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Common Diddy Kong Acronyms and Terms


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
This is a dictionary of sorts for the acronyms and phrases the Diddy community throws around that may be difficult for newcomers to understand. I’ve broken it into sections wherever possible. I will update this as new terms (or terms I’ve overlooked) are brought up, or when the community feels a better definition could be given to one of the terms. Another area for discussion is format; if this is hard to read or understand, please say so and I will update it. Without further ado:


  • Glide Tossing- an advanced technique where one cancels a Roll into an item throw--for the Diddy community, that is usually a Banana--to achieve a small slide while throwing the item. (NOTE: Diddy's Glide Toss is "small"; other characters have ones that travel large portions of Final Destination in one Toss) See GT
  • GT- acronym for Glide Tossing

There is no set standard on how to say "I am Glide Tossing my Banana upward while sliding forward" in a convenient way. A few methods that you may run across have been proposed (D indicates the direction of the slide and B indicates the direction the Banana is thrown):

  • GT D-B- Examples would be GT f-b to Glide Toss, slide forward, and throw backward; GT b-u to Glide Toss, slide backward, and throw upward
  • DBGT- Examples would be fbGT to Glide Toss, slide forward, and throw backward; buGT to Glide Toss, slide backward, and throw upward
  • Dribbling- the act of chaining multiple Downward Glide Tosses of Bananas as a form of movement. See: Double Dribble, Single Dribble, Pivot Dribble
  • Double Dribble- done with two bananas, the act of Downward Glide Tossing a Banana towards another nearby Banana and then Downward Glide Tossing that Banana back towards the first. This is typically done multiple times.
  • Single Dribble- done with one banana, the act of Downward Glide Tossing a Banana backwards and picking the Banana back up during the sliding animation. You can continue to Downward Glide Toss the Banana backwards as a form of movement.
  • Pivot Dribble- the act of Downward Glide Tossing a Banana forwards, turning around during the sliding animation, and picking the Banana back up.

  • Diddy Flip- Another name for Diddy's Side-B. See Diddy Flip Kick, Diddy Hump
  • Diddy Flip Kick- the act of pressing an attack button during Diddy's Side-B to initiate the flying kick attack.
  • Diddy Hump- term for when Diddy latches onto the opponent during his Side-B. See DHGR

  • GR- acronym for Grab Release, or not throwing an opponent after Grabbing them. Not to be confused with the next term.
  • DHGR- acronym for Diddy Hump Grab Release, the act of not slapping or jumping off the opponent after latching on with Diddy's Side-B. May also refer to the combo DHGR > Footstool which works on many characters (which really deserves its own name).
  • PG- acronym for Pivot Grab, the act of Grabbing while in the turning around animation. These kinds of grabs have longer range than normal grabs.
  • BPG- acronym for Boosted Pivot Grab, the act of canceling the animation of a Dash Attack into a Pivot Grab such that you slide for a bit, giving you more range. See RBPG
  • RBPG- acronym for Reverse Boosted Pivot Grab, the act of running in the direction you were NOT facing and then canceling the animation of a Dash Attack into a Pivot Grab such that you side for a bit while facing the direction you were originally facing. Used as a retreating Grab technique or as a part of combos.

  • Z-Catching- the act of pressing a Grab button (default Z on Gamecube controllers) in the air to pick up a Banana with very little lag.
  • Z-Dropping- the act of pressing a Grab button (default Z on Gamecube controllers) in the air while holding a Banana to drop it with very little lag.

  • Banana Lock- done with a Banana in hand and one nearby, the act of Forward Glide Tossing a Banana at an opponent, picking up a Banana on the floor, throwing it at your opponent, picking up the first Banana, Forward Glide Tossing it at the opponent, and so on alternating Forward Glide Tosses and regular throws until the edge of the stage. Sometimes called Double Banana Lock.
  • Single Banana Lock- the act of Short Hopping above a grounded opponent, throwing a Banana downward to make them trip, and catching the Banana as it bounces back up with a Fast-Falled D-Air which causes you land with little lag, allowing you to Short Hop again. This can be done over and over, hence the "Lock" term.

  • Barrel Canceling- the act of charging Diddy's Up-B as he is about to be hit by an attack or projectile (most commonly a Banana the opponent has taken control of) which will send the barrels flying and hopefully exploding on your opponent for massive damage. Can also refer to running up to or jumping on top of a Banana under an opponent's control and charging Diddy's Up-B, achieving the same effect.
  • Popgun Canceling- the act of canceling Diddy's Neutral-B move with the Shield button; in the air, this is done with no lag if canceled immediately (otherwise it will cancel into an Airdodge). This can be reversed and Momentum Shifted in the air or canceled into a Glide Toss or Roll on the ground.

  • Shield Bouncing- the act of Shielding when a Banana is thrown at you and Full Hopping to Z-Catch the Banana after it bounces off your shield. The term is also used to refer to catching a Banana in this fashion that you threw against an opponent's shield.
  • Instant Throw- the act of Air Dodging when near a Banana to pick it up and immediately throwing it in the air, such that it is barely noticeable that you picked up the Banana at all. Used often when jumping through a platform, Air Dodging through a Banana on it to pick it up, and immediately throwing it (a common occurrence when Banana Locking someone on Battlefield, for example).
  • Nana- a commonly used term to refer to a Banana, as oppose to the Ice Climber sharing the same name
  • Cartwheel- a term sometimes used to refer to Diddy's Dash Attack stemming from his previous video games.

