the original Lucina finally came to me! She's -Atk, but no matter. She could have banes in every stat, and I would still want her. I'll just forge a spare Atk SS as her personal SS, like I did for Minerva's Spd bane.

I'm more excited about pulling Lucina than I would have been if the orb had turned out to be Celica. Hearing Laura Bailey's Lucina once again is great. Now I can run a full Lucina Emblem team. Lucina and Minerva were my two most wanted characters at launch, and now they've both shown up to surprise me randomly each with terrible banes.

And here I thought Lucina wasn't supposed to show up for this round of CYL!

Now, in the last bit of news from my pulls, I finally was able to do this.


That's right! I finally got the last copy I needed of Cherche, after several months of her being short 2 copies. What's even better is that the final copy came with the perfect +Atk/-Spd nature, so I was able to upgrade her from the +Atk/-HP one that I was using before. She has become my fourth 5*+10, and it feels great to finally have her finished. I now have a full team of 5*+10 units. She also has Aether and a Dual Rally for Arena scoring.

I had the worst luck today.
First off, Eldigan to me is like that guy that you don't want to come to your party but comes anyway. I mean, I was at 3%... but I still don't want the guy.
Then I went to 4.5% only to be pity broken by Leo. I mean, I guess that's a free QR3 for Myrrh, but I wanted Celica or Hector, not either of these two.

After all of that, I decided that my free summon was going to be Celica. I do like Celica, I have a +10 of her original version, and I do like how Alm plays in Heroes. So... it was kinda obvious to me who to choose. Still, Hector was a close second and I hope I can get him.
Oof, maybe Eldigan wants to be your next 5*+10. How many merges are you up to on him? I hope your luck gets better, and that you can pull that Hector.

Did my free summon when the banner began.

I went with Veronica! I needed a healer who can both pack a punch and heal/support the allies well, and since I have no Elise and Maribelle, I figured Veronica would fill that role.
Veronica is really good, I've really enjoyed using her so far. Her art is awesome too! After my pulls above, I've also decided to hold off on pulling more from the CYL banner, until I know what's on the Legendary banner, maybe even the next New Heroes banner as well.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
Hmmm, who to pick....

They're all great stuff really, but I'm kinda of leaning towards Veronica or Celica.

Also, unrelated question: does Dull Ranged completely nullify bladetome's increased power, and if so, would that or Cancel Affinity be better on Felicia?

Deleted member

Oof, maybe Eldigan wants to be your next 5*+10. How many merges are you up to on him? I hope your luck gets better, and that you can pull that Hector.
But I don't want a +10 Eldigan. :( I need two more... and then I will have the biggest accidental +10 I ever had. He's just a killer of moods.
I hope so too. I pulled a bit more and I didn't get much that was worthwhile. I dunno what gacha gods I made angry, but I am sorry if I did.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2016
On the subject of Fire Emblem Heroes, we are getting a Heroes remix in Smash Ultimate. Out of all the Fire Emblem games, i didn't expect Heroes to get a remix but it did. Probably the most surprising song preview that we've gotten.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2015
Hmmm, who to pick....

They're all great stuff really, but I'm kinda of leaning towards Veronica or Celica.

Also, unrelated question: does Dull Ranged completely nullify bladetome's increased power, and if so, would that or Cancel Affinity be better on Felicia?
I have to figure out who to pick now too, since I managed to get Veronica. I think Ephraim is out, since I don't really need another strong axe knight, given that I already have Amelia, W. Chrom, and 2 variants of Hector occupying that field... So it's down to Hector and Celica for me... Choices, choices...

As for Dull Ranged, the blade tome effect is separate and shouldn't be affected by it, and so the buffs will still count towards increasing the might of the tome. The buffs themselves will be nullified for the battle, but the blade tome will still treat them as there.

For Felicia, I think Cancel Affinity is pretty niche, as the only thing it does is allow her to fight TA raven mages, which I find to be pretty uncommon. If you run up against a lot of TA raven mages, it would be useful; otherwise, it's not doing much. Desperation would be a standard choice for her, and Quick Riposte, Guard, or Vantage would be strong options as well. Dull Ranged seems like it would be a good option, although a bit more niche than some of the others.

But I don't want a +10 Eldigan. :( I need two more... and then I will have the biggest accidental +10 I ever had. He's just a killer of moods.
I hope so too. I pulled a bit more and I didn't get much that was worthwhile. I dunno what gacha gods I made angry, but I am sorry if I did.
Yeah, he really does seem to like you! Unfortunately for you. Well, hopefully you fall into favor with the RNG Goddess again soon, and start getting some nice pulls again.

Deleted member

Yeah, he really does seem to like you! Unfortunately for you. Well, hopefully you fall into favor with the RNG Goddess again soon, and start getting some nice pulls again.
I hope so too.
I am shifting my focus from just Hector to Hector and Veronica. I like Hector and Veronica is a unique unit that I wouldn't mind having. Ephraim is pretty good, but I don't really want him and he faces competition from my Amelia for a spot on my Armor Emblem team.


Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
So I finally made my free pick. Went with Veronica. Figured that I don't really need Celica since I have a bunch of solid reds already, but combat healers are not something I have much of.

Deleted member

Seems like I finally had some luck on my side!
I got a +HP/-Def Hector and a +Speed/-Def Veronica!
The IVs on Hector are... passable and workable. Not amazing, but I can deal with it. Veronica is probably going to be my best healer because she'll reach 39 speed and a decent amount of attack.
I will still summon on the banner to get Death Blow 4 and a better Hector if possible.
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