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Bowser Jr. Videos thread


Banned via Warnings
Oct 23, 2011
My old account was hacked. Thus using this new one
Your spacing is pretty phenomenal. The dsmash on the dair punish in game 1 vs sonic was so stupid. I totally expected you to get hit, but you spaced it absolutely perfectly. It didn't look like it should have worked, but it did in a big way.

Thanks man, really appreciate it. I feel like Jr. has such good spacing tools (all the range/disjoint) that a lot of his strength can come from that. Haha I'm happy you noticed that, dsmashing sonic's dair takes pretty precise spacing but it can be reliably done. All the followups from mechakoopa explosion are reliable as well, I'm trying to learn percents and spacing to do an Up B hammer as a punish for when people run into mechakoopa instead of just an uair, although uair is good too. Also nice vid you have of utilizing the mechakoopa juggling regrab technique against Gannon.
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Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2015
Wow im completely blown away by some of the Jr game play i've been seeing in the past two pages. The movement you guys have with Jr. is incredible, i wish i had stumbled upon you guys sooner! V1cegrip im really digging your Ludwig play, plus the approach you had against the Rosa and Luigi match ups. I have a hard ass time against Luigi and Mario. Cant wait for more videos!

Mr Moosebones

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2014
Thanks man, really appreciate it. I feel like Jr. has such good spacing tools (all the range/disjoint) that a lot of his strength can come from that. Haha I'm happy you noticed that, dsmashing sonic's dair takes pretty precise spacing but it can be reliably done. All the followups from mechakoopa explosion are reliable as well, I'm trying to learn percents and spacing to do an Up B hammer as a punish for when people run into mechakoopa instead of just an uair, although uair is good too. Also nice vid you have of utilizing the mechakoopa juggling regrab technique against Gannon.
I managed to land the mk explosion into up b hammer a few times in tournament yesterday vs a dk. No video of it unfortunately but I had never done it before and just landed it out of instinct. Definitely going to try and lab the %s out soon.

Mr Moosebones

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2014
Landing the double hammer is probably the best affirmation of "I'm a frame perfect lab god" there is in this game. Gotta put it into work all the time now instead of 1 in 5 attempts.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 23, 2011
My old account was hacked. Thus using this new one
V1cegrip, that was a very impressive showing. You should feel proud for how well you did.

Wow thanks for the encouragement. It was dissapointing just barely losing (especially to the sonic) but people there gave me a bunch of feedback (such as don't rely on kart kills in high % situations, too risky vs a defensive opponent waiting for you to make an error) so hopefully I can post some more winning videos instead of just close set videos next time I post something here. Also moosebones what do you mean by double hammer? do you mean when the hammer occasionally hits twice for 30%?

Mr Moosebones

Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2014
Also moosebones what do you mean by double hammer? do you mean when the hammer occasionally hits twice for 30%?
Yep. There's some setups on dk/bowser/samus/rosalina/ anyone with a big hurtbox out of the mk explosion, but the lighter they are the smaller the window for error is.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 23, 2011
My old account was hacked. Thus using this new one
@ 2:00. after the uair, you landed on the moving platform and shoulda utilted there. if the utilt had landed it has potential followups into another uair then fair/bair

@ 2:39 you spun out but ness was at the perfect percentage (based on your low rage) to connect with a side B to up B hammer combo to finish the stock.

@6:50 if there is an opportunity for usmash(and it will kill) go for usmash, it misses less than dsmash but dsmash wasn't a bad idea there, just he was set up perfectly for usmash and ness can drift hard after his up B to make you miss.

@8:52 you read his forward air but you chose dtilt as a punish, fsmash would have taken that stock. You had the right idea, read and spaced him perfectly by standing in place to avoid his hit but chose a bad punish when compared to an fsmash to seal the deal that stock.

@9:14 This is a perfect example of when one should use arial kart spinout, it's to beat out arial challenges, he was coming at you with a bair to intercept your kart, however you had the spacing and timing to be able to preemptively hit him with arial spinout if you were more aware of when to use that option, arial spinout is an incredibly good option for beating out ariel challenges, it is fast and the hitbox surges into being a much bigger and faster hitbox than the opponent usually expects.

