That reasoning from Craig is agreeably piss poor, I'd say it's on the level of Miyamoto's "F Zero needs a new control scheme for the modern era", which does get me riled up inside. Especially since after the buyout Rare put out Conker- Live and Reloaded on XBOX, the DKC Trilogy on GBA, Diddy Kong Racing DS on DS AND Rare Replay on XBOX One. Remakes and ports on SIX different occasions. Rare never was the company that started trends, but they were the company that put out the best of the best in a genre. Rare didn't invent the beat em up genre, the fighting genre, the 2D platformer genre, the 3D platformer genre, the racing game genre, or the FPS genre, but Battle Toads, Killer Instinct, DKC, Banjo, Diddy Kong Racing and Goldeneye were among the top dogs of their genres. To say it isn't "Rare" of them to just make a good sequel or remake is a PR lie and it upsets me to hear it. From what I played of SoT, it was alright, but not worth $40. Now I know for sure I won't actually purchase it. This isn't the end of the world, though, since Banjo can get outsourced like KI and Battletoads. Someone at Rare/Xbox just needs to get their **** together and find a company that wants to actually turn a profit and make that Banjo game.