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Battle of Caketown results


Smash Champion
Jan 16, 2006
Plymouth Rock, eating Thanksgiving dinner
Note: Yes, I realize that people had the same amount of wins and losses, but the rankings are measured by who you lost to. In other words, it judges how well you did in that match-up by looking at how well your opponents did overall. Anyway, here they are:


2: divineknight
3: I.B
4: DeLoRtEd1
5: Lanowen
6: RaynEX
7: Cure
8: Runawayfire
9: connel
10: GK
11: ChrnoX
12: Lone Wolf
13: Grmo
14: Dragon_Hawk
15: JB
16: Mox
17: Megamus
18: CHNK
19: JeffMan
20: Volasko
21: Snow Blind
22: Chaotic
23: JL
24: Adam
25: Switchblade
26: Europhoria
27: Circle
28: ToXn
29: RyNo
30: Hugo
31: $YAK
32: rabbet
33: Isai
34: steve
35: MF
36: SEXY
37: Clare
38: pointman
39: Maelstrom
40: CNDM
41: Kec
42: Matthew
43: alphameric
44: Ramy
45: Dany
46: slevin
47: MK



1: 200% GHEY (DeLoRtEd1 + divine knight)
2: Older Then You (JB + Volasko)
3: TGBX + vex (TGBX + vex)
4: IB. feat. RaynEX (guess)
5: AI (Rabbet + Ak47)
6: The Green Jellybeans (runawayfire + scintillated seed)
7: Rodent Control (efex + Dragon_Hawk)
8: CNDM + Hugo (CNDM + Hugo)
9: Ghostbusters (JeffMan + Grmo)
10: 2pimp4u (Lone Wolf + Snow Blind)
11: Double J (Jason + Jeremy)


1: RaynEX ($35.00)
2: Dragon_Hawk ($10.00)
3: GK ($5.00)
4: Runawayfire
5: rabbet
6: Ramy
7: Dany
8: Azn Characters
9: Alphameric
10: JeffMan
11: Lanowen
12: Kec
13: SEXY
14: Grmo (Guess who can play low tiers. Yay!)


Anyway, thanks to everyone who came out, it was a lot of fun. I learned some lessons about tournament hosting, and I'm working out a better way of managing the money so that there's more prize money, and just better organization overall. Next time though, read the thread. Like, I had one person who when I said I was hosting the tournament he said "Oh you're Lone Wolf?" Ok no, you obviously didn't read the thread, let alone go to the boards. Oh well. Join us next time for [insert mystery name].


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2007
Sauga, Ontario, Canada
Man i missed it I had to go to waterloo =/ Wow what results though *props* to imadh for 3rd place, and nice going noah for first. Good job everyone


Smash Ace
Mar 10, 2005
Toronto, Canada
Good tourny grmo. Other than the mix up at the end, and the pain in the *** it was to get there and back, I had a good time. Shouts:

Fellow NNRers + Toronto peeps:

Devine Knight: TGBX was pleased with your performance at this tournament.

Jake: Still waiting for that SD?

Connel: Some rough loses there man. It happens to the best of us, but hey, top 10 aint bad. Sorry again about kinda sandbagging doubles.

Nate: I kicked Jake's *** for you, don't worry. How the hell did you lose to Volasko... lol!

Tyler: Well, you didn't play great this tourny, and those Peach's sure give you a tough time. Don't give up, and don't pick up Pichu, that's probably worse than giving up.

Bernard: Tough luck man, you can't seem to take down Jake in singles. Good job on the low tier though, wish I coulda stayed around for that. You seemed to be in better control this time though, you came through in the clutch in a lot of matches I saw (particularly against those IC's, who I honestly think I could have lost to). Some advice about keeping your cool: Never count yourself out of a match no matter how far back you are. The second you start thinking you're going to lose, you'll start to lose.

Volasko: Way to suck in doubles finals.

Snowblind: I don't think we had any 1v1's the entire time... we should really do that next time.

J3? JV? Whatever it is: You've got a mean sheik, it was pissing me off in doubles. We should get some more matches in next time.

Sauga Hommies: forgive me if I forget names, I'm pretty sure when you guys make names you use a random noun generator.

