Being a warrior in life, what are you 12? It's like you haven't actually experienced the world and believe that shouting out pseduo-inspirational messages does something. The fact that you limit your ramblings to this forum is because no one wants to hear the drivel. How can you expect to inspire someone over text, especially when it has nothing to do with a topic. I couldn't care less if you blog about your "spirit" but don't post it in threads that it has no place in.
You say people are in a sea of despair? You're so full of yourself, to think that if people don't subscribe to your "philosophy" using that term loosely, of being "a warrior lul I pley smash and am large so i'm a warrier k i haz spiritz n stuff!" It's just arrogant and dumb of you to think that.
If you actually wanted to inspire people, this is the wrong way to do it, when I talk to a my professor about graduate school in mathematics, I'm inspired to keep pursuing my goal of PhD. When I see Dr. PP give Armada the business, I'm inspired to play Melee. When I see Rapha and Cooller duel I am inspired to play Quake. The only thing I'm inspired to do when I see your posts is to keep scrolling.
I wonder why people downtalk your dream? Probably because it's not how logical intelligent people express their emotions or goals. What you're writting is essentially masturbatory posts. You're the only one who truly gets anything out of it.