Well ****, I read a bit about this Angel girl, and damn. Don't know if anyone here has watched that anime, but it's pretty weird. I do think I have an idea of who the bigger threat is if it's related to Angel, but maybe it counts as spoilers about the anime so... Go search it for yourself everyone.
If anyone has some kind of skill to protect her, I recommend using it on her tonight. I don't think that role and all the stuff he's claiming is made up, it seems to be really helpful actually.
Like seriously, where is it? I think everyone at this point have talked right? Can it be we don't have a mayor this time?
I'll be going and not coming back until the day is almost over, so in case something happens and I can come here later, I'll leave my vote here.
Vote: No Lynch
Either way, this time is more difficult to prove the skill of the mayor than last time. A tie results in No Lynch, so unlike last time that we could prove that role without any risk, this time whoever we target can die if the mayor claim is false.