Hey there! I live in Glenview and I'm actually thinking of starting a Melee weekly in Vernon Hills. Nothing is confirmed as of yet, but I have gotten the green light from the manager at Gamer's World in the Vernon Hills mall to host Saturday tournaments. We have 2 27 inch CRTs and 1 Wii and 1 Game Cube. Hopefully we can get things rolling soon, but as of right now it's still just an idea. There store itself is a good size with plenty of seating, and it's in the mall so there's food as well.
Other than that, I know there are Project M and Melee weeklies at a small MTG/Board Game store in Glenview as well as Hoffman Estates. I've never been to either event, but they have a Facebook:
Hey guys! I'm actually in the middle of planning a Smash2/Smash4 weekly in the Vernon Hills mall. It's not in Chicago, but if you guys can make it then that's awesome. I'm thinking Saturday afternoons and we can run friendlies until we have enough people for an actual tournament.
Sorry for the double post guys, but I'm thinking of starting a Smash2/Smash4 weekly in the Vernon Hills mall. Let me know if you guys are interested! I've gotten the green light to start, but now I just need people to come!
Edit: Looks like a mod combined a few different post from different threads onto this one post, which is why it is formatted oddly.