Grmo: Thanks for hosting man, it's a tough thing to do, you'll get better the more you do it. Solid first tourny though.

I.B.: ****, really impressive stuff. You sure scared the crap out of me with that Marth. You have some serious mindgames, which is the most important part, so you're ahead of the game. Work on chaingrabbing, and comboing, once you get those down you'll be a force to be reckoned with. I know that all of us from Toronto were really impressed with you, so keep it up.

Chaotic: You've got a solid Falcon, just keep working on it. Get more experience, play more people, etc. You're on your way to being really good at this game.

ChronoX: w00t space animals represent. You're doing a lot of things right, now you just have to refine your playstyle, tighten things up a bit. It'll come with more experience.

Lone_Wolf: I didn't face your Peach 1v1, but you held your own against Daniel, which is impressive. Keep it up.

Dragon_Hawk: Good ICs, even though I hate those little *******s. Keep working on them, get those chaingrabs down.

Andy: Good seeing you again man, you were looking a little emo when we were leaving. Hope everything's cool.

D.B.: Thanks. Too bad you couldn't make it to this one, hope to see you at SoS later this month.

argh. I'm looking at these names and trying to remember who was who... I'll update this later. Sorry if I missed you.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada

Imadh: I like your Falcon. Needs more Kirby vs Falcon matches imo, since those games are too **** sexy for words. lol Kirby is a mindgame. Also I hope to see you at Seasons so I can show you how sexy my ICs can be when they're in "the mood". Ask Adnan about "the mood" and if he doesn't understand ask him about "crews". Congrats on placing so high. It's a shame we didn't play. I wanted to take you out. No spite included. ;D

Bread-Butterer: Your spacies are very, very fast. I would've chain thrown but I kind of was scared ****less of you lol. That and you didn't really present any opportunities to grab so I focused more on getting in dash attacks for d-smash silliness and u-tilt silliness but whatever. Honestly I really would've liked to have gotten more games in against you, at Seasons I would like to play you some more and learn more about ICs vs spacies.

The guy that played Doc: Your Doc is very nice. I honestly have never played against a good Doc so this was quite a shock. Your use of pills to space me was interesting. I may have to read up on the matchup and figure it out. Or just play you some more at Seasons, that might work too lol.

Landy: I need more Samus experience. Kirby vs Samus is too much fun, honestly. Your GaW is insane, I'm shocked you didn't go on a berserk rampage and plow through low tier. I would really like more matches with you.

Dzenan: Your name continues to mindgame me. I'm so sorry you couldn't go. I love playing against you, Falcon vs Kirby is such a lulzy matchup and I love it to death. Possibly my favourite matchup period, second only to Pikachu vs Falcon due to the insane amount of gay saturated in a single match. Either that or ICs vs Falcon. Once again a sexy matchup due to the amount of gay it entails. Man you better make it to Seasons.

James: Thanks for showing me some tricks on wobbling. I'll be sure to practice and work on it so I can start wobbling during matches. And you definitely made the right choice picking me first for crews at the end. I took, what, 15 stocks off the other crew during the second crew battle? Too sexy imo. Also, we had some sexilicious games I like to think. Kirby vs Ice Climbers was too funny. Kirby has some sexy green shoes of doom.

Snow Blind: Ganon vs Kirby was too much man. Ganon's giant black boots of doom overwhelmed Kirby's sexy green sneakers. Sexy money match man, ICs vs Peach was so dirty. I thought you were gonna win and was like "uh oh" but then I got my grabs in. And, well, the rest is just a blur of filthy grab combos.

Volasko: Your Marth ***** the **** out of my Fox lol. I had to play ICs against you. Hot **** that Link's bombs hurt. But yeah, those were some nice matches man. My ICs do well vs Marth (*glances at Euro*) and I have no idea why whatsoever.

J.B.: Your name is a mindgame. Nice matches... I like ICs vs Fox quite a bit even if I'm kind of sloppy at it. You ***** my Kirby. :(

Grmo: Your too sexy, although I maintain I'm prettier. That's right, I went there. And those cookies were a mindgame. Also, thank you so much for throwing this tournament god it kicked ***. You are like Jesus. Only not dead and without the super powers.