@10:30 dash attack would have been the optimal punish in that situation. usmash completely stops your forward momentum and dash attack has nice anti-air properties too. After a low-ish percent dair or dtilt connects I find dash attack to usually be the best followup. It covers Jr and opponents options pretty well.

@11:13: not a bad idea but pay attention to percents more, you may have had rage and ness may have been at a pretty high percent (72%) but even at that rage and that percent usmash was not going to kill so that risk was not worth it and ended up losing the stock. if he had been 10-15% higher I would say that risk may have been worth it.

In general I think your gameplay is solid, I like to do writeups on Jr. Videos but I won't do a writeup if I feel there are way too many fundamental errors in a person's gameplay. You however are overall pretty darn solid. I especially like your use of ftilt spacing, very nice. The main critical things for you to work on is to learn when are good times to spinout and to dair. Both are used far too often and get you punished much more than they help. When you use dair rising from the ledge I think that's alright, it covers below you, but a lot of your dairs get sheilded and just dair in general is too punishable without enough reward beyond low to mid percents. And as someone who uses spinout A LOT, I do encourage spinout, but it has many more uses in the air than on the ground and in both instances it should mainly be used to either A: beat out an anticipated attack via speed/burst in range, or B: to take advantage of someone's endlag. On a grounded opponent however if they are in lag, choose side B kart into uair over spinout every single time unless the spinout will kill (usually on the ledge around 100%) or you can do the side B to up B combo at percentages around 65-105 rage and weight dependent to close out someone's stock.

Hope that helps! Nice video.
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Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2005
El Carajo, Puerto Rico
Wow, thx a lot for that analysis @ V1cegrip V1cegrip
I've toned it down with dair and spin out plus I've mapped my tilts to c stick to do fade back fairs and PP tilts so my spacing has gotten better. I've now payed more attention to the %'s to go for the most optimal punish a bit more often.

Thanks again for the write up I would definitely go to work with this.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2009
Great match against Ness. How does a Bowjr. Instant drop and grab a Koopa after shorthop?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2009
This is me vs. an online shulk.
Audio is awful, but Video was (accidentally) really good if you can handle a little shake.
Uploaded for maybe some match up help, but If anyone wants to give advice or criticize I'd appreciate it.
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2009
Come'on Koopas, no opinion on the MU, or any advice?
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2015
So heres a vid of me playing at aftershock, even though i lost the set i feel like i learned alot, i would def. appreciate some feed back from you guys!

Lol firstly i love how commentators say a lot of stuff about BJR that just isn't true :p "his upB has no downside, it just turns your current position into an explosion" lol ok.

First thing i notice is, although you're using the big mechakoopas well, I honestly think they're doing you a disservice. They're not fast enough / move enough to act as traps and because of how quickly they explode it makes it quite obvious when you're going to throw them. They worked for you in the matches here but actually you almost got punished for them a lot (he just was never quick enough). Upon rewatching, he actually was really stupid and dropped his shield for no reason while you were holding one... Also a lot of the punishes you did with them couldve just been down smashes or fairs.

Secondly, your out of cart options. try stopping before hand sometimes. Try running straight through other times... a lot of the time you're running into a shield, and then you just jump out and attack anyways. If he knows anything about bjr he'll hold up his shield and then punish the landing, which he did a lot in this. One thing he didn't punish but that i noticed is if you cart - jump -land unpunished, you always roll away. try to break that habit. 7:53 you actually did go right through him with the cart for once and he chased you. It almost won you the game

8:30, if you were going for the tree/platform, good effort. Otherwise, he was not in any position to edgeguard you so you couldve just waited a tad and upB'd to the ledge.


Smash Rookie
Mar 28, 2015
Lol Yea the commentators were a bit in the idk Jr. to well category..

Since then i been switching it up between the BMK, and MK, depending on the match up. Against speedy character, and smart enough player who pilot those speedy characters. I tend to go for the regular MK, because i usually do get punished as i eject him. I rarely get to use the BMK. This guy was just not familiar with the custom, and it was catching him off guard.

Ive picked up quite a few of the kart tricks from the boards, and its improved my kart mixup game a bit more since the tournament.
I went back, watched the video again, and yowza you're right about all those bad habits you pointed out! I will defenitly work on those!! THanks for catching them!!

I really appreciate your feed back! i will work to improve my game, and try to post more videos!!


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2009
So heres a vid of me playing at aftershock, even though i lost the set i feel like i learned alot, i would def. appreciate some feed back from you guys!

