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Batman: We Own the Knight (mee-OWWwwwwww - Catwoman Report Card is up!)

Bane the Breaker

Jan 17, 2009
Santa Priscan
I have a question for the mayor. What do you plan to do about all the drug dealers in the city. Now granted, I'm new to the city, but this is the first I have been to where upon hours of reaching my destination, I am warned of deadly laced drugs. And from what I've heard, its not just the usual components being added, but prototype drugs being released by major companies to drug dealers for "consumer testing". Do you have a plan to resolve this problem, or is this problem just going to have to be resolved the same way all of my problems are resolved...


Clown Prince
Jan 17, 2009
I believe I won a bet

Leather Purse, I'm at the One Part Trinity place. Meet me there

Bane the Breaker

Jan 17, 2009
Santa Priscan
Well, considering he has an entire town with which to choose a location from, I think he can actually lie forever, should he wish to. In fact, if I were Joker, I would be throwing darts at a Gotham map to tell you where he is next.

Penny Plunderer

Joker, you're a pansy ***. You could've killed the Bat when you had the chance, but no, you ran away like a girl. Croc, don't even bother trying to find him. He's just gonna make you run around in circles.


Clown Prince
Jan 17, 2009


Black Mask

What the... that's the first fight scene in thread I've ever scene O_o


Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Gotham Gazette Oct. 28th, 2008

Joker's Wild By Roger Mortimer

A close-up still from a security camera at North Bay Medical Center

The news today is similar to the news yesterday. The Joker has struck again, repeatedly, resulting in scores dead in what is officially the deadliest spree killing in world history. Why Gotham? Why now? That is not something I could even hope to answer. The Joker is something that defies our natural sense, it defies order. He is not in this for money or fame. He is not a criminal in our way of understanding criminals. He is doing this because he loves it and he doesn’t give a second thought to his actions. He’s the blackest character of a human possible, the thing we don’t like to think exists. This man enjoys the pain and turmoil he causes, and that is his only motive. The Joker only wants this city to be dead, and if he kills everyone in the entire city, there is no doubt he’d just move to another one. He cannot be intimidated or scared into backing down, in fact attempts at that would probably only encourage him. The Joker is a nefarious personification of evil, an absolute. There is no shade of gray to this man. Like the cliché dark lords and villains in children’s cartoons, this man’s only purpose is to cause the most misery he can on everyone here, and he knows this. It’s what drives him.

What man could possibly rob a hospital? Even the mob would never do something like this, even the worst criminal this city has had would at least think twice about robbing a place for the sick. Not the Joker. He laughed as he ran in and mowed sick people, he killed doctors, and then he tried to rob the place of the medical supplies it needs to save lives. It’s almost as if the Joker wasn’t sure everyone knew how terrible he was, so he decided to make sure. Where he got the men to go along with him is beyond me. If the Batman hadn’t showed up we don’t know what could have happened, but we can guess.

How does the Batman fit into this? The Joker is a freak, a man hiding behind a mask and persona, which is almost no different than the Batman, except the Joker is more absolute than the Batman’s supposed lawful morality. The Batman exists outside the judicial system, a system that was not meant to combat people like the Joker but people with a sense of self-preservation and even a little bit of empathy towards fellow humans. The Joker is beyond this, and any punishment to him would not be a punishment but simply a new scenario to kill more people. If we have any hope of catching this freak, it’s the other freak that’d need to subdue him. Witnesses say they saw them fight, with the Joker leaving bleeding, which is more than the entire SWAT team could do.

But the Batman does not need to be lawless to combat the Joker. Batman has done great work to help this city; in fact he’s almost the only hope we have at this dark time. But we cannot have a lawless vigilante defend Gotham. Let the Batman come in, let him be part of the Gotham Police, let him be legitimate, with a boss and rules, then let him out to fight crime. Without that we can’t hope to defeat the scum that threatens us and still remain a lawful city. The judicial system might not be able to fight the Joker, but that does not mean that the judicial system is broken, just that it needs to be changed. The Batman could be that change. Let him help us in the way we really need. Let him come in.

