I think this is suspicious and an attempt at a fake town innocence/perspective. Basically it's a backward form of reasoning, concluding that this isn't a b-game because you are town. When reality you should already know this isn't a b-game from the fact that it isn't a b-game. The whole way this is structured just doesn't gel with me, especially considering how logical of a player you are. You are my top suspect.
This is the initial push. It seemed logical and town-intended, so while I debated the faults in it, I townread Xivii for it because it seemed like a push town would make
Second, it's the fact that Darkpit considered the rolefishing (pre-retraction) to be scum indicative in the first place. The fact that Darkpit thinks it's not scum indicative because UP went back on it implies that he thinks it would be scum indicative if he didn't. I don't this sort of read comes from someone as intent-minded as Darkpit. What's the scum motivation behind blatantly rolefishing?
Rolefishing is blatantly scummy lol, I don't really see how he can claim it isn't. This feels like a deflection due to how strongly he was pushing for a massclaim rather than looking into the motivations behind what I said
Right now I think pit's flip gives us a good idea of the game state
Xivii ate me alive for saying something similar about yeeting him because it would give us the most information about slot's connections. This is hypocritical
##Vote: UtopianPoyzin
Also, I think we should probably try this first
This shift in pushes seems opportunistic. It is out of nowhere and Xivii doesn't really explain it. When the support for a UP yeet dies down, he jumps back on me, claiming he never left
You: tone, going against the grain, real paranoia about my motives, quick entrance into the game without assessing the situation
why haven't you scum read Boom for pushing you?
The above is Xivii townreading Osie specifically for scumreading him, the bottom is him implying that me not scumreading Boom for pushing me is sketchy and implies that we're mates. It doesn't check out.
If I'm wrong on DP ya'll can tear me to pieces.
I'm holding you to this. Tear him to pieces toMorrow, please
There wasn't a point that I ever dropped DP.
Yeah, okay.
Darkpit are you really town?
This question still baffles me. It seems like the first time he is genuinely considering that I could be town, but it also feels like my response to this wouldn't matter regardless of what it was
Hm if you're town, then this game is simply not possible to win. It would mean that BoomFrog would most certainly have to be scum. But there's no way he's being yeeted based on the position is people's read list. It would also have to mean that another strong player was his mate. Osie maybe. Merc? Idk. The world where you're town I just don't think we win and it's going to be a grueling game.
Stick to your guns Xivii. He's scum. Remember the convoluted b-game logic.
Yeah but it kind of makes sense if they discussed having a scum IC after his last game doesn't it?
No. Look. I'll explain it again. His role not being bast in no way implies that the game isn't bast. Yes, we know it isn't, but his reasoning to justify it doesn't make sense. If he was under the impression that a bast game would mean all roles are messed up, then yes. But we know from that game that he knows a single role could be bast without the rest of the game being so.
Yeah, but I still feel like we can't say for certain with just that. I'mma look over him one more time.
##Uvote: Darkpit
You fool. What are you doing. Scum is in your grasp. I wont let you do this!
##Vote: Darkpit
I'm sorry, you granted me your power. But with great power comes great responsibility.
Vote: Mercuri
This progression baffles me. Xivii seems to actually be considering that I am town, and that he is willing to rethink his reads, but by the next Day he's back to all guns blazing and is hardly even considering if others could be scum.
This is a massive slip haha
Can you explain this? Slip of what? Scumslip or townslip? I'm confused and no one commented on it. How are you trying to paint this?
Yep let's do it, so where is your DP vote

This rubbed me the wrong way hard, but I've already touched on this. This interaction strengthened my scumread of Xivii and my townread of Boom
I'd still love to see your defenses of people that isn't scummate analyses. Those would be great post-flip if I flipped scum, but as I won't they're simply a waste of time that could be better spent scumhunting
My belief that Xivii is scum hasn't changed. I don't think it will at this point