Smash Ace
I have a lot of questions to ask about tournaments and various things. I would like to thank you all in advance for reading my large paragraphs and I am very grateful to those that help me. I wish to become a avid tournament goer and so I wish to know as much information as possible. Thanks again for your time.
Do you think online will replace local tournaments? I was just curious about your opinions
about online mode replacing local tournaments. Local tournaments are incredibly fun but it seems like it would get tedious traveling 4 hours somewhere just to battle someone when you could just go online and battle someone from your home. The only way it would seem worth it is if you went to a major tournament with lots of good people and got their FCs so you can play them online later, or went to a tournament you were sure you could win for money. What do you think about the future of in-person tournaments?
I will probably go to in-person smashfests/tournaments sorely for the experience. What I was thinking of was that for the rest of the time, I will probably trade FCs and fight lots of random people. Should I only go to the major tournaments or should I go to small ones too? People said the best way to improve is to go to major tournaments and practice, practice, practice. What determines a major tournament anyway? Is it the amount of people that attend? The amount of people that are considered "good" at the game? The tournament that takes several months to prepare? What exactly makes the tournament a "Major" one anyway?
Another question, how do smashers get to tournaments that are really far away anyway? Do they take a plane or do they literally drive 10 hours to a tournament? All the pros you see seem to be able to get to tournaments, how exactly do they do it? If they drive, do they go about a day early to allow for rest? If they take a plane, how do they get to the tournament? By a taxi? What if they have no car? Do they carpool with other smashers? How does one go about joining a crew or making friends anyway? Just going to tournaments and meeting people? Do you meet people by making posts on here and chatting?
The way things are going now, I'm going to trade FCs and play hundreds upon hundreds of people to train then go to a in-person tournament every month. I guess I'll have to play it by ear and just enter as many tournaments and play as many smashfests as I can, because I want to become great at Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Thanks again for taking the time to read my paragraphs, any input would be helpful.
Do you think online will replace local tournaments? I was just curious about your opinions
about online mode replacing local tournaments. Local tournaments are incredibly fun but it seems like it would get tedious traveling 4 hours somewhere just to battle someone when you could just go online and battle someone from your home. The only way it would seem worth it is if you went to a major tournament with lots of good people and got their FCs so you can play them online later, or went to a tournament you were sure you could win for money. What do you think about the future of in-person tournaments?
I will probably go to in-person smashfests/tournaments sorely for the experience. What I was thinking of was that for the rest of the time, I will probably trade FCs and fight lots of random people. Should I only go to the major tournaments or should I go to small ones too? People said the best way to improve is to go to major tournaments and practice, practice, practice. What determines a major tournament anyway? Is it the amount of people that attend? The amount of people that are considered "good" at the game? The tournament that takes several months to prepare? What exactly makes the tournament a "Major" one anyway?
Another question, how do smashers get to tournaments that are really far away anyway? Do they take a plane or do they literally drive 10 hours to a tournament? All the pros you see seem to be able to get to tournaments, how exactly do they do it? If they drive, do they go about a day early to allow for rest? If they take a plane, how do they get to the tournament? By a taxi? What if they have no car? Do they carpool with other smashers? How does one go about joining a crew or making friends anyway? Just going to tournaments and meeting people? Do you meet people by making posts on here and chatting?
The way things are going now, I'm going to trade FCs and play hundreds upon hundreds of people to train then go to a in-person tournament every month. I guess I'll have to play it by ear and just enter as many tournaments and play as many smashfests as I can, because I want to become great at Super Smash Brothers Brawl. Thanks again for taking the time to read my paragraphs, any input would be helpful.