Animals Apprehended! By Vicki Vale

Above, left: Alleged Catwoman mopes behind bars. To right: An artist's interpretation of atavism, the disease afflicting the so-called Killer Croc

There hasn't been a newsday in over a month where we went without a story covering some horrible crime. There have been explosions, there have been thefts, there have been *****, fires, murders. Sometimes it's hard to feel any sort of hope for our beloved Gotham City.

Today, however, is one of those days where we can hold the good with the bad. Today we can renew our hope that things aren't going to be so bad. Last night, the Gotham City PD lost a lot of good men in a struggle against a Joker that got away. However, not all criminals can count themselves so lucky.

Last night, GCPD Captain James Gordon himself was hot on the trail of several reported art burglaries. Finally at about 9:00 PM, at Slim Jim's Truck Stop, he apprehended the Catwoman, a known thief and current suspect of the explosions at the Department of Waste Management offices. Her identity is not being made known at this time, although the police reported that she had in her possession thousands of dollars of stolen art. When reached for a comment, she simply remarked, "This is a farce. I can't be caged like this."

As if one animal weren't enough, the police apprehended the wanted and vicious Killer Croc. At 11:45 PM, he was found handcuffed on the street of Trinity Place in the middle of the road. It is currently unknown how he was subdued, but it is clear that he is suffering from atavism. In his animalistic rage, he was unable to comment.

As of printing, both criminals are being held at undisclosed municipal holding areas. On the arrests, District Attorney Harvey Dent had to say: "These arrests demonstrate that this city is stronger than any criminals who attempt to terrorize it. We are fighting back, and we're winning." Word of hope for those of us looking for light, and an encouraging message to lead us further into the Holiday week.

Bad Penny About to Turn Up? By Alexander Knox

Everyone wants to know the nature of the Joker's interest in the Penny Pawner

While police are baffled by the Joker's homicidal rampage, we have gotten our hands on insider information that could be crucial to the Joker's capture. According to our source, another costumed creep has recently earned the Joker's ire, and the Joker has set out to make his life hell.

The Penny Pilferer specializes in stealing - you guessed it - pennies. We're not quite sure just what he did to tick off the Joker, but the Joker's stuck the Penny with a whopping hundred thousand dollar bounty (that's ten million in pennies, by the way). This Penny Pincher has been lying low so far, but when he shows his Lincoln you can expect things to get wild!

With so much cash riding on this one, plenty of people on both sides of the law are getting interested. Rumor has it that Mafia Don Carmine Falcone is looking to get into the action, and a number of other more flamboyant entrepreneurial evil-doers may be gunning for the Penny Purloiner as well! Not to mention Gotham's own boys in blue, who (now that we've tipped them off) may be looking for a chance to nab that Penny, and use him as a lure for that clown fish they've been trying to hook!

So, who's going to be the lucky fellow to catch this bad Penny? And when they do, is the Joker going to pony up the cash he's promised? Who knows! But one thing's for sure, I sure wouldn't want to be the Penny Philanderer in Gotham tonight!

Today's Population: 5,599,925

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

"And here we are once again, taking your calls on WGN, the Cool Breeze!"

"Reports of the apprehension of several criminals and the near-capture of the Joker has the city buzzing. Let's hear what the populace has to say. In the meantime, here's a little number that I think we're all feeling."

"Right, and when you're done playing your bad stoner rock, consider the phone lines open!"

Rupert Thorne

It is sad to see the Batman accomplish more in one night than the entire police force has since this killing spree began. Not only did he manage to actually do some damage to the Joker, but given how Killer Croc was captured, I must assume he had a hand there as well. I'm not sure there are many others who would leave someone that dangerous handcuffed in the middle of a street.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2006
OOC: Hey, my roomate broke my laptop's screen this morning, so Im rather out of comission for a while. Im getting it back on Wednesday.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

"Well what have we here, folks!"

