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BrawlBox Creation & Showcase Workshop: Post your BrawlBox stuff here!


Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
cuckoos, this is where I start losing respect for you. First, you call one of my hacks horrendous, If you were inspired by me you could've asked me before you made a remake of my hack, and for some reason, you think you are entitled to putting the pikmin characters in brawl, which I don't understand. A lot of people have played Pikmin, and I have as much of a right as you to make the president. You asked if you could make a texture on the blog, and then you go behind my back and screw me. What is your problem??? If you were unhappy with the model, you could've said so instead of...."Wow, this is amazing. " and I would have made it better. My model was a rough one, and I had planned to make a revamped version, but since you don't care about common courtesy, I have nothing left to add to the matter.
You could've sent that through PM.

And I understand that I shouldn't have said horrendous, and I understand if you will lose respect for me when I say that. Your model isn't horrendous, it just needs a lot of work before it actually can look like President Hocotate. And why make your model rough when you can put work into it and make it look clean? I know you like to deliver vertex hacks to the public fast, but I'm just making a suggestion. Oh, and the "I'M ZE ONLEH ONE ZAT CAN HACK ZE PIKMIN INTO ZE BRAWL OHOHO" remark I made was a joke. Sorry that you took it literally.

I apologize deeply about what I said. I shouldn't have said that, I'm tired and I shouldn't be on the computer. >.>


Smash Cadet
Dec 20, 2009
I only have so long to do a vertex a day, because of school, and I try to do 1 a day, I thought he was good enough for a release, so I did, I sometimes revamp my models, as I did with tetra. I really don't care if you release it, It is one less thing I have to remake. I forgive you and all that jazz. Don't worry about it. I am tired and really shouldn't post my feelings. Release it you have my consent.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2009

Do I continue? y/n

I'm only asking because I'm not enjoying editing Link. I hate Link's skirt and arm pad and EVERYTHING. Editing him is a pain in the butt, unless there's any veteran Link vertex hackers here who could lend a hand.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2009
Spiderjjr45, may I give you a tip? You have talent, but it seems you do not use it at its full extent. I think you make your vertex hacks too fast, and they then end lacking in the quality department. For example, Bayleef looked great, but still had many more things to be done before being actually like a real Bayleef. I hope you won't be mad because of what I said, but it's my opinion.


Ike 'n' Ike
May 8, 2009
Orlando, FL
I also believe there is a preset of Link on KC:MM that doesn't have the gauntlet band.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2009
Spiderjjr45, may I give you a tip? You have talent, but it seems you do not use it at its full extent. I think you make your vertex hacks too fast, and they then end lacking in the quality department. For example, Bayleef looked great, but still had many more things to be done before being actually like a real Bayleef. I hope you won't be mad because of what I said, but it's my opinion.

I absolutely agree with you. But I enjoy doing my fast ones more than I enjoy working longer and more determined, I understand it's completely pointless and it would be better to do more quality ones. But I do a hack a day because, if I didn't, I would get completely bored and stop, I mean, I only started last week, so why would I want to stop now?

And I mean, the people seem to like them, anyway. It took me 20 minutes to do totodile, and now it's got 180+ downloads in 2 days.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
You fixed his grabbing problem!!!
Congratulations, you won the prize :3 *gives 10 internetz and 5 cookies*
each time you grabbed one and throw them, they goes very glitchy on the screen
but I know how to fix that fix now x3
believe it works more than just dusknoir
excuse me where can i get ssbb with the video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ql4OvhbiyX4&feature=related (sakura tree in smashville and higurashi no naku´s song ) or this version http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKf935ITPAI i don´t now if theese are the same but the second video´s version is the most important for me . plese somebody help me
I believe they are in kitty korps "folder" somethere...
found it!

http://www.mediafire.com/?nym2dzddodz :3


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2010
Congratulations, you won the prize :3 *gives 10 internetz and 5 cookies*
each time you grabbed one and throw them, they goes very glitchy on the screen
but I know how to fix that fix now x3
believe it works more than just dusknoir

I believe they are in kitty korps "folder" somethere...
found it!

http://www.mediafire.com/?nym2dzddodz :3
Would you mind fixing the problem for Toad as well?


Smash Ace
Dec 31, 2009
I'm assuming those grab glitch fixes will be helpful for other imported characters since i noticed alot have said glitch.