Europhoria: I wonder why I do so well vs Marth. I really have no idea. :laugh:

Wilkins: Sup guy. No shoutouts required. Your Fox is like the only Fox that had any idea what the hell you do vs ICs during crews so much respect. But I see you whenever Euro comes over anyways lol. Your too nice man. Also, because this post isn't complete without it, UNLEASH THE SHOES OF DOOM!!!!

Jeffman: You're too cool man, keep it up. Your Falco is too cool. I'm surprised you didn't play him vs me in our match. I would've liked some Falco experience.

ToXn: Peach vs Kirby was a sexy match if I do say so myself. Man you guys were so ridiculously nice. I hope to see you guys at Seasons. You really do have a nice Peach.

Kjdjy: Your name is a mindgame. I read your shoutout lol, my ICs are okay they're not that good lol. I can't wobble like you. >___> Teach me how to you wobbling IC player!

Adnan: The game conspired to give me Pokemon Stadium. The rest was just a blur. I really would've liked more matches against you though. Your Peach is a nice workout for my Kirby and my Ice Climbers. Although moreso for my Kirby. I mean, god, Kirby is just like mindgames or something.

Tai: I need to be in the mood lol. Don't worry though. I'm working on getting into "the mood" so I can unleash **** upon the world. Also, your Marth is getting there. But bear in mind that I play ******** characters (Kirby, Ness, Ice Climbers) and how well you do against them is quite often a reflection on how much you actually know about them. And there is a great shortage of ICs around here, sadly.

Nate: I don't know how the hell I won versus your Luigi. Honestly I don't. I think you were really off or drunk or something. But yeah. I need some more Jiggs practice so battle for my? I dunno you seemed off in low tier. Kirby vs Luigi is a pain in the ***. ROFL at the double misfire on Mute City though, that **** was a mindgame I swear. I'm so glad I didn't go Ness that game though; Kirby's shoes didn't fail me.

GK: Holy @$$ f*ck mindgames I swear to god. Your Zelda and Roy are beastly and made me sweat so many times during that set. I was freaking out, seriously. Fortunately, Kirby pulled it off somehow. I think it was the shoes. Those green shoes give him super powers, you know.

Rabbet: I think you were the Young Link and Bowser player during low tier, yes? If so, sweet. If not, then ignore this. But seriously, that was a sexy set if I do say so myself. Man we should've had that stuff recorded! Our Young Link vs Kirby game was sweet and the vs Bowser game was... gimpy. But sweet, nonetheless. B-throw suicide and swallowcide were too powerful mindgames.

Circle: Your Sheik is getting there. You were doing so well about avoiding my B-airs in our Sheik vs Kirby match, it was sweet. I thought I was going to lose but then I finally hit. Oh man. My vs Sheik game needs some work I see. Or maybe it needs more Kirby sucking action. Ninja Kirby is too good.

Efex: OMG MATT!!!!! =D I MISSED YOU!!!!!! =D IT'S GREAT TO SEE YOU!!!!! =D Also even though we lost, we had undoubtedly the sexiest doubles team. Falco and Ice Climbers is too sexy for words.

Divine Knight: I did not meet you personally or intimately, I think all we did was say "Hi" when I was ****** Snow Blind's Peach via chain throw. But **** your Peach is sexilicious. I hope to get some good games in against you at Seasons. Congrats on placing so highly, I look forwards to seeing those vids. Also thank god someone finally knocked out Imadh (no spite ;O).

J.L: Your Marth's overwhelming gay beats out my single IC skills. **** you. I don't wanna gay you to death with Sheik counterpicks but honestly I don't know what to do. You know my ICs too well. Oh sadness. But dammit come to my house more often.


Anyone else: You guys are too cool, keep it up! I hope to play you guys later! ;D


Jul 24, 2005
Mississauga Ontario, Canada
Nice tournament, it was a lot of fun, I can't wait until the next.

Andy: Good seeing you again man, you were looking a little emo when we were leaving. Hope everything's cool.
Yeah, my Advil was wearing off, my cold was catching back up to me.

