Well, the truth is we have no idea how Water Gun works. I thought it may work like Mario's FLUDD, but perhaps it would work in the way that the above poster mentioned. I would think that his N Special would cause damage and would be different form Mario's move anyway.
The big thing is still the Charizard translation. I don't see how we're gonna be able to figure it out to be honest. It's just too hard. We can only see the first 2 and a half japanese characters for the name of the move, but te big problem is, even after messing with the image so much, it's still d*mn near impossible to read. We can try later today, but I don't know if we'll be able to get it. We thought we had it at Fly yesterday, but don't want to confirm anything.
For what it's worth, we think the blurry text resembles "Fly" the most, but don't go quoting us on it at all.
Just a random fact of the translations: CoroCoro puts some self described descriptions of the characters in their comic and describes Squirtle as "cute!"" and Snake as "Cool Spy".