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2008
I hate to break it to you guys, but that issue has been solved for quite some time. Here is a good guide, although not the first place it was mentioned definitely. That guide's a really good compendium of all of the different problems imported models face, though, so it really should get more attention. It'd probably be beneficial to have it stickied, even.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
Would you mind fixing the problem for Toad as well?
sure, can try :3
I'm assuming those grab glitch fixes will be helpful for other imported characters since i noticed alot have said glitch.
will tell you about it later
I hate to break it to you guys, but that issue has been solved for quite some time. Here is a good guide, although not the first place it was mentioned definitely. That guide's a really good compendium of all of the different problems imported models face, though, so it really should get more attention. It'd probably be beneficial to have it stickied, even.
I know these are a FAQ and glitches and fixes but then I tried to fix "then he gets grabbed" glitch by that guide, it didn't work so well :urg:
so I found a easier way to do that


Smash Ace
Mar 25, 2008
I know these are a FAQ and glitches and fixes but then I tried to fix "then he gets grabbed" glitch by that guide, it didn't work so well :urg:
so I found a easier way to do that
Oh? That's interesting to hear. In what way did it not work so well? Did it just continue to have the same problems or did it cause new problems?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
Oh? That's interesting to hear. In what way did it not work so well? Did it just continue to have the same problems or did it cause new problems?
it didn't fix the problem :/ it cause one new problem, the eye jumps to the middle in the stage, after that so I decide to look after a other (and possibly) way to fix it and found it :3

will try with GeminiCrossFade toad first to confirm my method and after that. I will say how to fix that :3


Smash Hero
Dec 1, 2009
Lamp oil? Rope? Download link? You want it? It's yours my friend as long as there is enough hype.

And liberty, O_o


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2009
May I present to you, the first Olimar hack of this Magnitude,


A Spider Work In Progress


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2009
I don't think the tooth and smile is possible without messing up the mouth. It's got 2 bones connected to it and only about 8 vertices, trying to put that all in it would most certainly break the whole bottom section of his face during game-play.

Edit: I threw the tooth into the texture, but Olimar's got such a tiny mouth, it's barely visible.

Edit: Okay, something is seriously wrong with Olimar's body. Have any of you ever had problems exporting the vertices of his body?

Edit: Okay, this is serious. I can't even export his un-edited vertices back without them messing up. I think there's a problem with Olimar's body model itself.

Edit: Uncle0wnage fixed it up. Expect Egadd out tomorrow.


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
my fixing method didn't work on toad ;_;
it froze at the beginning.

but I believe my method fix the "snapping" glitch (crazy polygons over the screen) since dusknoir had that glitch before.

anyway, this is a way how to fix that glitch:

Open up FitCharacter.pac (I open up yoshi) in PSA
Go to subaction and find "ThrownF" and the other thrown action.
open up "animations flag" and you will see boxes you can press on.
Un-check the 2 unknown (one under "moves character" and one above "transitions out from start")
and save. it should be fixed now

found a intressting post that maybe can fix the "grab" in the first place


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2010
my fixing method didn't work on toad ;_;
it froze at the beginning.

but I believe my method fix the "snapping" glitch (crazy polygons over the screen) since dusknoir had that glitch before.

anyway, this is a way how to fix that glitch:

Open up FitCharacter.pac (I open up yoshi) in PSA
Go to subaction and find "ThrownF" and the other thrown action.
open up "animations flag" and you will see boxes you can press on.
Un-check the 2 unknown (one under "moves character" and one above "transitions out from start")
and save. it should be fixed now

found a intressting post that maybe can fix the "grab" in the first place
I tried this and it still freezes =\


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
I tried this and it still freezes =\
hm :/ dont know why
but it did work on dusknoir when I tried it :/
know that I check the "unknown" again on thrownHi and dusknoir did get the snap glitch.
but the other thrown I uncheck the unknown and those worked :/

do you have the model exact much bones on so the bones are exactly the same?
I mean, Yoshi has 78 bones and I added so Dusknoir has 78 bones too


Smash Journeyman
Apr 25, 2010
do you have the model exact much bones on so the bones are exactly the same?
I mean, Yoshi has 78 bones and I added so Dusknoir has 78 bones too
I think so...i dont have an unedited version of marth's pacs, so i dont know. is there a post somewhere that says the amount of bones each character has?


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2010
With my newfound vertexing powers I decided to resume this.