"According to our newsfeed, local businessman Rupert Thorne has called for a press conference at the North Bay Medical Center, the sight of the Joker's most violent crime yet. I'm sure GCN will be in."

"In the meantime, check out this little number."

"And as always, don't be afraid to Shoot the Breeze."

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

Good morning, Gotham City. As always, I'm your anchorman, Mike Engel. Today we're gathered outside of the North Bay Medical Center in the pink district, where it's said that local business mogul Rupert Thorne has an important announcement to make.

In a rare move, your local radio jockeys on "The Cool Breeze" are broadcasting this live, allowing you to call in and question Mr. Thorne from your own homes.

In the meantime, everyone is waiting to know what's on his mind.

The camera focuses on Thorne, who walks up to a podium and clears his throat.

Rupert Thorne

Good morning citizens of Gotham. Last night, at this very site, Gotham witnessed the latest tragedy in the most brutal killing spree it has ever seen. The Joker, who is the suspect for a large number of these killings, broke into this very hospital and, without regard took the lives of the sick men and women, the doctors, even some members of the SWAT team. If it weren't for the interference of the Batman, the night may very well have seen much more bloodshed, and for that, fugitive or not, we must thank him.

While this was happening, where was our Mayor, Anthony Garcia? On Gotham Tonight insinuating that organized crime is behind the Joker. Not even the worst of our crime kingpins would rob a hospital. This is the work of someone sick, with no empathy for humanity.

Mayor Garcia pushes his policies of incremental change. And they have made progress in this city. However, incremental change only works on a known foe, one who you can see how it effects them. A foe who follows a pattern, and you know where you can crack down to hurt them. This new foe needs a quick change in policy, one that moves as fast as he, not incremental so we're always a step behind. He is a danger to every person in this city, and with each day there is not a drastic change in handling the situation, more people come at risk. Therefore, on this day, I announce my candidacy for Mayor of Gotham, so we can take the reigns and put a stop to this tragic crime wave as soon as possible.

Rupert Thorne

I refuse to accept any endorsements from the likes of you. To the citizens of Gotham, do not get this confused as the Joker and I being connected. He simply knows that I am more of a threat to his continued ability to continue as he is, and he is trying to place distrust in you.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
A man stands up from the horde.

"Mr. Thorne, why do you feel that your quick change policies will make a difference? What's your over all game plan?"

Rupert Thorne

Well, the problem with fighting the Joker is the style of foe he is. He doesn't seem to follow a set standard, and we have no idea what to expect from him. Slow change can only work on foes who we have an idea of motives and what to expect from. None of my plans are entirely finalized, but I do have plans to make changes to the organization of the police force to better appropriate its resources towards stopping this crime spree. The other options and plans I have in place would not be nearly as effective if the Joker knew them, so I hope you can forgive me not going into any more detail at this time.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
Another man.

"I take it you read Roger Mortimer's piece this morning. What do you think of this idea.... of legitimizing the Batman? And what's your stance on the Batman in general? Is he a hero? A menace?"

Rupert Thorne

My stance on the Batman is relatively complex. In less... Severe cases, I believe he can be considered dangerous. He may fight with the side of the law, but he does not do so with any kind of guidelines as our police force uses. However, as was mentioned in the article you mention, he left the Joker bloody which was more damage than the entire SWAT team could do. I believe if he could be legitimized, he would be a help to the city, but if he is not brought into the system the negatives very well outweigh the positives.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

"Mr. Thorne, what is your stance on organized crime? Even with the Joker gone, we still have the city nearly controlled the Italian, African-American, and Eastern European criminal syndicates."

Rupert Thorne

Obviously, the organized crime syndicates still pose a threat to the city and must be dealt with, which I also have plans to deal with. I believe the police force has been handling these issues increasingly well recently, and I will work to further improve their recent successes.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
you get the idea

"What are your thoughts on the Catwoman and this Killer Croc guy? Their arrests, and the general plan of action the police have been taking."