Shout outs:

Imadh: Nice ****, the next one will be great, just keep on doing whatever you are doing.

Maelstrom: Nice matches, it was especially fun during the doubles part, I liked that. :D

CNDM: Nice stuff, I don't know why you didn't use some of your other characters against me.

GK: Good matches, you should've used Sheik on the last match there, I though it would have been better than Peach.

Volasko: Man, I really wish I didn't have to play you, playing you is always scary, I never know what is going to happen.

Connel, Raynex, Jake: We didn't really get to play. :/ Maybe next time.

Noah: Nice matches... :/, my Samus still can't fight Falcos very well.

Mississauga/Regular meetings people: We gotta get together sometime soon, play some more games, everything was great as usual, I enjoyed playing who I played, and the talks. I would've done more, but my cold kinda stumped that D:

My shoutouts at tiny, I either didn't do much, or can't rememeber D:


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2006
Had a great time, although getting home was so rediculous..... hahaha.
NNR cleaned up as I said we would. lol 6 people in top ten.
Everybody better make it out to SoS, gonna be even crazier with singles pools and whatnot...

Bernard: Hah, long day man..... sooo lucky I rushed for that train.... oh man.... woulda made our night even longer if we missed it. gg's in doubles.... I swear me and Tai had that second match...

Tai: Good teaming with you again, hahaha We gotta work on our team combos.... I mean... we own and all... but we own each other while we own the other peoplez hahaha. LOL you and adnan have a good sleepover? And jeesus.... how the hell do we keep getting Daniel and Jake first round!? WTF!?

Adnan: GG's man.... I face Daniel's peach all the time so dont worry about it... LOL at us taking crazy journeys....

Daniel: You cleaned this tourny up dude... lets do the same at SoS.

Jake: Zomgz I was soo surprised facing you in singles! Like.... thats never happened before! You're gay LOLZ..... till next time ( hopefully not first round....)

Noah: Haha didn't play you at all... like usual. Next time I'll take out Jake myself... and then we'll go at it.... I PLAY FOR KEEPS....

Connel: Didn't even play you either, oh well... see you at SoS.

Tyler: Sucks having to face you dude... ggs though

Imadh: Dope placing man! You're sauga's hope I told you..... keep it up.

Volasko: You beat me, congrats. Won't happen again, I promise =D

Chrono: Didn't play you at all I think.... but we'll face at SoS... I have a feeling... LOL at the cab driver thinking you'd get robbed when you got out of the cab...

Dragon_Hawk: LOL I told you dude, I wasn't on at all during low tiers.... I'd be down stocks and then have to pull out crazy **** to come back... Hah, I'll give you as much Jiggs ownage as you can handle.

Peeps I roasted in the tourny: GG's..... cant touch this.

Anyone I forgot: Till next time.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2007
EDIT: Added some stuff.

Alright so this was very fun. It was nice meeting you tyrant wolf that was a pretty fun peach ditto I have to say. Dragon Hawk your such a nice freindly person and your IC's are beast! (Not to mention your kirby <.<) Lanowen it was cool playing you even though you destroyed me. That was so weird when we both died on FOD at the same time. maelstorm it was tough playing you your samus was good, those sets were close. Whoever played me first round (I think it was delorted) Your peach owned me and your height is very Intimidating lol.

And major props to my doubles partner cure. it was his first tournament let alone the first time playing somebody outside of goergetown and he got 7th. (I think) Can't wait to see cures match vid where he makes a crazy return with luigi.

Also thanks to grmo and staff (not sure if they had smashboards names) for this. One thing that sucked was you taunted me by putting the DDR game right near the door so as soon as I walked in I saw it. XD

Also I'd like to say to someone of whom my freind played in a tourney match. (Not sure of your name) My freind did john about his controller but he did not mean too (his trigger actully was screwed) and after the match he felt so bad and he was going come up to you and give you the match so if you have anybody to blame for it blame me because I convinced him not to so please do not think he is a bad person for that.

1 more thing as soon as I got there I started to play a couple freindly's and picked sheik and before the match even started I can't remeber if it was the guy himself or he was just watching his freind play, but you kept badgering my play (Oh sheik can be played by a four year old,Thats why sheik is gay downsmash and grab) I don't care if you were the best **** player in the world your a total a$$ hat.