Really good match, I noticed in the second life of your first game luigi would always hit your shield, but would give a follow up attack as you were coming out, idk if it's something fixable or just that luigi doesn't have enough cool down to punish. Also, when edge guarding With the koopa, if you whiff maybe eject to give a second explosion.
The second game I'd recommend throwing some fairs and u smash when he's at high % but I play more offensively. It's nice to see the customs work so well.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2015
Really good match, I noticed in the second life of your first game luigi would always hit your shield, but would give a follow up attack as you were coming out, idk if it's something fixable or just that luigi doesn't have enough cool down to punish. Also, when edge guarding With the koopa, if you whiff maybe eject to give a second explosion.
The second game I'd recommend throwing some fairs and u smash when he's at high % but I play more offensively. It's nice to see the customs work so well.
Luigi's particularly hard to punish because of his little endlag and his slideyness


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2009
Hey guys! Just wanted to post my Youtube channel on here. I'm a B-Jr main and most (if not all) the replays on my channel feature him =D. Would love some feedback as I am still learning and improving.


Good stuff, I would tell you not to use the Cannon so close to the opponent, although you didn't get punished. And then at 30 sec in you let your MK fight alone. You want to keep pressure so you should be about a roll away from falcon so you can punish a roll, grab the Koopa on its return, or dash grab if they sit in shield. Hope my words help. :)
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Smash Cadet
Nov 22, 2007
Richmond, VA
Hey all,

I played Bowser Jr. a little when the game released on 3DS but stopped shortly after once I found out that Jiggs ended up not being horrible in this game. However as a Jiggs main I find him somewhat similar. I hadn't messed much with him since the game released but decided to pick him back up last week. I scrambled through the Jr. threads hoping to pick some things up before entering the VCU Smash Weekly we have here in MD/VA. I ended up winning our weekly but going back and watching my matches I tend to do some predictable things. Are there any setups that I'm missing? I don't know his off stage game that well either so ANY tips would help. Pls no being rude I literally just picked this character back up like 6 days ago lol. I placed 65 at Apex so I have a pretty good grasp on the game as a whole but I'm enjoying trying to learn as many chars as possible. Jr. is super underrated.

I still think cannon is a horrible move though unless I'm missing something here. Too much end lag.

http://challonge.com/34hb4skv our bracket

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-nRbdqxUT0 - Grand Finals vs Peach/Falco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ihEwcmgOBg - vs Greninja
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zq8jy5jPOys - vs Marth
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7cNcgI1_eQ - vs Rosalina (Had the most trouble here, so any matchup tips would help)


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2015
Ontario, Canada
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-nRbdqxUT0 - Grand Finals vs Peach/Falco
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7cNcgI1_eQ - vs Rosalina (Had the most trouble here, so any matchup tips would help)
Good show! For someone who picked up a character in a few days, you've got a great grasp on his character, spacing, and if anything you haven't developed many bad habits that several other Jr. players have. :)
Like, you don't abuse side B too much, or get trapped throwing out mechakoopas too much, or abusing up B. Your play is focused on great spacing and is (i think) the right mix between offensive and defensive play.
Don't be afraid to go offstage and Fair/Bair opponents! Jr. basically has three jumps and is easily able to return to the stage after scoring the kill. Both of your double jumps can be used to go really deep, then you can use side B and up B to reverse your momentum and make it back.
If you catch someone with a hit or two from the Dair (not the final hit though), you will send opponents downwarrds and most likely gimp them :) It isn't totally reliable though and heavily depends on your momentum and positioning.

As for Rosalina advice, we have a thread on this board that talks about her and Diddy. One of the Rosa users posted some very useful tips there.
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Smash Cadet
Nov 22, 2007
Richmond, VA
Good show! For someone who picked up a character in a few days, you've got a great grasp on his character, spacing, and if anything you haven't developed many bad habits that several other Jr. players have. :)
Like, you don't abuse side B too much, or get trapped throwing out mechakoopas too much, or abusing up B. Your play is focused on great spacing and is (i think) the right mix between offensive and defensive play.
Don't be afraid to go offstage and Fair/Bair opponents! Jr. basically has three jumps and is easily able to return to the stage after scoring the kill. Both of your double jumps can be used to go really deep, then you can use side B and up B to reverse your momentum and make it back.
If you catch someone with a hit or two from the Dair (not the final hit though), you will send opponents downwarrds and most likely gimp them :) It isn't totally reliable though and heavily depends on your momentum and positioning.

