In all seriousness I don't know why im typuing this.
im crying, feel delirious and weak, and im not sure what to do right now.
one of the bestest friends of 12+ years i've ever had is passing away
that friend is my cat, Tiger
ive had close relatives pass away, a few young friends dying from carelessness or suicide and I've never felt remotely close to the way I feel now.
I know this is a sad turn for the thread and it's ok if this is ignorred, but if any of you have any advice, prayers, thoughts, or anything that you'd like to offer, i would love you guys so much.
im new to this and i've been alone all spring break for the most part. and i cant stand being alone anymore. it wasnt bad until yesterday when he stopped responding to his medicine and now he doesnt even have the strength to stand. he wont eat or anything and I don't have the money to send him some place useful. i'd be willing to sell my brand new computer if i knew i could help him
i think im going to see if i can put him to sleep tomorrow, before i go back to college. the thought of ending his life destroying me, but the thought of him suffering and even seeing him suffer before me is even worse.
the local, cheap *** vet says he might have a tumor on his brain and that he doesnt know how to help him besides drugging him on on tranquilizers. I've made my father feel guilty for not taking better care of him.
i'm a mess
and i've been a big baby about this all day