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are all these "adv" techs really worth that much..?


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
I mean think about it, we're constantly trying to find all these advanced moves...but really most of em are pretty useless except in very certain situations.

honestly I think we should actually concentrate more on finding combos that actually work all the time, as well as counters for any attack, that work every time...instead of trying to find some new "mindgame" to play on the oppenent who probably won't fall for it anyway.:ohwell:


Smash Lord
May 10, 2008
This may be true to most players. Average players dont tend to fall for mind games, just because they are consentrating on attacking as fast as possible or charging smashes. However, against good players, comboing tends to be rather hard. Since they know how to get away from them. Like a down tilt into an up aerial works on average players, but above average will either jump away or dodge and head down to counter. Which is where mind gaming people with AT come into play.

Example being the arrow loop. Average players its sorta pointless to do this, just because the arrow can easily hit them on the initial release. While above average players will dodge on coming arrows, and arrow looping allows you to hit them when they dont expect it.

The most useful ATs that i generally use often are the angelic dance, glide shifting, and arrow loops. Any sort of AT that involves wings are generally harder to do, and have alot less obvious uses against average players. Though the wings renewal is fairly useful to chase people off stage.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
man i tell you there are always doubters out there that post threads like this every two weeks. Good thing I wrote an article about this.


I would like to mention something my good friend said and I agree with him. "He said that some ppl prefer to walk around the stage and some ppl prefer to wavedash across the stage." I prefer to wavedash or in this case wingdash across the stage. It is fun and adds style. You SHOULD learn these AT's because they help develop style tremendously.

But if you don't want to learn them, then you can play like those Japan Pits, very boring, slow, and unpolished. The choice is yours.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
well.....rather then explain all the reason why I'm wondering if they are all really that useful.....the best pit user here, pm me, I want you to...meet someone.....a pit user who doesn't use A single advanced tech, not even arrow looping, yet he can easily destroy most people he playes, 3 stocking, or occasionally 4 stockng them, I want you to face him to see how someone who doesn't use any advanced techs still manages to destroy most people he plays.


Smash Ace
May 18, 2008
Bay area, California
well some adv techs dont immediately help improve your game. Like wing dashing you need to practice it alot until you can actually incorporate it into your game.
however stuff like glideshiefting and wingrenewal Instantly improve your game as it gives you more options.
stuff like wing dashing and arrow looping require alot of getting used to.
its like first time using wavedash. dont expect to own just because you know it.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
well.....rather then explain all the reason why I'm wondering if they are all really that useful.....the best pit user here, pm me, I want you to...meet someone.....a pit user who doesn't use A single advanced tech, not even arrow looping, yet he can easily destroy most people he playes, 3 stocking, or occasionally 4 stockng them, I want you to face him to see how someone who doesn't use any advanced techs still manages to destroy most people he plays.
4 stocking? maybe ur not competitive.

you obviously have the wrong idea about ATs (advance techs). Skill n ATs are completely different topics. Skill isnt based on the amount of ATs someone knows. so in that case ATs arent nessesary. BUT ATs change someones style, making more mindgames. I mean wingdashing is always useful for me. I have yet to c it fail me. The person ur talking about relies soley on speed. wouldnt it be better to have a pit player that could incorporate ATs into his speed?????


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
Ive saw the video you sent me. The one thing I saw that I liked was his control. But where are the serious mindgames without something that confuses your opponent? Not to sound cocky, but the only way I think I will lose is by no wifi exp. I have played enough Pit players to know how much these AT's work which makes me confident that I can beat a Pit without any AT's.

And me failing at AT's on a laggy wifi is not an argument against AT's. Its one reason why I dont play online. They beat you and automatically think they are better when in fact wifi is nothing like offline.

