This was going to be a question, but since I saw Nathan on msn just moments ago, its now a statement. I'll be bringing 'potato_guy' from our little wc3 sessions to DC's place, to play some smash tomorrow. =] So you guys can meet him and stuff, which will be cool. He knows the buttons for smash, but is total noob I'm pretty certain. Still, he wants to come so thats nice! ^^
Btw potato_guy's name is Daniel. But we (at work) just call him Cicca [sissa]. Its just an abbreviation of his last name, thats all. Oh, and me and him were the ones to come up with the SafewayTD map for wc! ^^
Objective: Kill the hordes of ungrateful customers before they can reach the registers and "check-out". If too many get through, and take all the cash, you get fired (fail mission) LOL! We also plan to make heros based on the actual employees at store #3144 ^^ So yep, there'll be a Jon hero! =D
Oh and the final round is kill the Store Manager Grant, cause he's a total *** and deserves it! Theres a lot of other little details that'll be included, but for now thats a taste! =]
*EdIt* Could I have a show of hands whose coming to my place on Wednesday? I'd hate to prepare for a large or moderate number, and then see only the core group come. I'm expecting:
Me, Shaz, Em, Cao, Cats, Sebastian, and well.. I havent gotten a whole lot of responses other than that =p