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Character match-ups


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Hey, just to let all you fellow Olimar players out there, I'm going to be posting character match-ups, strategies and what not, here soon. Testing will take a few days, trying to learn some ins and outs of the other characters, but I plan to post a new match up at least every 3 - 4 days (or earlier if my schedule permits me to do so).
Help is always appreciated, so drop me a PM if you think you have something useful for me.
So, if you would like me to get a character done first, post here... otherwise I will go alphabetically, from Bowser to Zelda.

With NC-Echo’s guide being the most prominent Olimar guide on the forums, I’ve decided to do my character match-ups in his format, with the assumption that most of the information regarding Olimar will be integrated into his guide eventually.


Character rating:
Offense-7 Defense-5 Projectile-3
Final smash-7 Throwing ability-8 Speed-1

The biggest and the heaviest of fighters, Bowser has a slightly different flavor this time around! Too summarize Bowser, he’s a tank. Around half his arsenal can be considered K.O. moves meaning Bowser players have little to worry about when it comes to diminishing returns. A few things to mention about Bowser’s move set is that the Bowser bomb and his fsmash both have super armor, and his infinite jump, which often leads to Bowsercide. Some other things to watch out for include: his uair (strongest vertical killer in the game) and his forward smash (dealing 46% fully charged) being the most powerful, non-final smash, moves in the game. Bowser's main strength lies not only in his power, but his survivability.

Basically fighting Bowser shouldn’t be too hard. A good idea is to play the opposite of them. By that I mean, if Bowser is playing a grounded style, charge him with aerials, and if Bowser is playing an aerial game, stay grounded. I say this because Olimar’s aerials out prioritize most of Bowser’s regular move set, while Olimar’s smashes and tilts out prioritize most of his aerials (exceptions being the Bowser bomb and his dair which can be easily dodged and grabbed out of).
Meanwhile, to rack up damage on Bowser, flee and spam pikmin throw. This is especially effective due to Bowser’s lack of speed and will keep him at bay, if not distracted, for awhile.
To counter Bowser’s survivability aspect, play near the edge. A good tactic here is throwing him off and then spiking him (really easy to pull off and Bowser can be spiked at 60%). Bowser may have incredibly good horizontal recovery, but his vertical is atrocious. The only thing to beware of here is Bowsercide, and in the event of him being a stock higher than you, it’s advisable to stay in the center of the stage.
Spam: from what I’ve seen, Bowser’s spam moves include his infinite jump, fortress (his B^), and shield grabbing. His infinite jump is performed by SH, doing his b over and then jumping at the beginning of the animation. It’s said that it can increase Bowser’s maneuverability; however, I’ve never actually encountered someone using it solely for that purpose. It’s typically used for mind games, to pull off quick aerials, and for Bowsercide (see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1wx0bz_6FQ ) , but it’s somewhat easily stopped by an fsmash. Unfortunately his fortress is something you just have to avoid. The only counter I’ve found for it is to Nair the top part of his shell, so it’s purely situational. Fortunately Bowser’s grab range has been severely shortened, however still dangerous, isn’t as bad as it was in melee.
Tips: Don’t get directly above him, all his move will out prioritize your dair or nair. That and his uair is incredibly dangerous, but can be seen from a mile away, so just DI away from him when you’re in the air. Bowser is incredibly slow, so exploit this by moving all around the stage and strike when the opportunity lends itself.

Overall, difficulty against Bowser: 4/10

Special thanks to:


Character rating:
Offense-7 Defense-9 Projectile-8
Final smash-4 Throwing ability-6 Speed-6

It’s the Aura pokemon Lucario! The ‘replacement’ of mewtwo however, offers up a different style of play. First of all knowing the essence of Lucario will help you in your battles. As most (hopefully) know, he gains damage the higher his percent. While this can be seen as an advantage it makes it incredibly hard to string along combos as the % damage and knock back are constantly changing throughout the duration of the game. His ranged attacks are the one’s that take the most time, so for the most part their goal is to come up close range, and then sparingly use a couple of ranged attacks to get’cha. His B^ is laughable (not so much as Olimar’s is though), by that I mean it doesn’t do any damage, lots of lag, and can be easily knocked out of. Just watch out if he’s using it to hug the edge. The aura sphere (B charged) is, although a relied on tactic for some, typically used for edge guarding. The thing to watch out for the most is his down smash, as this is a heavily relied on KO move.
Some other things you might or might not want to keep tabs on for lucario.
The REAL Multipliers are:
0% - x1.0
50% - ~x1.25(1.23)
100% - ~x1.50(1.53)
150% - ~x1.75 (1.84)
200% - x2.00
And it caps out there.
Here’s is a chart that Nodrak posted on the Lucario boards showing the kill % from the double team attack

