This is how i'm viewing the scenario.
1st scenario, Cello claimed daycop, i had trouble with this considering the fact he used his shot immediately, i had even more of a problem with that fact it was on swiss.
Why exactly? Check the conversation Cello had with me early game, it would make more sense considering the Nabe situation was the first thing he brought up, that he'd check Nabe or Me first right?
well he didn't.
I've watched Cello play before, and he'll lie in claims for whatever reason, even when he's town; ****'s weird yo.
But anyways, let's fast forward
Cello actually claims and has an inno on Swiss; befoer all of this swiss has been certain of Cello's scumminess and when the votes were dwindling down, decided to claim miller.
What's the problem with this? Think of the sheer coincidence that's going on here. Swiss is almost certain of Cello's scumminess, regardless of all of the town reads everyone else has, let's say upon Cello's flip, he flips scum, that means that the 'cop' (if there is one) will more than likely check Swiss for certainty; guess what? It's a guilty! However Swiss already covered that option with his claim of Miller.
Just seems a bit far fetched if you ask me.