Smash Rookie
Jun 6, 2007
nice stuff everyone. thanks to lanowen, SEXY, and GK and everyone else i played for the great matches. and thanks to hugo, my doubles partner. We suck but we had a great time

Bob Lablaw

Smash Journeyman
Apr 5, 2006
How did Raynex win low tier? He's a fox player. He shouldn't know how to use low tiers.


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Well, it's quite simple.

I won on Dreamland64, he counterpicked Final and then I realized that Final does not, in fact, have any platforms for Kirby to hide under...

The Moral of this Story: Kirby sucks @$$ on Final.

The other Moral of this Story: Kirby sucks @$$ period. But I love him anyways. It's the shoes.


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
Sh0ut0utz lulz

Snowblind: Great **** man. Awesome first round match. It was too close, Dreamland saved me. I think you coulda done better but things just weren't going your way. OMG THOUGH! THAT FULLY CHARGED NEEDLES + FULL DOWNSMASH = Out of this world. You're a really cool guy man, hope to meet up with you sometime soon. :]

Slevin: Man, I felt so horribly winning that match, like I didn't feel right advancing. But gay does it's trick. Best sheik I've played yet. It may not sound like much but it still means something. Thanks for giving me a tough time in that match-up. I sorta understand that matchup more than I did before our matches. LOL @ GALLOP SHL IN REAL LIFE. Too good, your a joker. Hope we can do some ****talk next time we meet. LOL.

Divineknight: Oh man.. way to whoop my *** on DL64. After that weekend, I can no longer call it Adnanland ]: . You sure pin-pointed the mistakes I made and punished, and I needed that. GGs all the way. Nice matches with TGBX. But yeah, he is too good so what can we say? lol

Run: That rest combo was soooo pro LOL! I like the **** you do after you pull off the rest too, it's like you punch my hopes in the face when you do it ]: it's a mingdame. But I must say, you're the hero of the tournament. You seriously beasted on those ****ing TTC subway doors. too good. The adventures were great man, hope I get my rematch soon. I'll comeback a smarter player ;]

The Great Bread X: Man, that was a handful to write up, LOL. Oh man, thanks for giving me nightmares ]: that Falcon is absolutely the scariest thing I have encountered. But I need to expect that for Trans. Guys like Chet, PKM and Dice won't take it easy on me, so I gotta step it up in that matchup. But greaaat matches in the finals, you're too good man. Too good. Hope to face your spaciez :].

Jake: heyyy mann! It was good to see all the NNRz gathered together and stuff. I saw some of your team matches and really has opened up some of my mistakes in doubles. I can learn from you and DK interms of Peach's levels of choice and what to do with them. Good **** in doubles. I wanted to get friendlies with you but you guys left early ]: I understand though. It turned out to be for the best.

v3xta-jizta(Connel rofl): whoa whoa, another Samus player. And a good one too :0. We needed to get 1v1s man. You and TGBX are too good. Nice **** though, you beat us fair and bair.

RaynEX: :00 SERIOUSLY! We need to play, I need to play a really beastly Fox like yours. OMG WATCH OUT FOR THAT DONKEY FOOT LOL! Your DK is amaazzing~ I wanna learn him so much more now because of you. Sorry about the bus thing, I found out that the 9 (the one that ran out of service) only goes to the GO station passed 12. Doesn't go back to square after that. My bad, really. But you cannot lie, that taxi ride was to0o0o good. Good talkz and funny ****. Including the beasting from Nate and that comic guy rofl. It was cool seeing you again :].

Volasko: :00 FALCON?!~ WTH I thought you were gay and only played gay Marth, rofl. Good **** man, keep those Marths coming, I like challenging myself against good ones. And you my friend, have a good Marth. But come on, we all know Imadh is better than you ;] j/p with your head. He's seriously good though, and so is Tai and J.L so watch out, the marth outburst begins. I gotta mission it to Oakville, your buds are really good man. keep it up, we'll mm set @ Transcanada or something.

