The Demon King
It's a matter of GAME DESIGN. You missed my point completely.You can't summon an Assist Trophy at will, though. It's entirely random. You can spend an hour trying to summon one specific Assist Trophy and it will not appear (I know, I have done it). Other times, it might take two tries. It's already really inconsistent, and if that Assist Trophy only appears when that character is not around, it would probably go unnoticed for a long time.
And if you're trying to say it can't happen because it wouldn't be "right", well that is entirely arbitrary and applies to trophies as well.
RNG is RNG, which means it may happen twice in a row or take hours to do. It's random. (Not really random as software uses pseudo-random number generators, so it's not always that consistent.)
It's also a fact that ANY character can summon ANY Assist Trophy, which means ANY Assist Trophy can aid ANY character.
By putting an Assist Trophy not appearing when certain characters are in play, you're destroying the GAME DESIGN itself.
And all of this is implying the game is even designed to do that (hence my emphasis on GAME DESIGN). The game might not even be designed to handle such a situation.
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