Rupert Thorne

I am happy to see these criminals put behind bars, more so the Killer Croc than Catwoman. As for the general plan of action for the police, it seems... Strange. There are countless murders going on around town, one thing Mayor Garcia said in his interview on Gotham Tonight that I agree with, if there's a murderer and a thief, obviously you want both caught, but you have to prioritize. If we find out this Catwoman was behind the bombing she is suspected of, that still leaves her leaps and bounds behind the Joker in body count, and yet there was enough focus to catch her and not enough to accomplish catching the Joker.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
"Mr. Thorne, Vicki Vale, from the Gazette!

One of our sources informs us that the five captured men who were working with the Joker at last night's robbery have strong ties to the Falcone crime family. What do you think of this? Does this change the way you look at the Joker, and at organized crime in anyway? How you plan to deal with them?"

Rupert Thorne

The Joker is a threatening figure. I don't think that this necessarily points to there being a connection between organized crime and the Joker, solely that people are afraid, be they criminals or upstanding citizens. It is something that would need looked into, but all people, not just the law-abiding citizens can be swayed when fear reaches a certain point. I must believe the heads of the crime families are aware of the dangers of consorting with the Joker, and that it is no more likely they are involved than them not being involved. Once again, something that should be considered, but is not case-making evidence of a connection.


"How do you feel about the legions of men all vying to be the one to kill you?"

Rupert Thorne

Honestly? Legions of men? Well, I feel like I must seem pretty threatening to villains out there if there are legions of men trying to be the one to kill me immediately following an announcement to RUN for Mayor. To the people of Gotham who are listening, I believe that right there proves I am the man for this job if the last caller is telling the truth. There are men who have already done a lot to lower this town's crime rate, and yet I have legions of men vying to kill me for potentially putting another name on that list? Honestly, I am flattered that you are that worried about how much I will improve the city.

The Riddler

Good day my fellow citizens, I don't mean to intrude, so allow me to get right down to the point. I am only addressing the freaks in costumes, and maybe a few normies as well. You know who you are. While the rest of you were busy getting beaten up by Batman or arrested, I was being a good boy and doing my homework.

Between a fish and a friar,
Between the skeleton and the spire,
Look behind the painted mat
To read the true name of the bat.

Whoever reads it first is free to erase the writing on the wall or tell the whole world. Batman, if you make it there first, your secret is safe with me--unless you come after me for it, in which case everyone will learn who you are even if you found some way to silence me with or without killing me. More than anyone else, I am a man of my word.


It conflicts with what I've believed, but you may be onto something Riddler. Ive decided to leave the site unmolested. Let the world know.

The Riddler

I hope you don't think I'd announce who Batman is just because you pretended to have solved my riddle.

The Riddler

Congratulations, Batman. Your secret is safe with me, provided you don't come after me to ensure it remains a secret. I will not use it as leverage against you otherwise. I can not.

Additionally, I have captured the Joker, he should be out of everyone's business for a little bit.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue

"Back again on WGN, the Cool Breeze!"

"Local businessman and now repeat politician Rupert Thorne showed strong to press and citizen questioning, however showed befuddlement when an unusual caller offered a riddle to the public and then claimed to have captured the Joker. He also claimed to have figured out the identity of the Batman."

"Give us your thoughts, cheers, and jeers!"

Rupert Thorne

Hello citizens, Rupert Thorne here. This Riddler fellow seems dangerous. I encourage all citizens of Gotham to not trust him. If he has truly captured the Joker, and more importantly if he has truly discovered the Batman's identity, he is likely trying to draw us into making a deal, which when dealing with figures like this is terribly risky to do. Regardless if he is telling the truth, the men and women of the police force will be able to accomplish the same in due time, and without as high of costs. In the meantime, stay aware when you are out. There is no proof the Joker has been captured, and this would be a clever ploy to fall off the radar and catch us off guard.
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