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ATL South QOTD: Today: Evasive


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I don't get to talk with Atl South as a whole, which kind of sucks because I hate having to visit five threads at a time and each of them with completely different conversations.

So yeah! We should have a question of the day thread :3. Seems pretty successful in other places so why not?

One question a day obv, you can request questions via PM if you want.

Question today : Have you ever been in a physical fight with anyone? If you've been in multiple ones tell us your most extreme fight. If you've never been in one tell us your strongest emotional dispute. Did you win?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
I have, actually.

It was in middle school, 8th grade. I went to Summerour Middle school. VERY ****ING GHETTO SCHOOL.

I was in a class that attempted to teach Astronomy, but was basically "Look, this planet's here, this is over here, and this is a star. Herpderp A+."

Me and one kid, tall skinny white kid, were working on an assignment where we had to put a model of the solar system together. I was using a hot glue gun, and he was holding the wood straight. He said he "didn't trust himself" with the glue gun. He thought he might get me on accident. So, a girl trips over the cord while we're working, and my hand slips. I place the HOT glue gun right onto the back of his hand..

After he screamed in pain, he decided it was my fault entirely. So he swings at me. I duck and back away, but he keeps trying to hit me. So I duck and keep moving, but eventually I'm in a corner, so I have to basically headbutt this kid in the gut. He reels over and grabs me, taking me to the ground. He pummels me a bit, but the kids in the class pulled him off of me.

So yeah, I was only on the defensive, and he was the one who got in trouble. I thought, since I retaliated, that we would both get in trouble. But the kids in the class told a different story than what the other kid said.

I was only in one other one, but idk if it counts, because I didn't really do anything but get thrown down and kicked. 4 on 1 =/= fair.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
That's such a lame fight xD. I think I have an (almost) equally lame fight.

I was in middle school, 8th grade (ironic eh?) and we had volleyball tournaments at our school. Just small four v four teams during P.E, nothing huge. So we were playing and we won a 'heated' match for lack of a better term. I was talking to one of my teammates and a mad opponent punches me in the chest as he's walking to the locker room.

So me and some of my friends had this weird thing where we would act like mentally ******** people (just hit our chests with the sides of our palms and say "derp"). For whatever reason, I ran up to him, did that really loud (in a huge crowd) and punched him in the side of the face afterwards. He got really mad and tried to pull me in the middle of a locker room area to fight; in the end nothing happened.

Then he talked **** saying he would've beat my ***, then we both got OoS for three days, he started crying in the office about how I hit him; dunno why.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
luls. It was a lame fight, but then again, I don't like being an aggressor...

Plus, I don't like fighting. I'll do it, y'know, in self defense, but I won't like it.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
I've never been involved in a serious altercation. The worst it's gotten is pushing and shoving but that was when I was little. I always avoid getting into fights.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
I almost got in one in the 7th grade.

I was walking down the hall and I got shoved. So I turned, and I was like, wtf? I saw who it was and it was someone that I knew and they were laughing. So, me being an idiot, shoved him back playing around. As I go to shove, some ******* (read: someone I don't like) jumped in the way. This led to a bunch more shoving until a teacher came around and broke it up.

Yep. Lame.

Who said us gamers actually get beaten up on a regular basis? lol.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
From what I've noticed, most gamers don't really get into serious altercations, who would've thought?

I had a question request today, so that'll be the QOTD. (it was edited a bit for more conversation)

"What is your current faith? How long have you believed it and have you ever considered changing faiths? Were you brought into this faith through family or your own exploration?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
I currently don't have a set faith. However, if I had to align myself with something, it would be the Norse gods. The Viking religion makes more sense, IMO, than other religions. I like the concept of a set beginning and end, which could turn out one way or the other.

Plus, when you get right down to it, it can teach you some very interesting lessons.

Although, I do think that Buddhism teaches a lot of nice lessons as well.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Well, most religions are meant to give a set meaning, certain lessons, etc. So to say that yours gives better lessons is all a matter of perspective.

I am a christian baptist ; y'know, the religion that gets depicted as black people 'getting slain in the spirit' and passing out in church? Yeah, that one.


Smash Hero
Nov 11, 2008
i'm exercising my right to not have to attend churches, even though it's georgia

if i did attend a church, it'd probobly youth group or something

i have no urge to believe/not believe/be agnostic about religion


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2008
I'm gonna wreck it! (Fort Myers)
Catholic, been Catholic since I was introduced to it, I never really thought of changing faths, I was introduced to it by my family, I've explored other religions, but they all don't seem 'as' correct to me.

Boring answer.

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
"What is your current faith? How long have you believed it and have you ever considered changing faiths? Were you brought into this faith through family or your own exploration?
Nihilism, and for over 5 years. I never will.

What is Nihilism, you ask?

People ask me that often. I tell them "I'm a Nihilist". They say "What's that?". I say "Look it up". They never do. It's a shame because Nihilism is such a intriguing philosophy and belief, which I feel little to no one really knows about. This is where I come in, I guess. I've decided to try and help explain it. However, I figure I should give a background as to while I am a Nihilist first.

In July of 2005, my father, Theodore Mooney, passed away for multiple forms of Cancer. This tore me apart, and I didn't know how to deal with it. I had already been dealing with severe depression from my Father being so sick, and never being home. It's kind of hard to hear a doctor say "Your father won't live to see the end of the year". Nihilism is how I took control of the situation. I embraced my faith of nothing. I went to Nihilism because I had nothing left to believe in.

