That last game game between HBox and Mango isnt something I would label "deserved".
Yes, the facts are that Mango SD'd twice at low percentages. Only someone idiotic or uninformed would say otherwise. However, saying HBox DESERVED the win doesn't really go by well either. Sure, the man played well and/or correctly, and a top 8 EVO finish can prove it. That being said, no matter how well you play, you are NEVER actually taking a stock from your opponent when they SD. The name is self explanatory-- SELF Destruct. Mango basically threw away 2 stocks for whatever reasons he may have. HBox didnt land some combo on him to take those stocks. Hungrybox did NOT deserve those stocks, as he never earned them. However, this is a competition. The phrase we all have come to mindlessly spew during commentary "WE TAKE THOSE" is because we ACKNOWLEDGE a person's mistake, but show no mercy because we expect them to be capable of near "flawless" or top level play. The phrase isnt "WE EARN THOSE" for a reason. There was nothing that you worked for and earned, and if you did, it was minimal. Gimps are a different story because you BAIT your opponent into a bad position and KO them early. SDs? Nah, you didnt do crap.
Yes, Hbox took the win over Mango. Did he deserve it? I certainly believe he deserved the first game he won. Game 3? Depends. He certainly worked hard to take the remaining Mango stocks, but having it be such a close game with TWO SDs makes me firmly believe he MOST LIKELY would have lost. However, there was always that possibility of HBox pulling through, in the same fashion that Chu did vs HugS, or Mango did vs Plup game 2.