Im disappointed it had to come to this


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
Originally Posted by link2702 View Post
well.....rather then explain all the reason why I'm wondering if they are all really that useful.....the best pit user here, pm me, I want you to...meet someone.....a pit user who doesn't use A single advanced tech, not even arrow looping, yet he can easily destroy most people he playes, 3 stocking, or occasionally 4 stockng them, I want you to face him to see how someone who doesn't use any advanced techs still manages to destroy most people he plays.
4 stocking? maybe ur not competitive.

you obviously have the wrong idea about ATs (advance techs). Skill n ATs are completely different topics. Skill isnt based on the amount of ATs someone knows. so in that case ATs arent nessesary. BUT ATs change someones style, making more mindgames. I mean wingdashing is always useful for me. I have yet to c it fail me. The person ur talking about relies soley on speed. wouldnt it be better to have a pit player that could incorporate ATs into his speed?????


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
Like the artical says its better to have them and not need them then to have wished to have one. (Like a condom) for lack of a better analogy.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
I guess I have to say this but Pit actually sucks. His natural skill compared to snake for example sucks. He needs these AT's to compete and win.

CF: wow is all I have to say lol

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
You know, I really have thought about this actually.
The first Adv. Tech I learned was Arrow Looping. This one was really helpful for it helped me with my mindgames, and it was something that could be added to my arsenal when I need it, and I use it... a lot. It's fun to unsuspectingly hit someone with an arrow.
Arrow looping is one of my favorite Adv. Tech. You can do some amazing things with it.
This recent vid of a match from about 1 month ago really show why arrow looping is useful, and why I like it. (Thanks to Kupo for helping me get this vid up) Heh, poor Fox spammer.

Basically, for other Adv. Tech, actually all of them, you just need to apply them at the right time, and while you have plenty of options in your arsenal, your Pit can be dangerous. Trust me. The Tech helped me more than it had got me hurt. At the time I did the tech just for fun, but then I realized it was more than just a trick. I had to adapt and learn when to use them.
The Adv. Tech I use each play a role in battle when I'm in battle. Some are for mindgames, some can be for defensive purposes.

I use arrow rain usually when I'm down to my last stock. Not only have I constantly practiced this tech whether I win or lose, the practice helps me with the aiming. Perhaps it is me using Arrow Rain in battle that makes me stick out from other Pits (Idk how to say it), which makes me unique.

Sure, some Adv. Tech may not be as good as others, but you'll never know until you learn them, and use them at different times to see where they are most useful.
Besides, learning these Adv. Tech will give you more options in battle. At least learn some of them, so not only do you know how to do them, but you might actually use one in a match in the future.

I'm sure Palutena and the other angels will be proud of me for all that I have said. ;) I thank all of the angels who have helped me learn the Adv. Tech in the first place, for without them, I don't think I would be this good at all.


Smash Lord
May 10, 2008
Yeah i dont really like using certain Ats. Wing dash seems pretty hard online. Offline maybe ill do it, but online its usually just better for me to spot dodge into an angelic dance, or simple shoot one arrow for stun at pretty much any range thats outside of pits melee reach, seems to work much better then any wing dash i could pull online.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 12, 2008
Can someone please tell me how arrow looping is a technique? i mean it's just how the arrows work. your not doing anything spectacular with game physics or anything, your just guiding the arrow like Sakurai told you to. so, explanation please?


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2008
Playing Melee
its an AT because it is hard to find the right situation to use it and to actually hit a moving opponent. Its even harder to combo an arrow loop into another move. Also try doing an arrow loop and while the arrow is looping, grab the foe into a down throw and hit them with the looped arrow into a Bair

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
I have not been about to do that at all, and I probably never will. I might as well go back into practicing aiming with Arrow Rain, which is one of my unique abilities ^^


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
Im confused if i wished i had a condom than i wouldnt be fulfilling my act of sex. heh
Kown first I wanta say you know I wove you and respect your thoughts and view. And you know I wove to debate. Having said that I wish I could debate with you about this. lol

Never mind I was in a very bad mood yesterday sorry kown.
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