Can you guys stop with the stupid Ridley and Mewtwo thing!? I'm sorry for lashing out, but the last thing we need is for this thread to be another one that gets closed because of yet another conflict involving either those 2 characters I named, and/or clone complaints. These topics have been done to death way too much, and you'd think that after so long we'd learn to be more patient, let alone the fact that we should be grateful that there are streamers who got the game early that decided to stream for us, and that right there is something I definitely appreciate.
It's times like this where I get frustrated so much with hearing and reading about those topics to the point where I wish those 2 characters would just get deconfirmed already so we can put this to rest already, and I still wish that it would happen already. You can like the characters or not if you want, but I'm asking to please stop going back and forth with this and just wait for the truth.
For the clone thing, granted, I don't like clones myself because I like diversity and uniqueness of characters. I mean I don't like Dr Mario, have a disdain towards Dark Pit (he coulda been a semi-clone too), and I recently just got used to Lucina, but we need to put that and the "Two most conflicted characters" topics to rest, and try to at least enjoy what we have so far.