I never had any problem with the pose after jumps, I never noticed it. Probably because I always run and while running that pose will not happen. If there is any problem in KDL3's gameplay, it's due to the camera system, that often does not follow up the character very well, but that's all to me. I appreciated very much how that game changes completely depending on the animal you're riding, and my favorite side mission is the one where you have to bring the hamster to the end of the level, jumping on walls and on enemies and without being able to fly; it feels almost like a Mario game.
The games that follow the Superstar formula have many abilities with their moveset, but they're all similar, like a fighting game... I really liked how changing the ability would change completely the approach to the game in the Dreamland games.
I also like the direction of Triple deluxe, it's clearly trying to merge the two separate universes as I said before. The art style was generic in KRTD, in KTD the art style is a lot better, and depending on the level it resembles more Superstar or the Dreamland games... it's the closest thing to the Dreamland games after, maybe Canvas Curse (Old Odissey being the closest set of levels). And it's not just the art style, the level design also, Kirby breaks the blocks with the jump again (honestly I can't remember if it was possible in KRTD, but If I remember well, I think it was not possible, probably I'm wrong), there are many references to the Dreamland games, enemies, keychains, Kirby Fighters stages... it's the first game after many years that actually considers the existence of those games.
What I don't like of the recent Kirby games are the super abilities, they're slow and boring just like some powers of Kirby 64.
I'm sad about the art style of Rainbow Curse; while I like the clay thing, I don't thing that alone is enough to make a good art style. The color palette, the environments, the patterns... it looks like all the progresses made with Triple Deluxe are gone in favor of generic grasslands, hills and, rainbows just because it's Kirby.

but at least the gameplay will be cool, as Canvas Curse was.