i had two cinccinos and 3 mincinos, guess what i was running lol...two klingklangs (no klinks or klangs, woo) and a unfezant...yay...
ended up going mono-lightning (2 good zebstrikas, 1 meh one, my pikachu) with the pidove line to resist fighting (too bad i ran into no fighting-decks) and lillipup/herdier for drawing...not many good trainers, didn't do well...
one time i got a ridiculously amazing setup (good zebstrika with 3 energy and cinccino with 2 and a full bench by turn 5) and the opponent literally had two pokemon and no energy despite using angry, especially when i got 8 energy draws in a row the next match and lost horribly to freaking whirlipede
got steamrolled (literally) by scolipede, stupid poison bs
highlight was OHKOing a samurott with pikachu