As for Rosalina advice, we have a thread on this board that talks about her and Diddy. One of the Rosa users posted some very useful tips there.
Awesome! Thanks for the Rosa link!
I definitely need to focus on off stage aerials more for sure. I'm still nervous to go too far down b/c I'm not used to his recovery as a whole.
I think mechakoopas are best used when there's a standstill and no one can get in on each other. I've never been much of a projectile user in any smash game.

What's your view on Castle Siege as a counter pick? I noticed on the last transformation that the mechakoops can get stuck on the edges of the stages as an awesome annoyance. Also do you know what percentage/weight I should look out for his side b into up B hammer kill? Jiggs has the same playstyle as him with her spacing so I think Jr. is just a natural fit for me. He's also sooooo safe in tournament because of his weight and kill potential I love it.
The more I prepare with Jr. at our weeklies the more willing I am to bring him to Xanadu. I have like 10 different characters I can use, but Jr. is quickly becoming a better option as a whole. He's just got incredible weight that doesn't necessarily hinder him too much. He allows for you to come back in matches and take hits with crazy rage. So that's why I decided to pick him back up. Def wanna improve.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2015
Ontario, Canada
I think mechakoopas are best used when there's a standstill and no one can get in on each other. I've never been much of a projectile user in any smash game.

What's your view on Castle Siege as a counter pick? I noticed on the last transformation that the mechakoops can get stuck on the edges of the stages as an awesome annoyance. Also do you know what percentage/weight I should look out for his side b into up B hammer kill? Jiggs has the same playstyle as him with her spacing so I think Jr. is just a natural fit for me. He's also sooooo safe in tournament because of his weight and kill potential I love it.
Yea... MKs require a safe distance - several characters can punish your endlag, especially in midair...
MKs aren't really for zoning but more for setting up combos and punishes. Letting one loose then forgetting about it (but still keeping it near the fight) is my preferred tactic, especially if it goes off camera and surprises my opponent later. :)
The better Jr players are able to use that opportunity to get ridiculous strings in, like Uairs, autocancelled Fair/Bair, and sometimes even a kill using up B.

Castle Siege doesn't really hurt Jr. because he's not a projectile spammer. I will take zoners there often, especially for the second transformation where the statues block projectiles. That, and the walkoff makes it easier to harass opponents and pressure them near the blast zones (but don't take better rushdown characters like Sheik or Falcon there if you can... I'm not sure if the needles go through the statues anyway, and Jr won't always be able to go offstage to get a bit of breathing room from them...)

As for the side B to up B combo...it's character dependent, but in general you can start to score that combo from around 80-120%.
(We really do need to test this combo on all characters and get some comprehensive analysis in... >.>)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2009
Won in a local tourney yesterday, (Woot!) Is there a better way to upload any videos I might post here? Is that why my post was skipped by most users?
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 5, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Won in a local tourney yesterday, (Woot!) Is there a better way to upload any videos I might post here? Is that why my post was skipped by most users?
Unfortunately i think there's no answer aside from a capture card.
I will look at your videos later tonight after I get some studying in for my exams, though :)


Smash Journeyman
Sep 6, 2009
Damn, I was really hoping they'd have some kind of record and upload process in the update. But who am I kidding, they still can't transfer the images or stages through SD card like brawl did (I expect to be safe from hacking).

Anyway thanks and I guess I'll fool around with how I record another time.
(The semi and finals recorded were 4 close Rosaluma matches).


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2013
Switch FC
Tweek VS Salem

Tweek VS Nyani

Tweek VS Vex

Tweek VS Shofu

Tweek VS Officer Jenny

Tweek VS Salem 2


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Tweek's combos are soooo ridiculousSSSSSS I CANNOT GET OVER THEMMMMM


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2013
Switch FC
Here is Tweek's combo video that was posted on RHS just a few days ago. Not all the clips are of Jr but a majority are so I though it would be a good idea to put this here for people looking for cool Koopaling combos.


The Revolutionary Cafe

Smash Journeyman
Oct 21, 2013
Brooklyn, NY
Switch FC
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