Lucario shouldn’t give you a whole lot of trouble, but can be frustrating sometimes. The most important thing in this battle is spacing, spacing, and spacing. Your range is the biggest advantage you have here. Most of the combos he will do involve his jab as a start up, as that’s his quickest move, and has a lot of hit stun. Know his range, and be sure to keep just out of it. Good thing for you is Lucario players typically have the melee mentality, and by that I mean its charge and attack. With their move set of tai-chi type karate, they don’t really have much of a choice. Essentially shield grabbing is a way to make them think out their movements a little more. From all Lucario players I know, once you shield grab, they get a little dicey. Pay attention to his damage meter. At the beginning when he has little % don’t be chucking around pikmin. Exploit this moment, for he can’t really do much. After you get him to about 50% then you just hurl on the pain with your pikmin. One move that seems to get on everyone’s nerves is his force palm, and my simple solution to this is fair. You should concentrate on your range, and if you notice he’s using force palm an awful lot, start using more aerials. It’s recommended though you don’t try to mainly attack from the air, because as soon as you’re popped up above his head you’re going to either air dodge or use your whistle armor to get back grounded. Keeping low to the ground is ideal in this battle. For edge guarding against him, it’s really easy to knock him out of his B^. The start up lag is painfully long, and it can be interrupted in the middle. Either fair or bair him if you know a B^ is coming, as he’s a helpless when using it. For his aura sphere, try not to let him charge it up (obvious), but really it’s inevitable. When he has one charged up he’ll either try to use it close range, or as an edge guarding tactic. (If you’re playing a lucario that’s using it across the stage, and still having trouble perhaps it’s time to practice a little more ;) . I say this because the aura sphere is really small.) When he has it charged, just rule of thumb, keep pikmin in between you two at all times. The pikmin will negate his attack. Also relying on your fsmash a little more will help as it’s more reliable to cancel out the sphere than throw (since yellows will lob over the ball it’s always best to fsmash the ball rather than throwing). When you’re in KO range, expect him to spam his dsmash. It’s his best KO move (fairly comparable to Olimar’s dsmash, just for reference). Olimar’s dsmash comes out JUST a smidge before his does, so this is fairly good, but it out ranges a fair and cancels with your fsmash (depending on when it’s used) and shield grabbing is of some use, depending on your next pikmin on line, only because you get pushed back by it. It’s not too tough to counter, but just expect it to come.

Overall difficultly 6/10

Special thanks to:
*Sorry, this one was rushed as I fell behind, so pardon grammar and what not, and also the lack of neatness and organization as the last one*

Other strategies or things you have would be greatly appreciated as this will be a continuous work in progress as new strategies with characters have yet to be discovered.



Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2008
Fino thanks a ton for this, as someone who is a scrub at smash bros. (in the sense that i have never really played in a competitive style, and I am the best player i personally know) this along with echo's guide has been very helpful with trying to organize how i start practicing. So keep up the good work.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
Marth, Metaknight, and Wolf. The Unholy Trinity Of Cheesiness.

I'd appreaciate some strategies on them ;)


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
Marth, Metaknight, and Wolf. The Unholy Trinity Of Cheesiness.

I'd appreaciate some strategies on them ;)
Haha, I was waiting until someone mentioned those... I'm going to dread doing them (along with the little yellow rodent), but hopefully it'll pay off :)
Though, marth is easier than you think... but I'll get to him soon.


Fat Otaku

Smash Apprentice
Mar 14, 2008
Oregon (West Coast)
Hey. It's not Wolf's fault his blast knocks the pikmin off and kills the next one you throw. Nor is it his fault his shield bounces them back at you. I have played a couple of good Olimar players. They just get a bad hand against him. It is like Sonic against Ice Climbers. They shut out his spin dash.