  • OoS- acronym for Out of Shield, a phrase typically used after an attack or action denoting that it should be done after dropping your shield. Examples are Grab OoS, Up-B OoS, etc. Also referred to as OOS, Oos, or oss.
  • DA- acronym for Dash Attack
  • AD- acronym for Air Dodge
  • #-Air- acronym for *Direction* Aerial (F is Forward, B is Backward, D is Down, U is Up, and N is Neutral)
  • #-Tilt- acronym for *Direction* Tilt (F is Forward, D is Down, and U is Up)
  • #-Smash- acronym for *Direction* Smash (F is Forward, D is Down, and U is Up)


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
GT= Glide Toss

It's never been called Forward Single Dribble, it's called Pivot Dribbling.
Thank you very much. I honestly didn't know it was called that, and I wasn't sure what to call it. And I don't know how I overlooked what is probably the most important acronym the Diddy community uses >< Many thanks again.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
lol you made it, and no ones calling you a n00b...mission accomplished?

Kaptain Kong

Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
To the SE of Port Town.. ..send - Seattle, WA
we should have global annotation for glide tossing like "GT f-b" which would mean glide toss forward, but throw the naner backwards

i also think you should put grab releases in their own section even though it relates to diddy hump
theres also reverse boosted pivot grab or rbpg if you add a grab section

don't forget the slam dunk combo!

btw: this could be very helpful to new diddy players
nice work!


Is "that guy"
Aug 27, 2008
i suggested to use bdGT (slide direction-toss direction-GT) a while ago and vyse enjoyed *is proud*

i still use it but don't visit SWF as much as aib and french boards so meh... lol


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
DA should be dash attack :].
and add some common smash acronyms too while ur at it like Oos (out of shield) , PG (pivot grab), etc etc so beginners can know what we're talking about.

and yea add nana/nanner though ice climbers lol when we say throw nana xD



Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Sticky, but if yours gets stickied before mine. Blood will be shed.
I'm ready for a fight >:D Diddy Ditto ftw!

we should have global annotation for glide tossing like "GT f-b" which would mean glide toss forward, but throw the naner backwards

i also think you should put grab releases in their own section even though it relates to diddy hump
theres also reverse boosted pivot grab or rbpg if you add a grab section

don't forget the slam dunk combo!

btw: this could be very helpful to new diddy players
nice work!
i suggested to use bdGT (slide direction-toss direction-GT) a while ago and vyse enjoyed *is proud*

i still use it but don't visit SWF as much as aib and french boards so meh... lol
I've wanted a global way to express Glide Tosses for a long time now... It'd have to be agreed upon by the community, but it'd help in typing responses and threads sooo much ;.;

EDIT: I've added a section that includes both of y'all's ideas for the community to consider. Once a consensus is drawn (which I hope will happen), I'll update the section to reflect that.

DA should be dash attack :].
and add some common smash acronyms too while ur at it like Oos (out of shield) , PG (pivot grab), etc etc so beginners can know what we're talking about.

and yea add nana/nanner though ice climbers lol when we say throw nana xD

I'll add DA and a few others, but I was wanting to make this guide more Diddy-oriented than general-term oriented. Granted, I COULD make a general term section... (That's actually a really, really good idea) Heck, I'll do that :) Thanks for all the input!


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
For canceling, I would add Instant Throwing since it involves canceling an air dodge. And speaking of air dodges, why not AD for air dodges.
You also forgot the aerial abreviaitons (Fair, Nair, etc.)


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
For canceling, I would add Instant Throwing since it involves canceling an air dodge. And speaking of air dodges, why not AD for air dodges.
You also forgot the aerial abreviaitons (Fair, Nair, etc.)
Instant Throwing... how often is that used? I've not seen it very much myself, and I've heard it used to describe two different things in the past: Short Hop Above Banana > Air Dodge Pickup > Throw and Air Dodge Pickup while Landing > Throw/Glide Toss. Which is it? :S


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Well its really useful on platform stages (especially BF). Catching bananas through platforms to an instant throw can really surprise your opponent.

It means canceling the beginning frames of an air dodge to immediately throw a banana that you caught with said AD


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
Well its really useful on platforms stages (especially BF). Catching bananas through platforms to an instant throw can really surprise your opponent.
Oh THAT Instant Throw! Z-Catch > Throw! Sorry, I thought you meant that AT that was being discussed when the Single Nana Lock was released. I'll definitely add that!

EDIT: Does anyone have anything to say about the format? Is it easily readable?


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
No its not z-catching. Its ADing to catch a banana and then canceling the AD with a banana throw. It basically looks like the banana just appears in your hand and you throw it immediately.


Feb 29, 2008
Huntsville/Tuscaloosa, AL
No its not z-catching. Its ADing to catch a banana and then canceling the AD with a banana throw. It basically looks like the banana just appears in your hand and you throw it immediately.
Wow, I guess I really don't know this term. I'll fix it. Thank you :urg:

EDIT: I'm asking my formatting question again so that it isn't overlooked; I want to make sure that this is as understandable as it can be to someone new to the Diddy community, such that they can hop right in with the terminology.

EDIT 2: Can we come up with a name for the DHGR > Footstool combo? I've heard many people refer to it by simply saying DHGR, and I think it deserves its own name for how effective it is against so many characters (and how popular it is after NinjaLink did it to M2K). At the very least, we need to stop calling it DHGR, as that messes up discussion of other DHGR > combos.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
color code each section differently and its pro organized stuff :3 good job.

and @ the dhgr.
well the diddy hump grab release is the actual term dunno if anything creative can come of it besides monkey **** o-o?


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Yeah I actually like the format as it is. Very organized.
As for the DHGR>Footstool combo, I hear people say the 'DHGR gimp' a lot so we could just call it that since theres no other way to really gimp someone from a DHGR.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Id say Diddy Hump is the term for when the move actually connects and you latch onto your opponent. Monkey Flip is the term for the move in general. So we use both I guess.
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