Switch: yeah yeah, nice ****. I heard you got mind****'d by Imadh. lulz @ him apoligizing. You stirred up a crowd there. pretty cool. Keep it up. And watch out for the marth shower, it's getting pretty bad now.

Rabbet: rofl I got you back son, vengeance is sweet. We'll mm some other time :] but now your a CoS dude. ]: phailz. lol I understand, you got family there. I like our friendly rivalry :]

J.L: JULIANNN yeah man, I beast all the time. :] that ganon is insane man, I gotta watch you play more. I could learn from you. I SWEAR YOU ARE GTA'S VERSION OF KEN LOL!~ Play more with David, he's got good knowledge and practice with him will really make you a dynamite (if not, already) Marth/Ganon. I didn't see too much of your Fox so yeah ]:. JOIN THE SAUGA BOYZ :]]]

David: yawn, good **** man. I'll hold the johnz. You're slowly improving in every aspect of play, and it's honestly bothering me like a bad itch (in a good way that you're getting too good, but never beastly :]) Keep it up man, you got 2 friends with loooaaaddds of potential. Motivate them, and then you'll have yourself a gang :].

Micheal and Adam: You guys are good man, keep it up. Don't give up and stay focused on getting better. You guys got a real talented player to practice with, and that's really a huge help for development. Not to mention names are just poping out of everywhere inclduing C3 biweekliez. I expect to see you guys as much of a threat as David some time soon :]

James: Heyyy man. omg you are not human, lol. I have confirmed that. No sleep and you played smash well. no probz about teams. Maybe next time. It's a darn shame that you're taking a break but as a good friend, I can say I understand. Give some thought and have fun with whatever you plan to do with the time. I just really advise you to come to TransCan anyway. It's like a once in a lifetime exp. Make it man. btw wtf @ wobblin. Great stuff @ singles man. Great stuff.

Andy: LANDEH! rofl! It's great to see you playing in tournaments, honestly. I hope things are still cool between the whole squad :] I still remember what you said to @ AN about the fun and I'll keep that in mind. But awesome placing, we all know TGBX is a monster so yeahh lol. I'll come by and visit you to chill if you like, I just always get the impression that I shouldn't. lol. Oh man, me and Imadh had a friendly joke about you.

Imadh: Oh man, Andy is going to have his hands full handling TransCan
Adnan: Yeah man, but he can do it. He's done it before
Imadh: Yeah? *points @ Andy*
*Andy staring @ the ceiling in deep thought, and slightly confused
Adnan: LOL

:] Really, always good to see you man. We'll play sometime, I promise.

Church of Smash boiz: So, who are these noobz that think they've got game? Sorry man, we'll **** you guys up so bad, that our sauga boys will write up a new testament to that church of smash ****. watch out for overuling and blasphemy. LOL!

****talk aside. It's good to see another group of good smashers in the radar. Gather up your guys, and we'll face you guys. 40 stock ****z-nd-gigglez :]. Winner takes on NNR for the real deal. But a special shoutout to the MLG shirt guy (alpha?) and mainly GK. You're a tank, we need to play. Peach rivalry up in the air. I really like how rowdy you guys are, respect to that. Really. Don't give up until we beat you guys down and say so :]]. friendly ****talk btw

Georgetown boys: ToXn and Cure. Good ****. Mainly from you cure. You guys gotta give me your real names man. You two are too cool for me to be calling you by your ****ing usernames. Tell F8AL I said it's cool and that his asian *** better be around sometime soon for another tournament. I wanna piece of his Peach, lol. Bring that loser too, rofl!! dofl@warhammer

Dany + Ramy: So nice that you made it. The smash scene is pretty big and tough huh? Nothing compared to the AN tournament. Great stuff though, you guys did well on Low tier and understandable in singles. Keep it up, we'll have you come by some time for practice. :]]

(man, I'm still going)

Grmo + other organizers: Great stuff man, really. Well done for the most part, but honestly. the venue was a bit far I must say :/ the money issue was a putdown but learn from your mistakes. Next time get expenses down and charge that seperately. So that everyone knows where the money goes. Overall it was well done. Tell your mom I said she really saved the day with those cookies that had crack in them (I swear!) and all your friends for helping out. You too Jeff, great **** from you too.