Blade Knight

Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
Pit and Toon Link would help alot of people alot but a can drum up a thing for Pit if you want.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
pika isnt really that bad either, all you have to do is throw pikmin and smash when he gets close
Regardless of which move you use, be it a smash or a grab, his dsmash out prioritizes you and sucks you in, and then after that you're really open to get attack. his dsmash is the new peach's dress. It's easily spammed, and I haven't figured out a way to punish it.



Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
I have troubles with Pikachu... you need to rely on yellows to win. Getting yellows it pure luck.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
I have troubles with Pikachu... you need to rely on yellows to win. Getting yellows it pure luck.
Look at it this way, sure you have a 23% chance of plucking a yellow, but pikachu will rip apart just about every pikmin except yellow. You keep chuckin them and you'll have a team of yellows in no time ;)
Actually, that's not true, but you get the gist of the idea.



Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Wouldn't pikachu's Usmash kill the yellow pikmin on pikachu though? Its not electrical base =\ unless you mean saving it for striking pikachu through his elecrtic moves.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2005
people actually play smash in colorado?
Is it strange that Ike's giving me the most trouble?
Ike is a super easy fight for olimar, if your ike opponent uses side b to get back onto the stage(and most do) just throw a pikmin on him and when he releases it he will hit the pikmin and fall to his doom

with ike its mainly about keeping your distance by throwing pikmin and when hes feeling the pressure time your smash so it hits him during his very long attack lag


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Ike is a super easy fight for olimar, if your ike opponent uses side b to get back onto the stage(and most do) just throw a pikmin on him and when he releases it he will hit the pikmin and fall to his doom
Didn't know this was possible, thanks.


Smash Champion
Apr 14, 2007
Palmdale, CA
i think it's better to go aggressive against ike since all your moves are faster
and can grab and juggle him no problem at all due to his weight
ike's are one of the easiest by far


Apr 10, 2008
When you’re in KO range, expect him to spam his dsmash. It’s his best KO move (fairly comparable to Olimar’s dsmash, just for reference).

*Sorry, this one was rushed as I fell behind, so pardon grammar and what not, and also the lack of neatness and organization as the last one*

Other strategies or things you have would be greatly appreciated as this will be a continuous work in progress as new strategies with characters have yet to be discovered.

woa dude, no offense, but his dsmash sucks real bad and if a good lucario spams it, then i'd expect to win. Against good lucario players, i'd say you're way off:(. I'm going to give u a little time to revise it tho cuz u said u rushed through it, but wooee

ima try and get u some tips man, but I'm real busy with school and all.


Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
nxt to Dphat wit all dem azn biches
woa dude, no offense, but his dsmash sucks real bad and if a good lucario spams it, then i'd expect to win. Against good lucario players, i'd say you're way off:(. I'm going to give u a little time to revise it tho cuz u said u rushed through it, but wooee

ima try and get u some tips man, but I'm real busy with school and all.
His d-smash takes priority over basically every move Olimar uses, and if you knew something like that against a character, I would exploit it myself. Sure, the dsmash has a little lag, but it has a lot of knock back, and combine that with the priority, it's a decent move in the situation.

Sorry, this is based off of your lucario boards, and several lucario players that I found, most of them employing this strategy. It's not meant to cover every playing strategy or fighting style, as everyone is different, but more to cover the basis and know how of lucario to get a little more familiar with him and know how to counteract things that may give you trouble.

I will gladly take tips though, as any information that can be added is greatly appreciated.

On a side note. I have many exams coming up so I can't quite get as much downtime as I would like to do this. Next update will, hopefully, have a few characters added (instead of one at a time), as typing everything down from notes taken is the more tedious, and less fun, task. lol.



Apr 10, 2008
I'd just like to say before i begin that i main lucario, AND olimar, and that I play pretty decent lucarios as well.

His d-smash takes priority over basically every move Olimar uses, and if you knew something like that against a character, I would exploit it myself. Sure, the dsmash has a little lag, but it has a lot of knock back, and combine that with the priority, it's a decent move in the situation.

Sorry, this is based off of your lucario boards, and several lucario players that I found, most of them employing this strategy. It's not meant to cover every playing strategy or fighting style, as everyone is different, but more to cover the basis and know how of lucario to get a little more familiar with him and know how to counteract things that may give you trouble.

I will gladly take tips though, as any information that can be added is greatly appreciated.
I meant no offense when i wrote my first post on this thread. no hard feelings? I just think your mistaken, that's all. THIS IS ALL STRICTLY MY OPINION. Here's why. Whether you play olimar as a defensive or offensive character I think lucario's dsmash shouldn't be able to kill you very often at all.

