Dear Smashboards readers,
I am hoping to bring to light a few things that really bother me about competition and gaming as a whole. As I browse these boards looking for new information and opinions, I often find a general feeling of passive hate thrown about, mostly between people of differing skill levels or knowledge bases.
I sometimes find that anyone here who holds thier level of smash play to be competitive, or are up to pro calliber feel the need to segregate between skill levels. And by this I mean completely discount any and all validity of others' opinions by name calling. Particularly a popular term derived from a form of cleaning motion. I always believed that people who were very good at something typically should have a certain level of honor and integrity.
This seems to be non-existant here on the boards, where most highly competitive players would rather berrate others for thier "stupidity" or "lack of skill" on the competitive scene. I apologize for making potentially offensive observations, however, behaving like an elitist rather than expressing superior experience in the game with understanding and poise makes a bad name for you, the competitive community, and the smash community all together
If you put up pro competition, keep doin what your doin, because it is a lot of fun to be highly skilled and successful. What isnt fun is turning these discussion boards into a minefield of saying something wrong, only to be exploded upon by someone who feels it is thier duty to shoot them down.
Noobs will be noobs. Let people who dont understand the different spectrums of smash make irrational statements. Ignore them or let the mods take care of it. Or let other noobs talk about it. Everyone was a noob once.
If you hold your competitive smash skill in high regard, then have pride, not a constant pretentious attitude. It will make this community and the future of ALL smash a more prestigous sect of gaming.
J4ke K.
P.S. I apologize again for the long post, and I do understand that this is the internets and any or all of this information may hold no truth whatsoever. For those of you that do find truth in this post, I thank you for reading it and expressing your own opinions on the subject.
I am hoping to bring to light a few things that really bother me about competition and gaming as a whole. As I browse these boards looking for new information and opinions, I often find a general feeling of passive hate thrown about, mostly between people of differing skill levels or knowledge bases.
I sometimes find that anyone here who holds thier level of smash play to be competitive, or are up to pro calliber feel the need to segregate between skill levels. And by this I mean completely discount any and all validity of others' opinions by name calling. Particularly a popular term derived from a form of cleaning motion. I always believed that people who were very good at something typically should have a certain level of honor and integrity.
This seems to be non-existant here on the boards, where most highly competitive players would rather berrate others for thier "stupidity" or "lack of skill" on the competitive scene. I apologize for making potentially offensive observations, however, behaving like an elitist rather than expressing superior experience in the game with understanding and poise makes a bad name for you, the competitive community, and the smash community all together
If you put up pro competition, keep doin what your doin, because it is a lot of fun to be highly skilled and successful. What isnt fun is turning these discussion boards into a minefield of saying something wrong, only to be exploded upon by someone who feels it is thier duty to shoot them down.
Noobs will be noobs. Let people who dont understand the different spectrums of smash make irrational statements. Ignore them or let the mods take care of it. Or let other noobs talk about it. Everyone was a noob once.
If you hold your competitive smash skill in high regard, then have pride, not a constant pretentious attitude. It will make this community and the future of ALL smash a more prestigous sect of gaming.
J4ke K.
P.S. I apologize again for the long post, and I do understand that this is the internets and any or all of this information may hold no truth whatsoever. For those of you that do find truth in this post, I thank you for reading it and expressing your own opinions on the subject.