OK, this is gonna be the
THIRD time I've explained it.
I took the bottom-most row of vertecies and put them in her neck. Then, I took the second row and made the bottom of the hair.
As seen here.
It's looking good. However, I'm still seeing it as Ness playing dress-up with his sister's clothes. You should:
-Make the head thinner
-Make the top of her hair taller
-Give her bangs
-Ears should be smaller, thinner as well
-Her bow should be smaller
-Skinner legs, more rounded shoes. Kill off the shoelace.
-Make her mouth smaller, give her more vibrant and noticeable lipstick
-Make her face more androgynous, fix her eyes
...Yeah, sorry for nitpicking. But this has a long way to go before it starts to look more like Paula.