Drolian: OMG SHL LOL! We miss you man ]: but we'll play sometime soon. I gotta tell you about all the **** that went down man LOL. Wasn't I right about the kid? :]]]

Dzenan: Got the spelling right, you can't mindgame Adnan :] I know you wanted in, but that's okay. Work on that falcon, dash dancing, mix-up and punish mistakes/and make less of them. You are one future Falcon elite, believe me. Just get in some knowledge and **** down. Imadh can help you there. Nerves and tournament experience afterwords.

Imadh: *claps* Bravoo! I was expecting you to do well, and you did. You are such a clutch player, omg. You honestly feed on that pressure and turn it into pro game. You put Mississauga on the map :] and I'm really proud of you with that. Along with all the other sauga guys. Stay headstrong, and don't let the attention get to you. Fight like the underdog at all times, thats where your grit comes in and shines.

That 3rd match with Bernard was the most dramatic thing since my floor hockey days. That adrenaline was nuts. you picked the one stage that I talk about so much. "Somewhere in your head when you picked that level, you thought of me" "Yeah, I did"

Thumbs up man, way up. But SoS and TransCan are around the corner, let's not stop here and show people that we got game too :]!

All-in-all it was great to meet all of you guys, really. Fun matchs, good laughs and everything.

divine knight

Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
The divine knight was unable to stay for lowtier. Lucky bernard. Who did you use anyway?? dk? GJ everyone. hope the turn out is better for S0S. sauga peepz gotta come out. Toronto is starting something magical here :)


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
David: yawn, good **** man. I'll hold the johnz. You're slowly improving in every aspect of play, and it's honestly bothering me like a bad itch (in a good way that you're getting too good, but never beastly :]) Keep it up man, you got 2 friends with loooaaaddds of potential. Motivate them, and then you'll have yourself a gang :].
lol I'm not sure whether to feel complimented by the improvement comment or insulted by the john remark.

Deleted member

I just want to say this before I forget:

Europhoria, you look IDENTICAL to Macaulay Culkin.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
^ The long hair removes the similarity somewhat. At Seasons ask me to show you my student card from a couple years ago. Then I looked exactly him.

Also... thanks for pointing that out -.-

divine knight

Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
Super shout outs version awesome:

ive been tired since yesterday and will admit the following are ****ty shoutouts.

jake: i dont know what the hell we did that day in doubles. but it was sex on ice.

noah: The Divine Knight was pleased with your performance. He also thinks those were some of the more adequate matches than usual. And on a final note, he believes the recorded matches will be satisfactorily entertaining.

tyler: we didnt end up facing,. but glad you came. made the whole trip hilarious. and i still say you shouldve taken more cookies

run: didnt face you in tourney. but it wouldve been good. you did good this tounrey, but wtf happened with lowtier. you let luigi and divine knight down.

bernard: didnt face you. i wish as well that we had more friendlies. luckily the next tourney is less than two weeks away. so we better play more between now and then, or at the tourney.

connel: good job on teams. but we ****. im glad i didnt have to face your doc

other peoples. like grmo, europhoria, adnan, V and a bunch of others. Good games all. Train hard for SoS.

IB: you surprised me with your marth, i was impressed. You gave me a run for my money, i really hope we get to face each other at the next tourney. I wish our matches were recorded.

Grmo. Over all great tournament. Dont worry if things go wrong, you did great. ANd seriously, your moms cookies friggen owned. You have to tell your mom to make a batch for SoS. They can goto the top winners in singles. That would be ill. But again, good job. hope you come out to SOs.

Everyone that went to this tournament, keep the toronto scene strong and participate at SoS. We gotta play to impress at trans and we cant be out of shape. reposted.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 23, 2007
Ajax, Ontario
Tyrant, bring your best crew members to SoS and we'll take you guys on. We got at least three secret weapons that were unable to attend this tournament, and all of them claim to be going.

