The last part of your post makes me think that this actually applies to you. I've been using the same tone and style to this point, but your language and syntax is becoming noticeably more caustic.
No I've always been that way
Its just became more apparent
Not understanding is not the problem. Not understanding and continuing to be disrespectful anyways is the problem.
I'm saying i wasn't being disrespectful, as evident from the next section you splitted up
This point was kinda irrelevant. There's more than one way to be disrespectful, you know.
No, the point was if i wanted to be disrespectful, I'll be obvious with it
You're disregarding the importance and the history that goes behind these traditions. That really is a problem. Understanding these kinds of things does matter. I honestly feel like you're grasping at straws now so that you won't have to admit that I made a valid point.
The importance and history doesn't matter in this conversation, since all this stemmed from was two posts, between 2 users, that had a joke
Do i need to emphasize that anymore?
At this point, you're just trying to shift the blame from yourself for taking part in this.
There wasn't any blame to start with.
my post was about me and sg, with our views, and yet it somehow has gotten so deranged from what it originally was that others who have no context agree that its getting out of hand
Jokes can still be bad and poorly executed. Just because it was in jest doesn't mean it's excusable. If that were true, Weegee wouldn't get negative reactions for when he messes up with the timing of a joke.
And you completely misunderstood this section. . .
It wasn't about the joke but rather how it got pulled into something non-comparable
(Seriously, joking about how the two have different dates =/= connection to "American culture shift")