When playing defensively:

It does have priority over many of olimar's moves; however, if you're in a situation where u could die if lucario were to use his dsmash, u shouldn't be that close to lucario in the first place. You should NEVER roll towards a standing lucario in that situation, or be next to him period. (The latter unless you're under extreme or odd circumstances) Olimar's faster, more agile, and has more and better ranged moves to keep his distance from lucario. If u happen to be next to lucario, u should either grab him or use your much faster downtilt, or, if u can fit it in, a dsmash.(which has knockback as well)

When playing offensively:

First of all i don't recommend playing this style against a lucario when you're at high percentages, unless he is in high percents too in some cases. In MY OPINION(not necessarily fact) this style is not as good as playing defensively against most characters. Olimar has too many good ranged moves that work best when camped. Against lucario, olimar should have an unequal disadvantage when fighting offensively. As you all know, lucario does better when he is at high percentages and when you go face to face with him you both should get damage. He gets added damage tho. The offensive moveset of olimar when facing lucario still consists of his long range moves, but while charging and still keeping distance, (confusing?)and in order to avoid sgs from your opponent u should stick to this strategy. his fair and dair don't have the range in order to air cancel a short fair or dair very well and fall backwards w/o getting grabbed or being shot by his shadow ball(sphere?, wutever).This brings me to lucario's dsmash. It shouldn't be much of a problem when playing offensively either. Just stick to wut i said about oli's ranged moves while playing offensively and u should be alright. This is all assuming u make the right decisions, like not rolling towards him when he is standing still.

Ok... ugg. Now I'd like to actually contribute to this thread instead of ranting on about lucario's dsmash.

Things i noticed when playing against lucario specifically that i didn't see fino mention:

1) lucario's f-b has little priority over olimar's moves. a simple fair or fsmash should negate the attack.

2) lucario's nuetral-b can be used effectively as a distraction if u don't spam your f-b.

3) When falling from above, and lucario decides to use his double team, if u air cancel olimar's dair, u can grab him(NOT SG) him when lucario's animation is through. Try to practice this technique against a friend before using it in competitive play, as it's difficult to pull off.

4) Right after spamming f-b, in some situations, it's can be good to use running fsmash. lucario's fsmash is rather slow, though it does have good range.

5) In most circumstances, try not to ever use olimar's running-a when lucario is falling. His dair is VERY quick, and can be used VERY close to the ground, where it will most likely out-prioritize your move.

I hope my disorderly placed hints help at least one of y'all. -thnx fino


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2007
Lansing, MI
my advice is try and figure out something on G&W, and Metaknight. You might watch to watch videos of vidjo (for metaknight) or noj (for G&W). I still can't figure out how to beat them


Apr 10, 2008
is g&w really that hard? i find him easy. meta's good tho, as he cuts through the pikmen


Apr 10, 2008
for anyone who decided to randomly read this thread:

i didn't mean to destroy this thread. I think it's a great idea for a thread. i just had a few problems w/ it. that's all. :(


Smash Ace
Apr 23, 2008
ACT, Australia
Nice character match-ups. Like what Lucrece said, some strategies on Marth (**** F-air, Wolf and MetaKnight would be really nice. R.O.B . would be good too, and Pokemon Trainer (especially Squirtle). Sorry for piling stuff on you, but I really do like your character match-ups as they are detailed and useful


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
I find both your lucario and boozer info to be sort of... well, not true against higher quality opponents

While olimar has the advantage over most bowsers, a good boozer like DJ Nintendo, Warriorknight, gimpy, etc will not (and do not) have grounded gameplays. Same goes for lucario. A good lucario will attempt to chain fairs at you and nair jab2x overb shieldgrab combo you into oblivion. These characters are not ground based and have no issues gimping olimar when played properly. I advise people to really use their grab game on these characters as that is what will yield the win. Approaching into a shield for lucario is okay, but you WILL get wrecked abusing a bowser's shield if you approach it.

I guess these tactics are ok (at best) against okay opponents, but definitely needs work.

And if lucario is spamming dsmash as a kill move, I'd be a very happy olimar. BTW, so many lucarios love to fair or nair rather than air dodge due to the nice priorty. Predict it, WAC it, and punish it.
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