Sleeves done-ish - they're good for now, but I might come back to them later to fix some things. Boots and hair next now, but I really don't think I can do the hair though D: It looks too hard. I also need to hex out the crown, etc. (since I couldn't make a DAE out of the hexed model.)

Which reminds me, Gamewatching, didn't you say you couldn't make DAEs?


Smash Lord
Dec 6, 2009
Sweden, Umeå (Currently in Seattle)
My newest machinima!
The Sleeping Piranha
I think so...i dont have an unedited version of marth's pacs, so i dont know. is there a post somewhere that says the amount of bones each character has?
marth has 70 bones
and I believe my method fixes the "snap" glitch AFTER being throws and not freeze while getting grabbed
With my newfound vertexing powers I decided to resume this.

Sleeves done-ish - they're good for now, but I might come back to them later to fix some things. Boots and hair next now, but I really don't think I can do the hair though D: It looks too hard. I also need to hex out the crown, etc. (since I couldn't make a DAE out of the hexed model.)

Which reminds me, Gamewatching, didn't you say you couldn't make DAEs?
That was just so awesome vertex and texture hack ;D


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2010
That was just so awesome vertex and texture hack ;D
Aw, you flatter me, but it's not that great. Most of it has been just resizing and moving things. I'm proud of the ends of the sleeves (which I need to come back to and tweak a little bit).

Anyway, I'm done with Roll's shoes now. The vertex hacking wasn't easy as for some reason they welded off some vertices at the front of the legs which messed up the texture mapping, and that was a nightmare to fix. The bottom of the shoes are also a real female dog to texture edit, but I got through it, and here's the result.

I just need to do something about the crown, earrings and brooch. I neglected to mention this, but I can't work out how to hex them out. Can someone more experienced help me out?

Also on my to-do list is to, like I said, tweak the sleeves, and also flatten out the sides of the dress (i think changing how it curves will mess with animations and i'm too lazy to try anyway) texture those little touches like the parasol and tennis racket. Oh, and re-shape the hair, but I'm scare I'll screw it up. Otherwise, I was thinking of leaving the texture like that since Roll is a cartoony character. Is that cool with everyone else or should I make it a bit more detailed for Brawl? I'm not really familiar with cloth textures though.

On another note, I'm LOVING that E-gadd!


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2009
I personally think you should have done her on Zero Suit Samus, it would have saved you a lot of work. For example, she already has the ponytail. All you would have to do, is to vertex hack her a small dress, resize her with a one-slot PSA (Smaller body, bigger head), add her green ribbon, and that's pretty much about it. Personally, I think you should do her real shoes, which are used in the old Mega Man games, or Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, for example.

As for Egadd, you should really fix his face. Look at how the lighting is applied on it, you see that there's an issue here. The nose is way too small, the head should be oval-shaped, the coat longer, thinner legs, thinner arms (He's not as fat as Olimar is), and remove Olimar's helmet thing, on his neck. That, and you should fix the textures and remove those three "clocks" on the body. Oh, and lastly, try to make each side of your vertex hack symetrical, such as the face or glasses, for example. Looks a bit odd.

Edit: I didn't see that you had fixed it even more. Looks very good, but still, the nose is not wide enough. His legs are a bit too big as well, and the hair should be longer. Nice job, though!


Smash Lord
Feb 4, 2010
I personally think you should have done her on Zero Suit Samus, it would have saved you a lot of work. For example, she already has the ponytail. All you would have to do, is to vertex hack her a small dress, resize her with a one-slot PSA (Smaller body, bigger head), add her green ribbon, and that's pretty much about it. Personally, I think you should do her real shoes, which are used in the old Mega Man games, or Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, for example.
Zero Suit Samus looks nothing like Roll. At least Peach has the right proportions and demeanour, not to mention she has similar ANIME HAIR to the MM8 Roll (but not classic Roll, but even still, it's similar.)

Also, "real shoes"? Just this once I'm gonna supress my inner fanboy from slapping you across the face with my buster-arm. Don't worry, I'm gonna do her classic design we all know and love another time, but right now I wanna do her "mature" look from Megaman 8 and Bass, and Marvel vs Capcom, mainly because I thought it'd be more fun to vertexture.

... in retrospect the buster arm thing was more rude than funny. Sorry 'bout that. Sleepy.
If you replaced a Kirby hat with it, perhaps. Otherwise, nah. Were you thinking of making Goombella?
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