...Screw the team rates. I'll just reply to a few random things that caught my eye skimming over this thread.
Zook said:
And guys, this means no more single-team threads. They just take up space in the PC.
Why? Who died and made you mod? This place is about dead, anyway.
mario-master said:
surf cuz pro player dont use moves such as hydro pump,fire blast etc
Incorrect. Most of the time, the higher accuracy moves are better, but in certain circumstances (ie. Fire Blast Snorlax), you need the higher power move to deliver a 2hko vs a 3hko, or a ohko vs a 2hko. Jirachi sometimes uses Thunder>Thunderbolt for the 60% para chance with Serene Grace (actually, after factoring in Thunder's accuracy it's only 42%, which is still more than double thunderbolt's para chance).
cuz mine did very well in a tourny
Interesting... so that's why you were claiming you were a "pro" in your other thread... so you played in one of the nintendo tournies (which rarely are a true test of skill)?
i personally dont use him cuz i think hes uber and not suitable for tourny play
That officially makes you more knowledgable than you let on.
Knickknacks said:
w/ Choice band or somethin else
Blaze Kick(Novelty value unless someone else has it )
Swords Dance
CB is about the worst item you could use on that set... =/
Use a Salac berry, which works nicely with sub and reversal. On M2 and Weezing just use lefties. FB doesn't protect against explosion killing the user, anyway.
Btw, why'd you bother proving to everyone that your shiney m2 isn't legit by giving it those AR'd moves? Sky Uppercut isn't really a trial pulse bomb anyway, since it's physical and isn't getting boosted by tail glow. If you want to make it look a bit more legit give it CM, Tbolt, and IB>everything but recover. You appear to understand moveset making, but w/e.
Zook said:
I'm not impressed with your movesets, Blaziken in particular. Why would Blaziken have Blaze Kick over Flamethrower? Swords Dance? Substitute does NOTHING for this moveset, my friend.
You don't battle much, do you? Sub allows you to safely get down to low HP, getting reversal to its max power w/o you having to worry about getting killed. SD boosts your attack, making reversal even stronger (and come DP, Blaze Kick, too).
Chestorest is so novelty... if you're using rest you should be able to survive the few turns that you'll be left asleep. Leftovers is generally the best item on a poke, which also makes those sleeping turns more livable and can turn some 2HKOs into 3HKOs, and 3HKOs into 4HKOs. The only time you would want to use a chesto berry is if there's (eww) item clause.
What do you have against Shuckle...?
It can't wall anything even with its huge defenses due to its pitiful HP and poor movepool for tanking. If it had about 30-40 more base HP and a better tanking movepool (or even just some good utility stuff like spikes and rapid spin), OR about 70-90 more base Atk, it might have been good, but as it is, it's not even good for disruption, since all they have to do is kill you during your setup. In fact, your setup does so little and takes so long (honestly, if you want sandstorm just use ttar), that any Curser or CMer will gladly just stat up in front of you as you try to hurt it with lol Toxic, and before they get killed, rest it off. Lather, rinse, repeat until they have +6 and OHKO everything on your team.
Your Salamence example was slightly... odd. With HP:Flying, CB Mence (or one with one DD) will 3HKO it (assuming max HP/Def and max attack on mence). With EQ, it's a 2HKO. Unless mence was already <40% (I'm being generous here) or your opponent had no idea how to battle, mence should've come out on top.
psykoplympton said:
i think what you should do is get rid of those items like quick claw and magnet . They only add strength to something by 10 percent and arent very useful. You could have a berry to replace those. Just a thought.
More like lefties, but yeah.
Hm... I wrote a bit more than I was planning to... W/e. I think I'll do some actual team rating later. Oh yeah, and listen to outofdashdwz and CraK.