gamespot is going to give it 2/10 deserves a 12/10
No, reallistically it deserves an 8/10.
Seriously, we only got 13 new characters and some of them were based of other characters, or have moves off other characters (Lucas, ROB, Lucario, Wolf, ). Let me mention something. I think Brawl was rushed, why? Well, let's take a look at the newcomers we were shown first:
Meta Knight: The only move he has that is similar to another's is his Tornado-Mario's
Pit: Completely original
Wario: Completely Original
ZSS: Completely Original
Snake: Completely Original
Then, Sakurai started the Dojo to hype the game. Let's put it this way. The Dojo probably screwed us in the end. Here is how:
Sakurai started his daily updates on the Dojo on May 22nd 2007. This was ONLY there to cause hype and excitement (obviously). Now, the date he started updating was HORRIBLE AND STUPID! When he started updating, people assumed that Brawl was at it's tail end of development. However, due to the delay we saw, it was not. Nintendo's Reggie said that the release date was Dec 3rd to cause more hype. Again, bad idea.
When fans heard the first delay they were clammering, and probably started cancelling pre-orders. Not good for Nintendo. So they put the hammer on Sakurai and made him develop VERY QUICKYLY.
Again, there is evidence of this by looking at the charcters that were revealed and the order they were revealed in. Our first clone was Lucas, and that was late in development. Nintendo had probably put the hammer down to get the game released ASAP by then (Nitendo knew of the delay obviously by the Lucas update).
Before Lucas we got Pokemon Trainer, Ike and Diddy. All original. I'm almost certain we would have gotten Krystal over Wolf, an original Ganondorf, Toon Link, and Falco, Isaac, and Ridley if there was no pressure. Blame this on the early start up of the Dojo. The Dojo should have started after the game was done (if by my theory about Q3 2008) and showed all the characters (only characters) once a week until release.
Spore fans have waited. They have only been given trailers, no updates. They will probably get a full project because the team there has NOT been rushed.