A common, but misleading, description of nihilism is the 'belief in nothing'. Instead, a far more useful one would substitute 'faith' for 'belief' where faith is defined as the "firm belief in something for which there is no proof." A universal definition of nihilism could then well be the rejection of that which requires faith for salvation or actualization and would span to include anything from theology to secular ideology. Within nihilism faith and similar values are discarded because they've no verifiable objective substance, they are invalid serving only as yet another exploitable lie never producing any strategically beneficial outcome. Faith is an imperative hazard to group and individual because it compels suspension of reason, critical analysis and common sense. Nietzsche once said that faith means not wanting to know. Faith is 'don't let those pesky facts get in the way of our political plan or our mystically ordained path to heaven'; faith is 'do what I tell you because I said so'. All things that can't be disproved need faith, utopia needs faith, idealism needs faith, and spiritual salvation needs faith. I abolish faith.

The second element nihilism rejects is the belief in final purpose, that the universe is built upon non-random events and that everything is structured towards an eventual conclusive revelation. This is called teleology and it's the fatal flaw plaguing the whole rainbow of false solutions from Marxism to Buddhism and everything in between. Teleology compels obedience towards the fulfillment of "destiny" or "progress" or similar such grandiose goals. Teleology is used by despots and utopian dreamers alike as a coercive motivation leading only to yet another apocryphal apocalypse; the real way to lead humanity by the nose - tell them it's all part of the big plan so play along or else! It may even seem reasonable but there is not now and never has been any evidence the universe operates teleologically - there is no final purpose. This is the simple beauty nihilism has that no other idea-set does. By breaking free from the tethers of teleology one is empowered in outlook and outcome because for the first time it's possible to find answers without proceeding from pre-existing perceptions. We're finally free to find out what's really out there and not just the partial evidence to support original pretext and faulty notions only making a hell on earth in the process. So, I abolish teleology, too.

Nihilism is primarily skepticism coupled with reduction, but in practical reality it takes on more than one facet which often leads to a confusion of definitions. In the most general sense nihilism has two major classifications, the first is passive and usually goes by the term existential or 'social' nihilism and the second is active and is termed 'political' nihilism.

Existential nihilism is a passive world view which revolves around such topics as suffering and futility, and even has connections to Eastern mysticism like Buddhism. In a more direct sense existential 'social' nihilism is manifest within the sense of isolation, futility, angst, and the hopelessness of existence increasingly prevalent within the modern digital world, an effect referred to as the 'downward spiral'. A direct way to describe it might be 'detachment from everything'.

Words used to describe political nihilism include active, revolutionary, destructive, and even creative. Political nihilism is dictionary defined as the realization "that conditions in the social organization are so bad as to make destruction desirable for its own sake independent of any constructive program or possibility." It deals with authority and social structures rather than simply the introspective, personal emotions of existential nihilism. Political nihilism especially is a world-view that's rational, logical, empirical, scientific and devoid of pointless, extraneous emotion. It's the logical psyche that distills everything down into what is known, what can be known and what can't be known. It's the realization that all values are ultimately relativistic and in some ways the simplicity of nihilism is its own complexity. If you want a good example of this, see Bill Clinton while visiting North Korea earlier last year. Perfect example.

Without a higher moral judge, nothing beyond life goes punished or rewarded. The fundamental moral quandary is that in order for moral rules to have validity they must have an ultimate arbiter, otherwise right and wrong dive into confusing waters of relativism. That ultimate arbiter has always been God, the final judge, where the buck stops, where even Earth's most evil and wicked run amok with free will get their comeuppance. The Bible says the Earth is the Devils domain (Isaiah 13:11 & Revelation 12:9, even though the Bible also says God created the Earth, Genesis 1:1). If that's what everyone expects, then that's all it will ever be. As a Nihilist I say it's our domain and we can make it a hell or a heaven. But as long as we prejudge the decision absolving ourselves of responsibility then it probably will be a realm for the Devil.

When we conclude that we each only get one life, the goal becomes painfully obvious, as unpleasant as the sight of the predator messily devouring the prey on Wild Kingdom. I think humans are the gods, but the corporal package is a powerful dichotomy.Worm and god side by side. We need no higher power for justification or success, only the desire and willpower. Each human life has the potential, but unless one strives to be something higher they are only a worm. We can do anything, but the question is: will we? Will we struggle in vain with the futile labels of olde, senselessly slaughtering each other over self-imposed polarities while disingenuous despots reap the profits from our collective bloodletting? Or will we choose the exit, and in this very dark room known as life not too many exit signs are visible. The one I used is called nihilism.

And no, I will never change my "faith".

Vonzar the Soulrender

4th Dimensional Horror
Oct 8, 2008
If I had to label what I believe it'd have to be "Christian", however I don't think that what I believe are the views espoused by most Christians in the world. I believe that Jesus Christ is the "Son" of God and all but some of my other views are a bit different and I would have to write a wall of text as big as Eikelmann to explain.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
I write. Stories, Poems, etc, you name it. I also listen to a lot of music. That, coupled with video games.

When I feel stressed, I go out and skate. It takes my mind off of things.
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