Smash Lord
Sweet, everything was salvaged. So happy. ^_^honestly, i was perfectly fine with leaving on friday all along, i have no plans, it's just i didn't wanna pay for an extra night in a hotel. if we get free housing, then that's just the bee's knees. and i'd be cool hanging around a brawl tourney, if BMX goes we can team or something
i really like the above setup, i'm perfectly fine with driving you and ally, so long as we're of the understanding that i intend to bring you guys back the same way, i've heard people get ditched out sometimes, don't want that happening...not saying that you guys would, just want to be sure that if i drive you guys up to IN from your place, i'll expect to take you back to your place, you know? @_@
but yeah, i can definitely drive you two. about BMX, i'm not sure. can you guys come up and stay somewhere up here? or can we meet at my house the day of, and i'll drive us up? i only ask because it'd suck to drive two hours down to VA to pick y'all up and then just drive north again.
anyway, i'm perfectly cool with leaving friday morning, so long as you guys are cool with leaving there monday morning and getting back that night.
if ally's gonna be at your house thursday night, chu, i can pick up BMX and come to you guys i guess. like i said, kinda sucks, but i think it'll be okay.
by the way, if it's just us four, i calculated gas costs, will be $120 for both ways, so it'd be $30 a person, not bad considering we're not paying for housing!
oh and thanks chu for coming out of the woodwork on this one, was literally about to just drive alone, hahah
Coney, we can team for this if you're up for it.
Should be alot of fun, road trips are sweet.
Sweet, Chu. Can you PM your number so I can contact you?Sure thing man.
Wait, so do I go to Chu's or does Coney come here?