Well, that was not one of the first dlc's. The first dlc's were literally just master quest map, a few skins, and weapons and the like, similar to what we got right now.
Majoras wasn't even -announced- until quite a bit after the games release. And even then, Twilight princess came before with their midna and all.
-And- we got even more with the 3ds version.
It's like I said, and like it was with hyrule warrios... just a waiting game.
Edit: And its fine to just cancel the preorder&co. I mean... nothing is stopping you to buy it once they -do- announce the characters you want. I myself am fully content with Tiki, Lynn, Celica and Takumi in it.
... and F!Robin.
Fare enough, but even still the damage has already been done for a number of people. And I get that this is a waiting game, but its also the principal of the thing. Awakening and Fates have more than enough representation as is, and this DLC feels more like a kick to the teeth to a lot of people, including myself. And considering by then, if DLC continues for that long, there will be so many other titles that I'd rather play, and even the new FE for Switch may be released by then, people will have likely moved on by then, so why bother unless you are extremely dedicated. Also remember, people assumed that we would get Old-School characters with the announcement of DLC, and look how it turned out. I'd honestly not be surprised if the second wave of DLC(if there will be) would be the children characters of Awakening and Fates at this rate. Also, with it's western release being a week before Super Mario Odyssey, we don't know who that may affect DLC, because, let's face it, more people will likely buy that over FE Warriors.
Also I never had a pre-order because 1) I wanted to wait and here more details about the game, 2) It's not even just a matter of the characters I want necessarily, but it's just that so far what the developers have showed off, and the rather backwards decisions with the game just leave me horribly underwhelmed and I don't feel like giving any money to them for a game that I feel could have been handled better.
As someone who has actually gone back and played/looked heavily into the older games(mainly the GBA ones because screw paying a combined $160 for both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn these, plus I don't have an emulator and also have other things to do.) I can understand exactly how the older fans feel, and I feel Koei Techmo should have really though about this more carefully, as it doesn't do anything but increase the divide within the fanbase as is. IS knows this, and they at least understand that and are trying to bridge that divide, again, look at Heroes and Echoes. I know this is ultimately a spin off title, and in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, but there are seriously so many awesome characters that would work in a game like this, and to see a conversation between, say, Ephiram and Roy, or Hector and Xander, would've been awesome.
If there is anything that would make me reconsider getting this game for the first set of DLC, I want them to actually include fan-favorite/goofy, wacky characters, as apposed to the safe, predictable picks of this games rather standard roster. Bring in say, Arthur alongside Azura, I'd love to see essentially Fire Emblem's patriotic, American warrior of justice, and see how his bad luck would play into his move-set. Give us Virion, and have him just flaunt about how great he is as he battles. I just want variety in these characters, like when Tingle was brought into Hyrule Warriors for example.
And don't get me wrong, I love some of the characters in the game already (Lyn, Takumi, Xander, Robin, Lucina, and Tiki.) but that's not really gonna change my mind when everything else, to me, is just meh as it stands. As I said, I'm sure this game will be perfectly fine, but I'm not buying it because to me, all I've seen is these developers do nothing but shoot themselves in the foot with this title with each step and generally do nothing but cause more heat in an all ready heated fan base. I want to see this game succeed with as many people as possible, both old and new fans, but unless there is some insane surprise waiting for us, I'm just gonna see how things play out for now, then maybe, just maybe, I'll consider getting the game.
EDIT: Also this being said, Shadow Dragon DLC better have a good number of characters to it, seriously, three characters in the base game. Get Linde in there, or Jagen, maybe even Navarre, the Pegasus Sisters, and for laughs, Wyrs, and make him an axe user.(That last one will likely not happen, but it would be funny in my opinion.)