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Official Bob-Omg Social: Count to 300 bob-ombs!

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I don't see that happening any time soon... Uni.
So? Patience is a virtue and the wait will be worth it, no matter how long it is...

we-we-well if you keep looking over there, scat, leave! go!

*slams door*
*locks the door in half dozen locks*

no one ever open that door again
Well, I was about to give you a hug, but since you don't seem to want it...


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Deacon Blues
Dec 27, 2013

This is getting weird even for this thread.

Anyway... I tried making at least something that looks like the original two threads.

Because third time's the charm right?

Welcome my friends, to the thread that never dies!

Welcome to Forum Fight!

Welcome to the thread that allows you to be whoever you want to be! Make a character and build a story! And, you can combine your stories with other stories, making a bigger story!
It's basically like DnD, only in a Forum Game thread! (And hopefully less Munchkins.)

"But wait!" I hear you ask, "What is 'Forum Fight?'"

Well, to quote the previous thread:
Well, it's just that really. In Forum Fight, most users make a character with the same name (or similar) as their avatar. They role-play as this person and their comrades and can choose whether to create their own story to follow or, as other users will usually be in the middle of a collective story, they can also choose to make their way to the 'main party' and have fun role-playing and being role-played by others! It's a lot of fun to battle with the other users too.

Characters that you make could have a wide variety of abilities and magic, but for maximum enjoyment it's advised not to go God Mode Sue on the thread (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GodModeSue :p ). Seeing as you're making them from imagination, it's up to you what powers and limitations you may want to put upon your character. Mario57x might make a character who is a master of fire magic, but for some reason can't resist jumping in ice-cold water where his magic doesn't work. Who knows? The possibilities are endless! Furthermore, you can make or use many characters for your story as allies and sidekicks. Many users in the past have used famous video-gaming characters as their allies, but you could take it further, you could even use allies of your own creation!

But I hear a few of you say: "How do I know the in's and out's?! The right from wrong?!"
Don't worry! We have the guidelines just for you! Made into a convenient little quote:

1. The global rules apply to these threads:

While the double posting rule is a little more lax in here than most (for certain reasons, important parts of stories not being able to be seen because an edit won't show up in a search and people don't always check it regularly), trolling/spamming, flaming... it's not cool. That said, maintain respect when doing this. Either don't respond or if it's a friend in the wrong, gently let them know. :)

2. Perhaps one of the most important ones - Be extremely careful when RP-ing others:

Most people, when new to RP have a tough time dealing with other people. So they make those people act in certain ways, which may-or-may-not be what their player intended. This encompasses good characters suddenly turning evil for no reason or making a normally smart character do something incredibly stupid without justification. It can annoy the player behind the character when you do something like that and even dialogue should be monitored. If you don't like the way somebody is RP-ing you, let them know what you're like so they can attempt to RP you better.

3. Let people know when you have an issue with something:

If you see something you don't think works in canon or uses mis-guided information, or is slightly inflammatory or troll-like, or get offended by something and so on, let the person know so they can fix it. If they put something in to the story that you don't like but you don't raise the issue with them, that thing or fact will be used in subsequent stories and you may not be enjoying it as much. Let people know when you have an issue with something they've written. If you don't take it up then, your chance may be gone!

4. Don't get too over-powered without a reason/don't make random things occur out of nowhere unless on occasion:

You can decide early on that you want to have the power to do this or do that and you can even occasionally get OP in the middle of something or have a random thing occur in the middle of something. That's okay: The world will allow for it, random stuff does happen. That said, don't go over-board. Don't suddenly bring all your favourite characters in to one place in the space of a paragraph without having a proper reason. Be reasonable with your 'co-incidences'. Try not to give yourself random powers either without a reason. For instance, if you're finding things that give you back your power, be controlling in what powers you get from each item, though occasionally, you can give yourself the power to deal with a situation you're in. As stated, the world will allow for it. Just be careful and keep it in moderation. Probably best to decide what most of your powers are early on so people don't think you suddenly overpowered when you do something unexpected later on. In fact, it might be good to let somebody else know what your powers are so they can keep it in check, unless of course, as stated you have a full on reason for doing so.

5. It's okay to bring in well-known characters:

To clear it up, yes you can bring in Mickey Mouse or Mario or Sonic or a MLP character. Be careful though and if possible, check before-hand what characters you can use and which ones you can't. Some characters might be forever lost or even dead and others might be in hiding. Better yet, if somebody posts an up-date every so often to notify newer Forum Fighters who is being used and who has died and so on, this would help people immensely.

6. Do not take OOC knowledge and suddenly apply it to an IC situation:

OOC (Out of Character) knowledge is called OOC for a reason: it's used to explain info... or it can be used to give the player info without letting their 'character' know. Applying your OOC knowledge to IC (in Character) situations is like cheating. Try not to do it. That said, we are human beings and it's incredibly hard sometimes to separate what we know OOC form the things we know IC. Mistakes do happen. Try to make as few of them as possible though and if you do see something unfair, point it out.

7. Watch out when doing large story-lines or plots:

While having a long-winded plot gives everyone things to do, if you are the sole director of a storyline, the entire effort becomes compromised if you leave for any significant period of time, with players left with nothing to do by themselves save random RP with no point. If you can, alert people to what you want to happen before you go away, or write things up before you go away and post something to keep people entertained for a while or perhaps even make your storyline shorter or postpone it a little. If you do this, the thread can always remain active so long as people have ideas to put in!

8. Have fun!

While Story Forum can afford the structure, it doesn't come at the cost of fun. Be creative and remember that crazy things can happen sometimes. If the group of friends you're with has no problem RP-ing each other and you don't care how they RP you, you can ignore that rule. It's about the players and keeping it fun. Aside from rules 1 and 3, you can pretty much bring the others down if the group is fine with it. That said, you may find you prefer the rules and go back to them. Indeed, being OP for too long does become a little boring!
Now, I understand many may have questions regarding how to post, but for the record any post style works. Whether it's a wall, or a few sentences of dialogue. For the record, one of the best ways to start is to simply introduce your character and their motivation. That's all there is to it.

I hope you enjoy Forum Fight. If you have any sort of questions, feel free to ask them!
Any recommendations to making it better?
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California


This is getting weird even for this thread.

Anyway... I tried making at least something that looks like the original two threads.

Because third time's the charm right?

Welcome my friends, to the thread that never dies!

Welcome to Forum Fight!

Welcome to the thread that allows you to be whoever you want to be! Make a character and build a story! And, you can combine your stories with other stories, making a bigger story!
It's basically like DnD, only in a Forum Game thread! (And hopefully less Munchkins.)

"But wait!" I hear you ask, "What is 'Forum Fight?'"

Well, to quote the previous thread:

But I hear a few of you say: "How do I know the in's and out's?! The right from wrong?!"
Don't worry! We have the guidelines just for you! Made into a convenient little quote:

Now, I understand many may have questions regarding how to post, but for the record any post style works. Whether it's a wall, or a few sentences of dialogue. For the record, one of the best ways to start is to simply introduce your character and their motivation. That's all there is to it.

I hope you enjoy Forum Fight. If you have any sort of questions, feel free to ask them!
Any recommendations to making it better?
I was hoping this is what you'd be making magic out of. :p

It looks pretty dang good so far! As for ways of improving it, nothing comes to my mind, at least at the moment.

If I ever do think of anything I'll let you know.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
I was hoping this is what you'd be making magic out of. :p

It looks pretty dang good so far! As for ways of improving it, nothing comes to my mind, at least at the moment.

If I ever do think of anything I'll let you know.
I found a way to make it better: by making the thread :lol:

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