i lold really really hard at MK having better kill moves than Snake. Although i agree with most of the others that you said counter Snake (specially Pika), MK pretty much gets wrecked by Snake, like Sliq said.
i think MKs even spammier than Snake, actually
Actually yeah, MK has significantly better kill moves than Snake. Snake kills with uh...just his U-tilt. Or he gets really lucky with an F-smash, C4, or somehow his F-tilt wasn't diminished (like he just got KOed). Using Snake's aerials is almost out of the question because they are like more unsafe on block than Ganondorf's lol or something ******** like that.
MK never has diminish problems since he has tons more attacks that he can spam if that ever is concerning him, so he gets to kill AND gimp people with Up-B and D-smash (horizontal knockback > vertical knockback, and also both attacks are safe on block, whereas Snake's U-tilt is punishable to an extent). His glide attack kills, his D-air reliably gimps, and although it's hard to land his F-smash is strong too.