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Common errors with ics


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I was thinking we could actually create a topic of small but comon errors many people do with ics, please contribute.

Il start with one

When you actually try to grab usmash and dont get the kill, take a small note of which ic you used. Most people tend to retry with the same one, usually nana, instead, to make the move aint stale just do an alternated grab and give it to the other ic so the one with the fresh usmash can kill. It usually helps alot getting the kill since usmash gets stale fast.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
Trying to grab too much. Players shouldn't be chasing their opponent around the stage trying to grab them because it makes you predictable and easily punished.

Oh, and thanks for unintentionally answering my question about stale moves:

When you actually try to grab usmash and dont get the kill, take a small note of which ic you used. Most people tend to retry with the same one, usually nana, instead, to make the move aint stale just do an alternated grab and give it to the other ic so the one with the fresh usmash can kill. It usually helps alot getting the kill since usmash gets stale fast.


Smash Scientist
Mar 11, 2008
Toronto, Canada
Holy crap, Popo and Nana have separate stale-moves counters!? That's insane!!!
Thanks for the info!

Also... Hit973, your avatar seriously frightens me :urg:


Smash Ace
Feb 20, 2007
Springfield, Illinois
I'm not sure if this is common error or not, but it happens to me wayyy too much (once is too much, I hate it).

It's when you are recovering and you use up-b to recover, but instead of recovering, both nana and popo use the epic fail up-b and fall to their deaths. :(

I'm not sure if this is just that the command for nana to use up-b is already sent (from Nana's AI) and then you use Popo's up-b fail. But the thing is nana still does hers after popo for me. :ohwell:

I guess I'm pretty much looking for an answer as to whether it's a glitch, or just bad timing...:(


Smash Apprentice
May 25, 2008
adding to the above statement. If you are desynch'd and try to up-b it usually results in both popo and nana falling to thier deaths. You should make sure nana is within the window to follow popo's moves and that they are both synch'd.


Smash Cadet
Jul 24, 2008
New Jersey
adding to the above statement. If you are desynch'd and try to up-b it usually results in both popo and nana falling to thier deaths. You should make sure nana is within the window to follow popo's moves and that they are both synch'd.
He's right. Usually nairing while you're off the stage is a quick and easy way to check if they're sync'd. If not, then they should get back into it after the nair.


Smash Hero
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco
Recovering comes to mind. If you use something like blizzard while falling towards the edge, you need to wait a half second before using squall or belay or else it will be desynched, probably causing you to die. If you are tumbling towards the edge, you need to wiggle out of the tumble to resynch the Ice Climbers for a recovery move.

Against G&W, try to avoid using squall to recover. He can go underneath you and uair. This makes you fly up in the air in your disabled state, which is pretty much doom. He can continue to keep you in the air with uair as long as he wants and you can't jump or air-dodge to avoid it.

Also against G&W, don't spam blizzard. It fills his bucket instantly and if he sees it coming he can just jump in front of it with oil panic.


Smash Cadet
May 4, 2008
Katy, TX
But Ice Climbario is top tier! :(
Dear god... that is scary... Rofl I just cracked up laughing.

As amazing as it is to hit a double blizzard, it's safer to just use a normal blizzard. It covers both sides, so don't think you NEED to jump and do a falling blizzard. Or you can just desync em and do an approaching alternating blizzard. It's funny to see their reaction if they don't have a super projectile like Falco >.>


Smash Rookie
Mar 30, 2008
Icys Error? Thinking chain grabbing is the only way to win. - Icys' attacks are pretty fast and I love all their air attacks.

Not using their little ice chunks enough, believe it or not they have come in handy for me at least. - Helps to keep some characters at bay, and even sets up for a desync grab.

Immediately chasing after Nana when she is knocked off stage. - Often times you can kill the person while they watch Nana fly off, thinking it's you. Also, in my experience, Nana never has much trouble finding her way back, just get her when she comes near.

Just things I've suffered through when I first picked them up. I'm sure I do more stupid ****, and will post them as I figure them out.


Smash Rookie
Aug 7, 2008
When you belay and nana grabs the edge, meta knight comes down and cuts the rope, see you on your second stock popo.


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
I'm not sure if this is common error or not, but it happens to me wayyy too much (once is too much, I hate it).

It's when you are recovering and you use up-b to recover, but instead of recovering, both nana and popo use the epic fail up-b and fall to their deaths. :(

I'm not sure if this is just that the command for nana to use up-b is already sent (from Nana's AI) and then you use Popo's up-b fail. But the thing is nana still does hers after popo for me. :ohwell:

I guess I'm pretty much looking for an answer as to whether it's a glitch, or just bad timing...:(

Actually this happens as soon as ice climbers are in a tumbling state(you know falling but not in jumping animation)
Wether ics are synched or not doesnt matter, as soon as your in tumbling both will fail, which the easiest way to get out of is using nair or airdodge(i use 2nd one), HOWEVER, when popo and nana are desynched, nana will try to recover on her own, which ends up her using upb, and sometimes you too up, quickest way out of this is to let her upb if you suspect shes gonna do it


GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
I'm not sure if this is common error or not, but it happens to me wayyy too much (once is too much, I hate it).

It's when you are recovering and you use up-b to recover, but instead of recovering, both nana and popo use the epic fail up-b and fall to their deaths. :(

I'm not sure if this is just that the command for nana to use up-b is already sent (from Nana's AI) and then you use Popo's up-b fail. But the thing is nana still does hers after popo for me. :ohwell:

I guess I'm pretty much looking for an answer as to whether it's a glitch, or just bad timing...:(
I think it's because you have both of them in their "hurt and falling" animation. You have to get them both out of it before you use Up-B

Also, a common mistake is to just U-smash twice in a row with Nana to get the kill. Nana's charged U-Smash(even if only a little charged) is way stronger than if not charged.


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Poughkeepsie, NY
one thing that bugs me is seeing people trying to ledgehop fairs. its probably their slowest ariel and it doesnt really come out in time to actually hit someone trying to edgeguard cause they can attack before it or shield and then punish you another way. this should especially be used with caution as sopo since you lose your jump if you get hit and his side b recovery was seriously nerfed in brawl
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