I absolutely hate it when everyone says that if you don't b stick, you're missing out. That is not true. B sticking is a playstyle, and everyone has their own playstyle, if you like b sticking, good for you, want a cookie for it? B stick all you want, but it doesn't matter, its all about playstyle, pick the style you prefer, don't force yourself to b stick just because everyone says it better, try it out and if you don't like it, don't do it. Zap jumping, in my opinion, is a little to risky. Just one second off and you will just cancel you're second jump about halfway...making your recovery worse...yea, you can master, but still, you can screw yourself over with just one mistake...Lucas' second jump is already good enough to pretty much get you back on stage from anywhere, and if its not good enough, pk thunder recovery is extremely easy to direct, there is no absolutely no reason to say that you can't have a good recovery unless you b stick. Zap jumping will take you high but you can only do a pk fire...with a regular mid air jump, you can use any of your aerials, making it better for countering if someone tries to intercept...wave bouncing is pretty easy to do without b sticking, if you can't do it then why bother using Lucas? No one is missing out on anything if you don't b stick, just choose a playstyle...