We should be able to do a solid 10v10, or barring that, 5v5

We'll see you sauga *****es there


Jul 24, 2005
Mississauga Ontario, Canada
Andy: LANDEH! rofl! It's great to see you playing in tournaments, honestly. I hope things are still cool between the whole squad :] I still remember what you said to @ AN about the fun and I'll keep that in mind. But awesome placing, we all know TGBX is a monster so yeahh lol. I'll come by and visit you to chill if you like, I just always get the impression that I shouldn't. lol.
LOL! Why is that?

Oh man, me and Imadh had a friendly joke about you.

Imadh: Oh man, Andy is going to have his hands full handling TransCan
Adnan: Yeah man, but he can do it. He's done it before
Imadh: Yeah? *points @ Andy*
*Andy staring @ the ceiling in deep thought, and slightly confused
Adnan: LOL

:] Really, always good to see you man. We'll play sometime, I promise.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 19, 2007
Georgetown boys: ToXn and Cure. Good ****. Mainly from you cure. You guys gotta give me your real names man. You two are too cool for me to be calling you by your ****ing usernames. Tell F8AL I said it's cool and that his asian *** better be around sometime soon for another tournament. I wanna piece of his Peach, lol. Bring that loser too, rofl!! dofl@warhammer
Yeah it's Stefan (me) and Anton for future refrence. I was gonna call you by what I thought was your real name was but I was afraid it wasen't and I whould look like an idiot. Its anden right?

EDIT: And we will be seeing all you guys hopefully at SoS. We will be bringing our freind from our crew (G-town Rep)


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2003
Mississauga, ON
Hey everyone! This was my first 'serious' tourney -_-; : the singles was pretty humbling, but I watched some great matches, played a lot of good friendlies, and had a an overall blast...and low tier wasn't too shabby until my Kirby got ***** by a Young Link's cavalcade of projectile's (sorry, forgot your name).

@ Grmo: Thanks for organizing everything! Sucks about the few hitches that went on, but really that's to be expected. Hope you run more tourneys in the future!

@Adnan: thanks for telling me about the smash scene! I watched a couple of your Peach games and definitely learned quite a bit, now I have to go practice...some impressive stuff you got there man. We should totally hang out sometime...wanna tutor me? And I mean that in a totally non-sexual way.

@Andy/Lanowen: I didn't play you but my brother did....that GAW vs. Young Link in Low Tier was down to the wire! And everytime I watch your Samus I'm very impressed. You've got a great attitude, too.

@James(ChrnoX): thanks for popping my hardcore Smash tourney cherry! I got schooled, and good. I think I may have done a bit better had I played a couple warm up games prior, but you're in a league WAY WAY ahead of me, as were most people there.

@DK player in Low Tier (sorry, I'm bad with names...I think you were also helping to organize the tourney, did those light blue shirts mean anything?): that was the most fun 'tourney' game I had all day. Your DK was VERY impressive, I loved the combos you pulled off. I barely managed to squeeze out the win, that was a very satisfying matchup. I hope I get to play you again sometime!

@Sexy: You told me you sucked but we had a fun opening low tier match...thanks and keep practicing, you'll definitely get better. Just because we're not at the level of the uber players at the tourney doesn't mean we suck....well actually I guess it does, but whatever!

@ Toronto guys: hope you got home okay! Those directions I gave you were accurate enough, right? Did you get to Meadowvale GO station?3

@ everyone else I missed, people I randomly played in friendlies who made the day totally worth it: Thanks!


Smash Lord
Oct 26, 2006
Toronto, Canada
Hey everyone! This was my first 'serious' tourney -_-; : the singles was pretty humbling, but I watched some great matches, played a lot of good friendlies, and had a an overall blast...and low tier wasn't too shabby until my Kirby got ***** by a Young Link's cavalcade of projectile's (sorry, forgot your name).

What the hell is this!? I mean, god! There can't be TWO Kirby players at ONE tournament! This is madness!!!!



Uh yeah I'm kind of ****ed up right now.

But yeah Young Link is brutal for Kirby. Sucks that you pulled that match lol.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 13, 2006

What the hell is this!? I mean, god! There can't be TWO Kirby players at ONE tournament! This is madness!!!!



Uh yeah I'm kind of ****ed up right now.

But yeah Young Link is brutal for Kirby. Sucks that you pulled that match lol.



dude you were so asking for that
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